Module executable_complete
Require Export refinement_system executable_sound.
Require Import type_preservation refinement_preservation.
Section executable_complete.
Context `{
EnvSpec K}.
Local Opaque singleton.
Ltac solve_length :=
match goal with H :
Forall2 _ _ _ |-
_ =>
apply Forall2_length in H end;
Hint Resolve cmap_refine_memenv_refine.
Hint Immediate meminj_extend_reflexive.
Hint Immediate ctx_typed_locals_valid.
Hint Resolve (
elem_of_singleton_2 (
listset (
state K))).
Hint Resolve @
Lemma ehexec_complete Γ
m1 m2 k e1 e2 τ
lr :
✓ Γ → ✓{Γ}
m1 → ✓{'{
m1}}* (
locals k) → (Γ,'{
locals k.*2) ⊢
e1 : τ
lr →
locals k ⊢ₕ
m1 ⇒
m2 → ∃
f e2'
(* 1.) *) (
m2') ∈
ehexec Γ
k e1 m1 ∧
(* 2.) *) e2' ⊑{(Γ,
locals k.*2),
e2 : τ
lr ∧
(* 3.) *) m2' ⊑{Γ,
m2 ∧
(* 4.) *) meminj_extend meminj_id f '{
m1} '{
intros ? Hm1 Hρ He1 p. destruct (ehstep_preservation Γ m1 m2
(locals k) e1 e2 τlr) as (Hm2&He2&Hm); auto.
revert Hm1 Hρ He1 Hm2 He2 Hm. case p; clear p; try by (
intros; eexists meminj_id, _, _; repeat match goal with
| H : assign_sem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
apply assign_exec_correct in H
| H : ?o = Some _ |- context [of_option ?o] => rewrite H
| _ => rewrite ctx_lookup_correct
| _ => progress simplify_equality'
| _ => rewrite collection_bind_singleton
| _ => rewrite elem_of_singleton
| _ => rewrite elem_of_union
| _ => rewrite decide_False by done
| _ => rewrite collection_guard_True by done
| _ => case_match; [|done]
end; split_ands; eauto using cmap_refine_id', expr_refine_id).
intros m Ω o τi τ n ????????; typed_inversion_all.
set (o' := fresh (dom indexset m)) in *.
assert (o' ∉ dom indexset m) by (apply is_fresh).
edestruct (λ τ, mem_alloc_new_refine' Γ false meminj_id m m
(fresh (dom indexset m)) o true perm_full (τ.[Z.to_nat n])) as (f&?&?&?);
eauto using cmap_refine_id', perm_full_unshared, perm_full_mapped.
eexists f, _, _; split_ands; [solve_elem_of| | |]; eauto.
refine_constructor; eauto using lockset_valid_weaken, mem_alloc_new_forward'.
* eapply locks_refine_weaken with false meminj_id '{m} '{m};
eauto using locks_refine_id, mem_alloc_new_forward', option_eq_1.
* do 2 refine_constructor;
eauto using addr_top_array_refine, mem_alloc_new_index_typed'.
Lemma cexec_complete Γ δ
S1 S2 σ
f :
✓ Γ → ✓{Γ,'{
SMem S1}} δ → Γ ⊢
S1 : σ
f → Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ
S1 ⇒
S2 → ∃
f S2',
(* 1.) *) Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ
S1 ⇒ₑ
S2' ∧
(* 2.) *) S2' ⊑{Γ,
S2 : σ
f ∧
(* 3.) *) meminj_extend meminj_id f '{
SMem S1} '{
SMem S1}.
intros ? Hδ1 HS1 p.
destruct (cstep_preservation Γ δ S1 S2 σf) as [HS2 Hδ2]; auto.
revert Hδ1 HS1 Hδ2 HS2. case p; clear p; try by (
intros; simpl; repeat match goal with
| _ => setoid_rewrite collection_bind_singleton
| _ => case_decide; try done
end; eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id).
* intros m k Ei e ????.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
destruct Ei; simpl; eauto.
* intros m1 m2 k E e1 e2 ?? (τlr&Heτlr&?&?) ? _; simpl in *.
typed_inversion Heτlr; edestruct (ectx_subst_typed_rev Γ '{m1}
(locals k.*2) E e1) as (τlr&?&?); eauto.
edestruct (ehexec_complete Γ m1 m2 k e1 e2) as (f&e2'&m2'&?&?&?&?); eauto.
exists f (State k (Expr (subst E e2')) m2'); split_ands; auto.
{ assert (is_redex e1) as He1 by eauto using ehstep_is_redex.
assert (maybe2 EVal (subst E e1) = None) as ->.
{ destruct E as [|Ei] using rev_ind; [by destruct He1|].
by destruct Ei; by rewrite ?subst_app. }
apply elem_of_bind; exists (E, e1).
assert (maybe_ECall_redex e1 = None) as ->.
{ rewrite eq_None_not_Some; intros [[[[[[Ω f'] τs] σ] Ωs] vs] Hcall].
rewrite maybe_ECall_redex_Some in Hcall; destruct Hcall as [-> _].
inv_ehstep. }
rewrite decide_False by esolve_elem_of.
split; eauto using expr_redexes_complete.
apply elem_of_bind; eexists; split; eauto; esolve_elem_of. }
eleft; split_ands; repeat refine_constructor; eauto.
+ eapply ectx_subst_refine; eauto 10 using ectx_refine_weaken,
ectx_refine_id, ehstep_forward, ehexec_sound.
+ eauto 10 using ctx_refine_weaken,
ctx_refine_id, ehstep_forward, ehexec_sound.
* intros m k Ω f τs τ E Ωs vs ?????; simpl.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
assert (maybe2 EVal (subst E e) = None) as ->.
{ by destruct E as [|[] E] using rev_ind; rewrite ?subst_app. }
apply elem_of_bind; exists (E, e)%E; split.
{ unfold e; simpl. rewrite maybe_ECall_redex_Some_2 by done. by left. }
apply expr_redexes_complete; repeat constructor. apply EVals_nf.
* intros m k E e He Hsafe ????; simpl in *.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
assert (maybe2 EVal (subst E e) = None) as ->.
{ destruct E as [|Ei] using rev_ind; [by destruct He|].
by destruct Ei; by rewrite ?subst_app. }
apply elem_of_bind; exists (E, e); split; [|by apply expr_redexes_complete].
destruct (collection_choose_or_empty (ehexec Γ k e m)) as [[[e2 m2]?]|].
{ destruct Hsafe; econstructor (eauto using ehexec_sound). }
rewrite decide_True by done.
destruct (maybe_ECall_redex e)
as [[[[[[Ω g'] σs] σ] Ωs] vs]|] eqn:Hcall; eauto.
apply maybe_ECall_redex_Some in Hcall; destruct Hcall as [-> ?].
by destruct Hsafe; constructor.
* intros m k h s os vs ???? (τf&?&?&?) _ _; simpl in *; typed_inversion_all.
set (os' := fresh_list (length vs) (dom indexset m)) in *.
assert (Forall_fresh (dom indexset m) os') by (by apply Forall_fresh_list).
assert (length os' = length vs) by (by apply fresh_list_length).
edestruct (funenv_lookup Γ '{m} δ h)
as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; simplify_equality'.
edestruct (mem_alloc_list_refine' Γ false meminj_id m m os' os vs vs) as
(f&?&?&?); eauto using cmap_refine_id', vals_refine_id.
exists f (State (CParams h (zip os' (type_of <$> vs)) :: k)
(Stmt ↘ s) (mem_alloc_list Γ os' vs m)); split_ands; auto.
{ unfold of_option; simplify_option_equality; esolve_elem_of. }
erewrite fmap_type_of by eauto.
eleft; split_ands; simpl; repeat refine_constructor;
eauto using mem_alloc_list_index_typed.
+ rewrite snd_zip by solve_length.
eapply (stmt_refine_weaken _ false false meminj_id _ '{m});
eauto using stmt_refine_id, mem_alloc_list_forward.
+ eauto 8 using ctx_refine_weaken, ctx_refine_id, mem_alloc_list_forward.
* intros m k l ????; simpl; rewrite decide_True by solve_elem_of.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
* intros m k Es l s ?????; simpl.
rewrite sctx_item_subst_labels, decide_True by solve_elem_of.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
destruct Es; simpl; solve_elem_of.
* intros; simpl.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
destruct Es; simpl; solve_elem_of.
* intros m k d o τ s ??? (τf&?&?&?) _ _; typed_inversion_all.
destruct (mem_alloc_new_refine' Γ false meminj_id m m
(fresh (dom indexset m)) o false perm_full τ) as (f&?&?&?);
auto using cmap_refine_id', perm_full_unshared, perm_full_mapped.
eexists f, (State (CLocal (fresh (dom indexset m)) τ :: k) (Stmt d s)
(mem_alloc Γ (fresh (dom indexset m)) false perm_full (val_new Γ τ) m)).
split_ands; auto.
{ by destruct d eqn:?; simplify_option_equality; try case_match; eauto. }
eleft; split_ands; simpl; repeat refine_constructor;
eauto using mem_alloc_new_index_typed'.
+ eapply (stmt_refine_weaken _ false false meminj_id _ '{m});
eauto using stmt_refine_id, mem_alloc_new_forward'.
+ eapply (direction_refine_weaken _ false false meminj_id _ '{m});
eauto using direction_refine_id, mem_alloc_new_forward'.
+ eauto 8 using ctx_refine_weaken, ctx_refine_id, mem_alloc_new_forward'.
* intros m k d o τ s ?????.
eexists meminj_id, _; split_ands; eauto using state_refine_id.
by destruct d; simplify_option_equality; try case_match; eauto.
Lemma cexec_complete_steps Γ δ
S1 S2 σ
f :
✓ Γ → ✓{Γ,'{
SMem S1}} δ → Γ ⊢
S1 : σ
f → Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ
S1 ⇒*
S2 →
f S2',
(* 1.) *) Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ
S1 ⇒ₑ*
S2' ∧
(* 2.) *) S2' ⊑{Γ,
S2 : σ
f ∧
(* 3.) *) meminj_extend meminj_id f '{
SMem S1} '{
SMem S1}.
intros ???; revert S2. apply rtc_ind_r.
{ eexists meminj_id, S1.
repeat constructor (by eauto using state_refine_id). }
intros S2' S3' ?? (f&S2&?&?&?).
destruct (csteps_preservation Γ δ S1 S2 σf),
(csteps_preservation Γ δ S1 S2' σf); auto using cexecs_sound.
assert (¬is_undef_state S2).
{ intros ?. destruct (cnf_undef_state Γ δ S2');
eauto using state_refine_undef, state_refine_inverse. }
destruct (cstep_refine Γ δ δ false f S2 S2' S3' σf)
as (f'&S3&?&?&?); auto.
{ eauto using funenv_refine_weaken, funenv_refine_id, state_refine_mem. }
destruct (cexec_complete Γ δ S2 S3 σf) as (f''&S3''&?&?&?);
eauto using state_refine_typed_l, funenv_valid_weaken.
exists (f' ◎ f'') S3''. rewrite <-(orb_diag false).
split_ands; eauto using state_refine_compose,
rtc_r, meminj_extend_compose, meminj_extend_transitive.
End executable_complete.