Module expressions

This file defines expressions and some associated theory. Most importantly, to define the operational semantics in the file smallstep, we define corresponding evaluation contexts. Notations for expressions are declared in the scope expr_scope.
Require Import nmap mapset natmap listset.
Require Export contexts assignments.


Stacks are lists of memory indexes rather than lists of values. This allows us to treat pointers to both automatically and dynamically allocated memory in a uniform way. Evaluation of a variable will therefore consist of a looking up its address in the stack and returning a pointer to that address.
Notation stack K := (list (index * type K)) (only parsing).
Class Vars A := vars: Anatset.
Arguments vars {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch.


The variables used in expressions are De Bruijn indexes, i.e. the variable var i refers to the ith value on the stack. De Bruijn indexes avoid us having to deal with shadowing due to block scope variables. Especially in the axiomatic semantics this is useful, as we do not want to lose information because a local variable may shadow an already existing one.
Values are annotated with a set of locked locations. Initially, all values in a program should be annotated with the empty set. Whenever a write occurs during the execution of the program, the written location is locked in memory, and added to the set of locked locations in the subexpression where that write occurred. On the execution of a connective that contains a sequence point, the annotated locations in the subexpression where the sequence point occurred are unlocked in memory and then discarded. Connectives without a sequence point just take the union of the locked locations of their children.
This way of dealing with sequence points is more restrictive than the treatment by (Norrish, PhD thesis) and (Ellison/Rosu, 2012), as whenever a sequence point occurs, we only unlock the locations that have been locked by evaluating the sub-expression corresponding to that particular sequence point, instead of unlocking all locations.
Notation lrval K := (ptr K + val K)%type.

Inductive expr (K : Set) : Set :=
  | EVar : natexpr K
  | EVal : locksetlrval Kexpr K
  | ERtoL : expr Kexpr K
  | ERofL : expr Kexpr K
  | EAssign : assignexpr Kexpr Kexpr K
  | ECall : expr Klist (expr K) → expr K
  | EAbort : type Kexpr K
  | ELoad : expr Kexpr K
  | EEltL : expr Kref_seg Kexpr K
  | EEltR : expr Kref_seg Kexpr K
  | EAlloc : type Kexpr Kexpr K
  | EFree : expr Kexpr K
  | EUnOp : unopexpr Kexpr K
  | EBinOp : binopexpr Kexpr Kexpr K
  | EIf : expr Kexpr Kexpr Kexpr K
  | EComma : expr Kexpr Kexpr K
  | ECast : type Kexpr Kexpr K
  | EInsert : ref Kexpr Kexpr Kexpr K.

We use the scope expr_scope to declare notations for expressions. We overload some notations already in value_scope, and define both general and specific notations for operations, allowing us for example to to write intc 10 + intc 20 instead of the much longer valc (intc 10) ⊙{PlusOp} valc (intc 20).
Delimit Scope expr_scope with E.
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Local Open Scope expr_scope.

Arguments EVar {_} _.
Arguments EVal {_} _ _.
Arguments ERtoL {_} _%expr_scope.
Arguments ERofL {_} _%expr_scope.
Arguments EAssign {_} _ _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments ECall {_} _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments EAbort {_} _.
Arguments ELoad {_} _%expr_scope.
Arguments EEltL {_} _%expr_scope _.
Arguments EEltR {_} _%expr_scope _.
Arguments EAlloc {_} _%ctype_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments EFree {_} _%expr_scope.
Arguments EUnOp {_} _ _%expr_scope.
Arguments EBinOp {_} _ _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments EIf {_} _%expr_scope _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments EComma {_} _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.
Arguments ECast {_} _ _%expr_scope.
Arguments EInsert {_} _ _%expr_scope _%expr_scope.

Notation "'var' x" := (EVar x)
  (at level 10, format "var x") : expr_scope.
Notation "%#{ Ω } ν" := (EVal Ω ν)
  (at level 15, format "%#{ Ω } ν") : expr_scope.
Notation "%# ν" := (EVal ∅ ν) (at level 15) : expr_scope.
Notation "#{ Ω } v" := (EVal Ω (inr v))
  (at level 15, format "#{ Ω } v") : expr_scope.
Notation "#{ Ωs }* vs" := (zip_with (λ Ω v, #{Ω} v) Ωs vs)
  (at level 15, format "#{ Ωs }* vs") : expr_scope.
Notation "# v" := (EVal ∅ (inr v)) (at level 15) : expr_scope.
Notation "%{ Ω } a" := (EVal Ω (inl a))
  (at level 15, format "%{ Ω } a") : expr_scope.
Notation "% a" := (EVal ∅ (inl a)) (at level 15) : expr_scope.
Notation ".* e" := (ERtoL e) (at level 24) : expr_scope.
Notation "& e" := (ERofL e) (at level 24) : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 ::={ ass } e2" := (EAssign ass e1 e2)
  (at level 54, format "e1 ::={ ass } e2", right associativity) : expr_scope.
Infix "::=" := (EAssign Assign) (at level 54, right associativity) : expr_scope.
Notation "'call' e @ es" := (ECall e es)
  (at level 10, es at level 66) : expr_scope.
Notation "'abort' τ" := (EAbort τ) (at level 10) : expr_scope.
Notation "'load' e" := (ELoad e) (at level 10) : expr_scope.
Notation "e %> rs" := (EEltL e rs) (at level 22) : expr_scope.
Notation "e #> rs" := (EEltR e rs) (at level 22) : expr_scope.
Notation "alloc{ τ } e" := (EAlloc τ e)
  (at level 10, format "alloc{ τ } e") : expr_scope.
Notation "'free' e" := (EFree e) (at level 10) : expr_scope.
Notation "@{ op } e" := (EUnOp op e)
  (at level 35, format "@{ op } e") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 @{ op } e2" := (EBinOp op e1 e2)
  (at level 50, format "e1 @{ op } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "'if{' e1 } e2 'else' e3" := (EIf e1 e2 e3)
  (at level 56, format "if{ e1 } e2 'else' e3") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 ,, e2" := (EComma e1 e2)
  (at level 58, right associativity, format "e1 ,, e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "'cast{' τ } e" := (ECast τ e)
  (at level 10, format "'cast{' τ } e") : expr_scope.
Notation "'cast{' τs }* es" := (zip_with ECast τs es)
  (at level 10, format "'cast{' τs }* es") : expr_scope.
Notation "#[ r := e ] e'" := (EInsert r e e')
  (at level 10, format "#[ r := e ] e'") : expr_scope.

Infix "+" := (EBinOp (ArithOp PlusOp))
  (at level 50, left associativity) : expr_scope.
Infix "-" := (EBinOp (ArithOp MinusOp))
  (at level 50, left associativity) : expr_scope.
Infix "*" := (EBinOp (ArithOp MultOp))
  (at level 40, left associativity) : expr_scope.
Infix "/" := (EBinOp (ArithOp DivOp))
  (at level 40, left associativity) : expr_scope.
Infix "==" := (EBinOp (CompOp EqOp)) (at level 52) : expr_scope.
Notation "- e" := (EUnOp NegOp e)
  (at level 35, right associativity) : expr_scope.

Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@EVar K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective2 (=) (=) (=) (λ Ω (v : val K), #{Ω} v).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective2 (=) (=) (=) (@EVal K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@ELoad K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@EFree K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.

Instance maybe_EAlloc {K} : Maybe2 (@EAlloc K) := λ e,
  match e with alloc{τ} e => Some (τ,e) | _ => None end.
Instance maybe_EVal {K} : Maybe2 (@EVal K) := λ e,
  match e with %#{Ω} ν => Some (Ω,ν) | _ => None end.
Instance maybe_EVal_inl {K} : Maybe2 (λ Ω (p : ptr K), %{Ω} p) := λ e,
  match e with %{Ω} a => Some (Ω,a) | _ => None end.
Instance maybe_EVal_inr {K} : Maybe2 (λ Ω (v : val K), #{Ω} v) := λ e,
  match e with #{Ω} v => Some (Ω,v) | _ => None end.
Instance maybe_ECall {K} : Maybe2 (@ECall K) := λ e,
  match e with call e @ es => Some (e,es) | _ => None end.

Instance assign_eq_dec: ∀ ass1 ass2 : assign, Decision (ass1 = ass2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance expr_eq_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)} :
  ∀ e1 e2 : expr K, Decision (e1 = e2).
  refine (fix go e1 e2 : Decision (e1 = e2) :=
  match e1, e2 with
  | var i1, var i2 => cast_if (decide_rel (=) i1 i2)
  | %#{Ω1} ν1, %#{Ω2} ν2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) Ω1 Ω2) (decide_rel (=) ν1 ν2)
  | .* e1, .* e2 | & e1, & e2 => cast_if (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | e1 ::={ass1} e3, e2 ::={ass2} e4 =>
     cast_if_and3 (decide_rel (=) ass1 ass2) (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
       (decide_rel (=) e3 e4)
  | call e1 @ es1, call e2 @ es2 => cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
     (decide_rel (=) es1 es2)
  | abort τ1, abort τ2 => cast_if (decide_rel (=) τ1 τ2)
  | load e1, load e2 => cast_if (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | e1 %> rs1, e2 %> rs2 | e1 #> rs1, e2 #> rs2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) e1 e2) (decide_rel (=) rs1 rs2)
  | alloc{τ1} e1, alloc{τ2} e2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) τ1 τ2) (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | free e1, free e2 => cast_if (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | @{op1} e1, @{op2} e2 => cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) op1 op2)
     (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | e1 @{op1} e3, e2 @{op2} e4 => cast_if_and3 (decide_rel (=) op1 op2)
     (decide_rel (=) e1 e2) (decide_rel (=) e3 e4)
  | if{e1} e3 else e5, if{e2} e4 else e6 =>
     cast_if_and3 (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
       (decide_rel (=) e3 e4) (decide_rel (=) e5 e6)
  | e1,, e3, e2,, e4 =>
     cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) e1 e2) (decide_rel (=) e3 e4)
  | cast{τ1} e1, cast{τ2} e2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide_rel (=) τ1 τ2) (decide_rel (=) e1 e2)
  | #[r1:=e1] e3, #[r2:=e2] e4 =>
     cast_if_and3 (decide_rel (=) r1 r2)
       (decide_rel (=) e1 e2) (decide_rel (=) e3 e4)
  | _, _ => right _
  end); clear go; abstract congruence.

Instance expr_freeze {K} : Freeze (expr K) :=
  fix go β e {struct e} :=
  let _ : Freeze _ := @go in
  match e with
  | var x => var x
  | %#{Ω} ν => %#{Ω} ν
  | .* e => .* (freeze β e)
  | & e => & (freeze β e)
  | e1 ::={ass} e2 => freeze β e1 ::={ass} freeze β e2
  | call e @ es => call (freeze β e) @ freeze β <$> es
  | load e => load (freeze β e)
  | abort τ => abort τ
  | e %> rs => freeze β e %> freeze β rs
  | e #> rs => freeze β e #> freeze β rs
  | alloc{τ} e => alloc{τ} (freeze β e)
  | free e => free (freeze β e)
  | @{op} e => @{op} (freeze β e)
  | e1 @{op} e2 => freeze β e1 @{op} freeze β e2
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => if{freeze β e1} freeze β e2 else freeze β e3
  | e1,, e2 => freeze β e1,, freeze β e2
  | cast{τ} e => cast{τ} (freeze β e)
  | #[r:=e1] e2 => #[freeze β <$> r:=freeze β e1] (freeze β e2)

Induction principles

The induction principles that Coq generates for nested inductive types are too weak. For the case of expressions, the branch of call e @ es does not contain an induction hypothesis for the function arguments es. We therefore define an appropriate induction principle for expressions by hand.
Section expr_ind.
  Context {K} (P : expr KProp).
  Context (Pvar : ∀ x, P (var x)).
  Context (Pval : ∀ Ω ν, P (%#{Ω} ν)).
  Context (Prtol : ∀ e, P eP (.* e)).
  Context (Profl : ∀ e, P eP (& e)).
  Context (Passign : ∀ ass e1 e2, P e1P e2P (e1 ::={ ass } e2)).
  Context (Pcall : ∀ e es, P eForall P esP (call e @ es)).
  Context (Pabort : ∀ τ, P (abort τ)).
  Context (Pload : ∀ e, P eP (load e)).
  Context (Peltl : ∀ e rs, P eP (e %> rs)).
  Context (Peltr : ∀ e rs, P eP (e #> rs)).
  Context (Palloc : ∀ τ e, P eP (alloc{τ} e)).
  Context (Pfree : ∀ e, P eP (free e)).
  Context (Punop : ∀ op e, P eP (@{op} e)).
  Context (Pbinop : ∀ op e1 e2, P e1P e2P (e1 @{op} e2)).
  Context (Pif : ∀ e1 e2 e3, P e1P e2P e3P (if{e1} e2 else e3)).
  Context (Pcomma : ∀ e1 e2, P e1P e2P (e1 ,, e2)).
  Context (Pcast : ∀ τ e, P eP (cast{τ} e)).
  Context (Pinsert : ∀ r e1 e2, P e1P e2P (#[r:=e1] e2)).
  Definition expr_ind_alt : ∀ e, P e :=
    fix go e : P e :=
    match e with
    | var x => Pvar x
    | %#{Ω} ν => Pval Ω ν
    | .* e => Prtol _ (go e)
    | & e => Profl _ (go e)
    | e1 ::={_} e2 => Passign _ _ _ (go e1) (go e2)
    | call e @ es => Pcall _ es (go e) $ list_ind (Forall P)
       (Forall_nil_2 _) (λ e _, Forall_cons_2 _ _ _ (go e)) es
    | load e => Pload _ (go e)
    | abort _ => Pabort _
    | e %> rs => Peltl _ _ (go e)
    | e #> rs => Peltr _ _ (go e)
    | alloc{_} e => Palloc _ _ (go e)
    | free e => Pfree _ (go e)
    | @{op} e => Punop op _ (go e)
    | e1 @{op} e2 => Pbinop op _ _ (go e1) (go e2)
    | if{e1} e2 else e3 => Pif _ _ _ (go e1) (go e2) (go e3)
    | e1,, e2 => Pcomma _ _ (go e1) (go e2)
    | cast{τ} e => Pcast _ _ (go e)
    | #[_:=e1] e2 => Pinsert _ _ _ (go e1) (go e2)
End expr_ind.

We also define size e giving the number of nodes in an expression. This measure can be used for well-founded induction on expressions.
Instance expr_size {K} : Size (expr K) :=
  fix go e : nat := let _ : Size _ := go in
  match e with
  | var _ | abort _ => 1 | %#{_} _ => 0
  | .* e | & e | cast{_} e => S (size e)
  | e1 ::={_} e2 | e1 @{_} e2 | e1,, e2 | #[_:=e1] e2 => S (size e1 + size e2)
  | call e @ es => S (size e + sum_list_with size es)
  | load e | e %> _ | e #> _ | alloc{_} e | free e | @{_} e => S (size e)
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => S (size e1 + size e2 + size e3)
Lemma expr_wf_ind {K} (P : expr KProp)
  (Pind : ∀ e, (∀ e', size e' < size eP e')%natP e) : ∀ e, P e.
  assert (∀ n e, size e < nP e)%nat as help by (induction n; auto with lia).
  intros e. apply (help (S (size e))); lia.

Instance expr_free_vars {K} : Vars (expr K) :=
  fix go e := let _ : Vars _ := @go in
  match e with
  | var n => {[ n ]} | %#{_} _ | abort _ => ∅
  | .* e | & e | cast{_} e => vars e
  | call e @ es => vars e ∪ ⋃ (vars <$> es)
  | alloc{_} e | load e | e %> _ | e #> _ | free e | @{_} e => vars e
  | e1 ::={_} e2 | e1 @{_} e2 | e1,, e2 | #[_:=e1] e2 => vars e1vars e2
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => vars e1vars e2vars e3

Hint Extern 1 (vars _ = ∅) => assumption : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 100 (vars _ = ∅) =>
  apply (bool_decide_unpack _); vm_compute; exact I : typeclass_instances.

In order to model sequence points, we have to keep track of sets of locations that cannot be written to or read from. We call such locations locked, and define a type class Locks to collect locks in various data structures.
Class Locks A := locks: Alockset.
Arguments locks {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch.

Instance list_locks `{Locks A} : Locks (list A) :=
  fix go (l : list A) : lockset := let _ : Locks _ := @go in
  match l with [] => ∅ | a :: l => locks alocks l end.

Lemma locks_nil `{Locks A} : locks [] = ∅.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma locks_app `{Locks A} (l1 l2 : list A) :
  locks (l1 ++ l2) = locks l1locks l2.
Proof. apply elem_of_equiv_L. induction l1; esolve_elem_of. Qed.
Lemma locks_snoc `{Locks A} (l1 : list A) a :
  locks (l1 ++ [a]) = locks l1locks a.
Proof. rewrite locks_app. simpl. by rewrite (right_id_L ∅ (∪)). Qed.

Instance expr_locks {K} : Locks (expr K) :=
  fix go e : lockset := let _ : Locks _ := @go in
  match e with
  | var _ | abort _ => ∅ | %#{Ω} _ => Ω
  | .* e | & e | cast{_} e => locks e
  | call e @ es => locks e ∪ ⋃ (locks <$> es)
  | alloc{_} e | load e | e %> _ | e #> _ | free e | @{_} e => locks e
  | e1 ::={_} e2 | e1 @{_} e2 | e1,, e2 | #[_:=e1] e2 => locks e1locks e2
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => locks e1locks e2locks e3
Lemma expr_locks_freeze {K} β (e : expr K) : locks (freeze β e) = locks e.
  assert (∀ (es : list (expr K)),
    Foralle, locks (freeze β e) = locks e) es
    ⋃ (locks <$> freeze β <$> es) = ⋃ (locks <$> es)).
  { induction 1; solve_elem_of. }
  induction e using @expr_ind_alt; csimpl; try solve_elem_of; f_equal; auto.

An expression is pure (or side-effect free) if it does not modify the memory. Although pure expressions may have sequence points (namely at the conditional and call expressions), these sequence points are not observable because pure expressions do not allow any locations to get locked in the first place.
Inductive is_pure {K} : expr KProp :=
  | EVar_pure x : is_pure (var x)
  | EVal_pure v : is_pure (%# v)
  | ERtoL_pure e : is_pure eis_pure (.* e)
  | ERofL_pure e : is_pure eis_pure (& e)
  | EEltR_pure e rs : is_pure eis_pure (e %> rs)
  | EEltL_pure e rs : is_pure eis_pure (e #> rs)
  | EUnOp_pure op e : is_pure eis_pure (@{op} e)
  | EBinOp_pure op e1 e2 : is_pure e1is_pure e2is_pure (e1 @{op} e2)
  | EIf_pure e1 e2 e3 :
     is_pure e1is_pure e2is_pure e3is_pure (if{e1} e2 else e3)
  | EComma_pure el er : is_pure elis_pure eris_pure (el,, er)
  | ECast_pure τ e : is_pure eis_pure (cast{τ} e)
  | EInsert_pure r e1 e2 : is_pure e1is_pure e2is_pure (#[r:=e1] e2).

Section is_pure_ind.
  Context {K} (fs : funset) (P : expr KProp).
  Context (Pvar : ∀ x, P (var x)).
  Context (Pval : ∀ v, P (%# v)).
  Context (Prtol : ∀ e, is_pure eP eP (.* e)).
  Context (Profl : ∀ e, is_pure eP eP (& e)).
  Context (Peltl : ∀ e rs, is_pure eP eP (e %> rs)).
  Context (Peltr : ∀ e rs, is_pure eP eP (e #> rs)).
  Context (Punop : ∀ op e, is_pure eP eP (@{op} e)).
  Context (Pbinop : ∀ op e1 e2,
    is_pure e1P e1is_pure e2P e2P (e1 @{op} e2)).
  Context (Pif : ∀ e1 e2 e3,
    is_pure e1P e1is_pure e2P e2is_pure e3P e3
    P (if{e1} e2 else e3)).
  Context (Pcomma : ∀ e1 e2,
    is_pure e1P e1is_pure e2P e2P (e1,, e2)).
  Context (Pcast : ∀ τ e, is_pure eP eP (cast{τ} e)).
  Context (Pinsert : ∀ r e1 e2,
     is_pure e1P e1is_pure e2P e2P (#[r:=e1] e2)).
  Definition is_pure_ind_alt: ∀ e, is_pure eP e.
  Proof. fix 2; destruct 1; eauto using Forall_impl. Qed.
End is_pure_ind.

Instance is_pure_dec {K} : ∀ e : expr K, Decision (is_pure e).
 refine (
  fix go e :=
  match e return Decision (is_pure e) with
  | var _ => left _ | %#{Ω} _ => cast_if (decide (Ω = ∅))
  | .* e | & e | e %> _ | e #> _ | cast{_} e => cast_if (decide (is_pure e))
  | @{op} e => cast_if (decide (is_pure e))
  | e1 @{_} e2 | e1 ,, e2 | #[_:=e1] e2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide (is_pure e1)) (decide (is_pure e2))
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => cast_if_and3 (decide (is_pure e1))
      (decide (is_pure e2)) (decide (is_pure e3))
  | _ => right _
  clear go; first [by subst; constructor | abstract by inversion 1; subst].

Lemma is_pure_locks {K} (e : expr K) : is_pure elocks e = ∅.
  assert (∀ (es : list (expr K)) oi,
    Foralle, oilocks e) esoi ∉ ⋃ (locks <$> es)).
  { induction 1; esolve_elem_of. }
  intros He. apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L. intros oi.
  induction He using @is_pure_ind_alt; esolve_elem_of.

The operation e increases all De Bruijn indexes of variables in e by one. That means, each variable var x in e becomes var (S x).
Reserved Notation "e ↑" (at level 20, format "e ↑").
Fixpoint expr_lift {K} (e : expr K) : expr K :=
  match e with
  | var x => var (S x)
  | %#{Ω} ν => %#{Ω} ν
  | .* e => .* (e↑)
  | & e => & (e↑)
  | e1 ::={ass} e2 => e1↑ ::={ass} e2
  | call e @ es => call e↑ @ expr_lift <$> es
  | abort τ => abort τ
  | load e => load (e↑)
  | e %> rs => e↑ %> rs
  | e #> rs => e↑ #> rs
  | alloc{τ} e => alloc{τ} (e↑)
  | free e => free (e↑)
  | @{op} e => @{op} e
  | e1 @{op} e2 => e1↑ @{op} e2
  | if{e1} e2 else e3 => if{e1↑} e2else e3
  | e1,, e2 => e1↑,, e2
  | cast{τ} e => cast{τ} (e↑)
  | #[r:=e1] e2 => #[r:=e1↑] (e2↑)
where "e ↑" := (expr_lift e) : expr_scope.

The predicate is_nf e states that e is in normal form and is_redex e states that e is a head redex with respect to the semantics in the file smallstep.
Inductive is_nf {K} : expr KProp :=
  | EVal_nf Ω ν : is_nf (%#{Ω} ν).
Inductive is_redex {K} : expr KProp :=
  | EVar_redex x : is_redex (var x)
  | ERtoL_redex e : is_nf eis_redex (.* e)
  | ERofL_redex e : is_nf eis_redex (& e)
  | EAssign_redex ass e1 e2 :
     is_nf e1is_nf e2is_redex (e1 ::={ass} e2)
  | ECall_redex e es : is_nf eForall is_nf esis_redex (call e @ es)
  | EAbort_redex τ : is_redex (abort τ)
  | ELoad_redex e : is_nf eis_redex (load e)
  | EEltL_redex e rs : is_nf eis_redex (e %> rs)
  | EEltR_redex e rs : is_nf eis_redex (e #> rs)
  | EAlloc_redex τ e : is_nf eis_redex (alloc{τ} e)
  | EFree_redex e : is_nf eis_redex (free e)
  | EUnOp_redex op e : is_nf eis_redex (@{op} e)
  | EBinOp_redex op e1 e2 :
     is_nf e1is_nf e2is_redex (e1 @{op} e2)
  | EIf_redex e1 e2 e3 : is_nf e1is_redex (if{e1} e2 else e3)
  | EComma_redex e1 e2 : is_nf e1is_redex (e1,, e2)
  | ECast_redex τ e : is_nf eis_redex (cast{τ} e)
  | EInsert_redex r e1 e2 :
     is_nf e1is_nf e2is_redex (#[r:=e1]e2).

Instance is_nf_dec {K} (e : expr K) : Decision (is_nf e).
 refine (match e with %#{_} _ => left _ | _ => right _ end);
  try constructor; abstract (inversion 1).

Instance is_redex_dec {K} (e : expr K) : Decision (is_redex e).
  match e with
  | var _ | abort _ => left _
  | .* e | & e | cast{_} e | load e | e %> _ | e #> _ | alloc{_} e | free e
    | @{_} e | if{e} _ else _ | e ,, _ => cast_if (decide (is_nf e))
  | call e @ es => cast_if_and (decide (is_nf e)) (decide (Forall is_nf es))
  | e1 ::={_} e2 | e1 @{_} e2 | #[_:=e1] e2 =>
     cast_if_and (decide (is_nf e1)) (decide (is_nf e2))
  | _ => right _
  end; first [by constructor | abstract (by inversion 1)].

Lemma is_redex_nf {K} (e : expr K) : is_redex eis_nf eFalse.
Proof. destruct 1; inversion 1. Qed.
Lemma EVal_not_redex {K} Ω (ν : lrval K) : ¬is_redex (%#{Ω} ν).
Proof. inversion 1. Qed.
Lemma EVals_nf {K} Ωs (vs : list (val K)) : Forall is_nf (#{Ωs}* vs).
Proof. revert vs. induction Ωs; intros [|??]; repeat constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma EVals_nf_alt {K} es Ωs (vs : list (val K)) :
  es = #{Ωs}* vsForall is_nf es.
Proof. intros ->. by apply EVals_nf. Qed.

Definition maybe_ECall_redex {K} (e : expr K) :
    option (lockset * funname * list (type K) * type K *
            list lockset * list (val K)) :=
  '(e,es) ← maybe2 ECall e;
  '(Ω,p) ← maybe2 (λ Ω p, %{Ω} p) e;
  '(fs,τ) ← maybe3 FunPtr p;
  vΩsmapM (maybe2 (λ Ω v, #{Ω} v)) es;
  Some (Ω, f, τs, τ, vΩs.*1, vΩs.*2).

Lemma maybe_EAlloc_Some {K} (e : expr K) τ e' :
  maybe2 EAlloc e = Some (τ,e') ↔ e = alloc{τ} e'.
Proof. split. by destruct e; intros; simplify_equality'. by intros ->. Qed.
Lemma maybe_ECall_Some {K} (e : expr K) e' es :
  maybe2 ECall e = Some (e', es) ↔ e = call e' @ es.
Proof. split. by destruct e; intros; simplify_equality'. by intros ->. Qed.
Lemma maybe_ECall_redex_Some_2 {K} Ω f τs τ Ωs (vs : list (val K)) :
  length Ωs = length vs
  maybe_ECall_redex (call %{Ω} (FunPtr f τs τ) @ #{Ωs}* vs)
  = Some (Ω, f, τs, τ, Ωs, vs).
  intros; unfold maybe_ECall_redex; csimpl.
  rewrite zip_with_zip, mapM_fmap_Some by (by intros []); csimpl.
  by rewrite fst_zip, snd_zip by lia.

Lemma maybe_ECall_redex_Some {K} (e : expr K) Ω f τs τ Ωs vs :
  maybe_ECall_redex e = Some (Ω, f, τs, τ, Ωs, vs) ↔
    e = call %{Ω} (FunPtr f τs τ) @ #{Ωs}* vslength Ωs = length vs.
  assert (∀ (es : list (expr K)) Ωvs,
    mapM (maybe2 (λ Ω v, #{Ω} v)) es = Some Ωvses = #{Ωvs.*1}* (Ωvs.*2))%E.
  { intros es Ωvs. rewrite mapM_Some. induction 1 as [|e']; f_equal'; eauto.
    by destruct e'; repeat (case_match || simplify_option_equality). }
  split; [|intros [-> ?]; eauto using maybe_ECall_redex_Some_2].
  unfold maybe_ECall_redex; csimpl; intros.
  destruct (maybe2 ECall e) as [[e' es]|] eqn:?;
    repeat (case_match || simplify_option_equality).
  rewrite !fmap_length; auto with f_equal.

Contexts with one hole

We define singular expression contexts ectx_item, and then full expression (evaluation) contexts ectx are lists of expression contexts. These expression contexts allow us to enforce an evaluation strategy. In particular, for the conditional we merely allow a hole for the first branch.
Inductive ectx_item (K : Set) : Set :=
  | CRtoL : ectx_item K
  | CLtoR : ectx_item K
  | CAssignL : assignexpr Kectx_item K
  | CAssignR : assignexpr Kectx_item K
  | CCallL : list (expr K) → ectx_item K
  | CCallR : expr Klist (expr K) → list (expr K) → ectx_item K
  | CLoad : ectx_item K
  | CEltL : ref_seg Kectx_item K
  | CEltR : ref_seg Kectx_item K
  | CAlloc : type Kectx_item K
  | CFree : ectx_item K
  | CUnOp : unopectx_item K
  | CBinOpL : binopexpr Kectx_item K
  | CBinOpR : binopexpr Kectx_item K
  | CIf : expr Kexpr Kectx_item K
  | CComma : expr Kectx_item K
  | CCast : type Kectx_item K
  | CInsertL : ref Kexpr Kectx_item K
  | CInsertR : ref Kexpr Kectx_item K.
Notation ectx K := (list (ectx_item K)).

Bind Scope expr_scope with ectx_item.

Arguments CRtoL {_}.
Arguments CLtoR {_}.
Arguments CAssignL {_} _ _.
Arguments CAssignR {_} _ _.
Arguments CCallL {_} _.
Arguments CCallR {_} _ _ _.
Arguments CLoad {_}.
Arguments CEltL {_} _.
Arguments CEltR {_} _.
Arguments CAlloc {_} _.
Arguments CFree {_}.
Arguments CUnOp {_} _.
Arguments CBinOpL {_} _ _.
Arguments CBinOpR {_}_ _.
Arguments CIf {_} _ _.
Arguments CComma {_} _.
Arguments CCast {_} _.
Arguments CInsertL {_} _ _.
Arguments CInsertR {_} _ _.

Notation ".* □" := CRtoL (at level 24, format ".* □") : expr_scope.
Notation "& □" := CLtoR (at level 24, format "& □") : expr_scope.
Notation "□ ::={ ass } e2" := (CAssignL ass e2)
  (at level 54, format "□ ::={ ass } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 ::={ ass } □" := (CAssignR ass e1)
  (at level 54, format "e1 ::={ ass } □") : expr_scope.
Notation "'call' □ @ es" := (CCallL es)
  (at level 10, es1 at level 66) : expr_scope.
Notation "'call' f @ es1es2" := (CCallR f es1 es2)
  (at level 10, es1 at level 66, es2 at level 66) : expr_scope.
Notation "'load' □" := CLoad (at level 10, format "load □") : expr_scope.
Notation "□ %> rs" := (CEltL rs)
  (at level 22, format "□ %> rs") : expr_scope.
Notation "□ #> rs" := (CEltR rs)
  (at level 22, format "□ #> rs") : expr_scope.
Notation "alloc{ τ } □" := (CAlloc τ)
  (at level 10, format "alloc{ τ } □") : expr_scope.
Notation "'free' □" := CFree (at level 10, format "free □") : expr_scope.
Notation "@{ op } □" := (CUnOp op)
  (at level 35, format "@{ op } □") : expr_scope.
Notation "□ @{ op } e2" := (CBinOpL op e2)
  (at level 50, format "□ @{ op } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 @{ op } □" := (CBinOpR op e1)
  (at level 50, format "e1 @{ op } □") : expr_scope.
Notation "'if{' □ } e2 'else' e3" := (CIf e2 e3)
  (at level 56, format "'if{' □ } e2 'else' e3") : expr_scope.
Notation "□ ,, e2" := (CComma e2)
  (at level 58, format "□ ,, e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "'cast{' τ } □" := (CCast τ)
  (at level 10, format "'cast{' τ } □") : expr_scope.
Notation "#[ r := □ ] e2" := (CInsertL r e2)
  (at level 10, format "#[ r := □ ] e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "#[ r := e1 ] □" := (CInsertR r e1)
  (at level 10, format "#[ r := e1 ] □") : expr_scope.

Instance ectx_item_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)} :
  ∀ Ei1 Ei2 : ectx_item K, Decision (Ei1 = Ei2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

Substitution is defined in a straightforward way. Using the type class instances in the file contexts, it is lifted to full expression contexts.
Instance ectx_item_subst {K} :
    Subst (ectx_item K) (expr K) (expr K) := λ Ei e,
  match Ei with
  | .* □ => .* e
  | & □ => & e
  | □ ::={ass} er => e ::={ass} er | el ::={ass} □ => el ::={ass} e
  | call □ @ es => call e @ es
  | call e' @ es1es2 => call e' @ (reverse es1 ++ e :: es2)
  | load □ => load e
  | □ %> rs => e %> rs
  | □ #> rs => e #> rs
  | alloc{τ} □ => alloc{τ} e
  | free □ => free e
  | @{op} □ => @{op} e
  | □ @{op} e2 => e @{op} e2 | e1 @{op} □ => e1 @{op} e
  | □,, e2 => e ,, e2
  | if{□} e2 else e3 => if{e} e2 else e3
  | cast{τ} □ => cast{τ} e
  | #[r:=□] e2 => #[r:=e] e2 | #[r:=e1] □ => #[r:=e1] e
Instance: DestructSubst (@ectx_item_subst K).

Instance: ∀ Ei : ectx_item K, Injective (=) (=) (subst Ei).
Proof. by destruct Ei; intros ???; simplify_list_equality. Qed.
Lemma is_nf_ectx_item {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) e : ¬is_nf (subst Ei e).
Proof. destruct Ei; inversion 1. Qed.
Lemma is_nf_ectx {K} (E : ectx K) e : is_nf (subst E e) → E = [].
  destruct E using rev_ind; auto.
  rewrite subst_snoc. intros; edestruct @is_nf_ectx_item; eauto.

Lemma is_nf_redex_ectx {K} (E : ectx K) e : is_redex e → ¬is_nf (subst E e).
  intros ? HEe. rewrite (is_nf_ectx E e) in HEe by done; simpl in HEe.
  eauto using is_redex_nf.

Lemma is_redex_ectx_item {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) e :
  is_redex (subst Ei e) → is_nf e.
Proof. destruct Ei; inversion 1; decompose_Forall_hyps; auto. Qed.
Lemma is_redex_ectx {K} (E : ectx K) e :
  is_redex (subst E e) → (E = [] ∧ is_redex e) ∨ (∃ Ei, E = [Ei] ∧ is_nf e).
  destruct E as [|Ei E _] using rev_ind; [eauto|]; rewrite subst_snoc; intros.
  feed pose proof (is_redex_ectx_item Ei (subst E e)); auto.
  feed pose proof (is_nf_ectx E e); subst; simpl in *; eauto.

Instance ectx_locks {K} : Locks (ectx_item K) := λ Ei,
  match Ei with
  | .* □ | & □ | cast{_} □ => ∅
  | □ ::={_} e | e ::={_} □ => locks e
  | call □ @ es => ⋃ (locks <$> es)
  | call e @ es1es2 => locks e ∪ ⋃ (locks <$> es1) ∪ ⋃ (locks <$> es2)
  | load □ | □ %> _ | □ #> _ | alloc{_} □ | free □ | @{_} □ => ∅
  | □ @{_} e | e @{_} □ | □,, e | #[_:=□] e | #[_:=e] □ => locks e
  | if{□} e2 else e3 => locks e2locks e3

Lemma ectx_item_is_pure {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) (e : expr K) :
  is_pure (subst Ei e) → is_pure e.
Proof. destruct Ei; simpl; inversion_clear 1; decompose_Forall_hyps; eauto. Qed.
Lemma ectx_is_pure {K} (E : ectx K) e : is_pure (subst E e) → is_pure e.
  induction E using rev_ind; rewrite ?subst_snoc; eauto using ectx_item_is_pure.

Lemma ectx_item_subst_is_pure {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) (e1 e2 : expr K) :
  is_pure e2is_pure (subst Ei e1) → is_pure (subst Ei e2).
  destruct Ei; simpl; inversion_clear 2; constructor; decompose_Forall; eauto.

Lemma ectx_subst_is_pure {K} (E : ectx K) (e1 e2 : expr K) :
  is_pure e2is_pure (subst E e1) → is_pure (subst E e2).
  induction E using rev_ind; rewrite ?subst_snoc;
    eauto using ectx_item_subst_is_pure, ectx_item_is_pure.

Lemma ectx_item_subst_locks {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) e :
  locks (subst Ei e) = locks Eilocks e.
  apply elem_of_equiv_L. intro. destruct Ei; simpl; try solve_elem_of.
  rewrite fmap_app, fmap_reverse; csimpl.
  rewrite union_list_app_L, union_list_cons, union_list_reverse_L.

Lemma ectx_subst_locks {K} (E : ectx K) e :
  locks (subst E e) = locks Elocks e.
  apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros. revert e. induction E as [|Ei E IH]; simpl.
  * solve_elem_of.
  * intros. rewrite IH, ectx_item_subst_locks. solve_elem_of.

Instance ectx_item_size {K} : Size (ectx_item K) := λ Ei,
  match Ei with
  | .* □ | & □ | load □ | □ %> _ | □ #> _ | alloc{_} □
    | free □ | @{_} □ | cast{_} □ => 1
  | □ ::={_} e | e ::={_} □ | □ @{_} e | e @{_} □
    | □,, e | #[_:=□] e | #[_:=e] □ => S (size e)
  | call □ @ es => S (sum_list_with size es)
  | call e @ es1es2 =>
     S (size e + sum_list_with size es1 + sum_list_with size es2)
  | if{□} e2 else e3 => S (size e2 + size e3)
Lemma ectx_item_subst_size {K} (Ei : ectx_item K) e :
  size (subst Ei e) = (size Ei + size e)%nat.
  destruct Ei; simpl; auto with lia.
  rewrite sum_list_with_app, sum_list_with_reverse; simpl; lia.

Lemma ectx_subst_size {K} (E : ectx K) e :
  size (subst E e) = (sum_list_with size E + size e)%nat.
  revert e. induction E as [|Ei E IH]; intros e; simpl; [done|].
  rewrite IH, ectx_item_subst_size; lia.

The induction principle ectx_expr_ind is used to perform simultaneous induction on an expression e and context E. Although a similar result can be obtained by generalizing over E before doing the induction on e, this induction principle is more useful together with automation. Automation now does not have to instantiate the induction hypothesis with the appropriate context.
Section ectx_expr_ind.
  Context {K} (P : ectx Kexpr KProp).
  Context (Pvar : ∀ E x, P E (var x)).
  Context (Pval : ∀ E Ω ν, P E (%#{Ω} ν)).
  Context (Prtol : ∀ E e, P ((.* □) :: E) eP E (.* e)).
  Context (Profl : ∀ E e, P ((& □) :: E) eP E (& e)).
  Context (Passign : ∀ E ass e1 e2,
    P ((□ ::={ass} e2) :: E) e1P ((e1 ::={ass} □) :: E) e2
    P E (e1 ::={ass} e2)).
  Context (Pcall : ∀ E e es,
    P ((call □ @ es) :: E) e
    zipped_Forallesl esr, P ((call e @ eslesr) :: E)) [] es
    P E (call e @ es)).
  Context (Pabort : ∀ E τ, P E (abort τ)).
  Context (Pload : ∀ E e, P ((load □) :: E) eP E (load e)).
  Context (Peltl : ∀ E e rs, P ((□ %> rs) :: E) eP E (e %> rs)).
  Context (Peltr : ∀ E e rs, P ((□ #> rs) :: E) eP E (e #> rs)).
  Context (Palloc : ∀ E τ e, P ((alloc{τ} □) :: E) eP E (alloc{τ} e)).
  Context (Pfree : ∀ E e, P ((free □) :: E) eP E (free e)).
  Context (Punop : ∀ E op e, P ((@{op} □) :: E) eP E (@{op} e)).
  Context (Pbinop : ∀ E op e1 e2,
    P ((□ @{op} e2) :: E) e1P ((e1 @{op} □) :: E) e2
    P E (e1 @{op} e2)).
  Context (Pif : ∀ E e1 e2 e3,
    P ((if{□} e2 else e3) :: E) e1P E (if{e1} e2 else e3)).
  Context (Pcomma : ∀ E e1 e2, P ((□,, e2) :: E) e1P E (e1,, e2)).
  Context (Pcast : ∀ E τ e, P ((cast{τ} □) :: E) eP E (cast{τ} e)).
  Context (Pinsert : ∀ E r e1 e2,
    P ((#[r:=□] e2) :: E) e1P ((#[r:=e1] □) :: E) e2P E (#[r:=e1] e2)).

  Definition ectx_expr_ind : ∀ E e, P E e :=
    fix go E e : P E e :=
    match e with
    | var x => Pvar _ x
    | %#{_} ν => Pval _ _ ν
    | .* e => Prtol _ _ (go _ e)
    | & e => Profl _ _ (go _ e)
    | e1 ::={_} e2 => Passign _ _ _ _ (go _ e1) (go _ e2)
    | call e @ es => Pcall E e es (go _ e)
       (zipped_list_ind _ zipped_Forall_nil
         (λ _ _ e, @zipped_Forall_cons __ _, P _) _ _ _ (go _ e)) [] es)
    | abort _ => Pabort _ _
    | load e => Pload _ _ (go _ e)
    | e %> rs => Peltl _ _ _ (go _ e)
    | e #> rs => Peltr _ _ _ (go _ e)
    | alloc{_} e => Palloc _ _ _ (go _ e)
    | free e => Pfree _ _ (go _ e)
    | @{_} e => Punop _ _ _ (go _ e)
    | e1 @{_} e2 => Pbinop _ _ _ _ (go _ e1) (go _ e2)
    | if{e1} _ else _ => Pif _ _ _ _ (go _ e1)
    | e1,, _ => Pcomma _ _ _ (go _ e1)
    | cast{_} e => Pcast _ _ _ (go _ e)
    | #[_:=e1] e2 => Pinsert _ _ _ _ (go _ e1) (go _ e2)
End ectx_expr_ind.

Ltac ectx_expr_ind E e :=
  repeat match goal with
  | H : context [ E ] |- _ => revert H | H : context [ e ] |- _ => revert H
  end; revert E e;
  match goal with |- ∀ E e, @?P E e => apply (ectx_expr_ind P) end.

Contexts with multiple holes

We define singular expression contexts indexed by the number of holes. These contexts are particularly useful to prove some of the Hoare rules in a more generic way.
Inductive ectx_full (K : Set) : natSet :=
  | DCVar : natectx_full K 0
  | DCVal : locksetlrval Kectx_full K 0
  | DCRtoL : ectx_full K 1
  | DCRofL : ectx_full K 1
  | DCAssign : assignectx_full K 2
  | DCCall {n} : ectx_full K (S n)
  | DCAbort : type Kectx_full K 0
  | DCLoad : ectx_full K 1
  | DCEltL : ref_seg Kectx_full K 1
  | DCEltR : ref_seg Kectx_full K 1
  | DCAlloc : type Kectx_full K 1
  | DCFree : ectx_full K 1
  | DCUnOp : unopectx_full K 1
  | DCBinOp : binopectx_full K 2
  | DCIf : expr Kexpr Kectx_full K 1
  | DCComma : expr Kectx_full K 1
  | DCCast : type Kectx_full K 1
  | DCInsert : ref Kectx_full K 2.

Arguments DCVar {_} _.
Arguments DCVal {_} _ _.
Arguments DCRtoL {_}.
Arguments DCRofL {_}.
Arguments DCAssign {_} _.
Arguments DCCall {_} _.
Arguments DCAbort {_} _.
Arguments DCLoad {_}.
Arguments DCEltL {_} _.
Arguments DCEltR {_} _.
Arguments DCAlloc {_} _.
Arguments DCFree {_}.
Arguments DCUnOp {_} _.
Arguments DCBinOp {_} _.
Arguments DCIf {_}_ _.
Arguments DCComma {_} _.
Arguments DCCast {_} _.
Arguments DCInsert {_} _.

Instance ectx_full_subst {K} :
    DepSubst (ectx_full K) (vec (expr K)) (expr K) := λ _ E,
  match E with
  | DCVar x => λ _, var x
  | DCVal Ω ν => λ _, %#{Ω} ν
  | DCRtoL => λ es, .* (es !!! 0)
  | DCRofL => λ es, & (es !!! 0)
  | DCAssign ass => λ es, es !!! 0 ::={ass} es !!! 1
  | DCCall _ => λ es, call (es !!! 0) @ tail es
  | DCAbort τ => λ _, abort τ
  | DCLoad => λ es, load (es !!! 0)
  | DCEltL rs => λ es, es !!! 0 %> rs
  | DCEltR rs => λ es, es !!! 0 #> rs
  | DCAlloc τ => λ es, alloc{τ} (es !!! 0)
  | DCFree => λ es, free (es !!! 0)
  | DCUnOp op => λ es, @{op} es !!! 0
  | DCBinOp op => λ es, es !!! 0 @{op} es !!! 1
  | DCIf e2 e3 => λ es, if{es !!! 0} e2 else e3
  | DCComma e2 => λ es, es !!! 0,, e2
  | DCCast τ => λ es, cast{τ} (es !!! 0)
  | DCInsert r => λ es, #[r:=es !!! 0] (es !!! 1)
Instance ectx_full_locks {K n} : Locks (ectx_full K n) := λ E,
  match E with
  | DCVal Ω _ => Ω
  | DCIf e1 e2 => locks e1locks e2
  | DCComma e => locks e
  | _ => ∅

Lemma ectx_full_subst_inj {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) es1 es2 :
  depsubst E es1 = depsubst E es2es1 = es2.
  destruct E; inv_all_vec_fin; simpl; intros; simplify_equality;
    f_equal'; auto using vec_to_list_inj2.

Lemma ectx_full_subst_locks {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) (es : vec (expr K) n) :
  locks (depsubst E es) = locks E ∪ ⋃ (locks <$> vec_to_list es).
  apply elem_of_equiv_L. intro. destruct E; inv_all_vec_fin; solve_elem_of.

Given expressions es for the holes of the context E, the function ectx_full_to_item E es i yields a context with exactly one hole for the ith value. The ith value in es is ignored.
Definition ectx_full_to_item {K n} (E : ectx_full K n)
    (es : vec (expr K) n) (i : fin n) : ectx_item K :=
  match E in ectx_full _ n return fin nvec (expr K) nectx_item K with
  | DCVar _ | DCVal _ _ | DCAbort _ => fin_0_inv _
  | DCRtoL => fin_S_inv __, .* □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCRofL => fin_S_inv __, & □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCAssign ass =>
     fin_S_inv _es, □ ::={ass} es !!! 1) $
     fin_S_inv _es, es !!! 0 ::={ass} □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCCall _ => fin_S_inv __, call □ @ (tail es)) $ λ i es,
     (call (es !!! 0) @ reverse (take i (tail es)) □ drop (FS i) (tail es))
  | DCLoad => fin_S_inv __, load □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCEltL rs => fin_S_inv __, □ %> rs) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCEltR rs => fin_S_inv __, □ #> rs) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCAlloc τ => fin_S_inv __, alloc{τ} □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCFree => fin_S_inv __, free □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCUnOp op => fin_S_inv __, @{op} □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCBinOp op =>
     fin_S_inv _es, □ @{op} es !!! 1) $
     fin_S_inv _es, es !!! 0 @{op} □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCIf e2 e3 => fin_S_inv __, if{□} e2 else e3) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCComma e2 => fin_S_inv __, □,, e2) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCCast τ => fin_S_inv __, cast{τ} □) $ fin_0_inv _
  | DCInsert r =>
     fin_S_inv _es, #[r:=□] (es !!! 1)) $
     fin_S_inv _es, #[r:=es !!! 0] □) $ fin_0_inv _
  end i es.

Lemma ectx_full_to_item_insert {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) es i e :
  ectx_full_to_item E (vinsert i e es) i = ectx_full_to_item E es i.
  destruct E; inv_all_vec_fin; simpl; try reflexivity.
  rewrite !vec_to_list_insert, take_insert, drop_insert; auto with arith.

Lemma ectx_full_to_item_correct {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) es i :
  depsubst E es = subst (ectx_full_to_item E es i) (es !!! i).
  destruct E; inv_all_vec_fin; simpl; try reflexivity.
  by rewrite reverse_involutive, <-vec_to_list_take_drop_lookup.

Lemma ectx_full_to_item_correct_alt {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) es i e :
  depsubst E (vinsert i e es) = subst (ectx_full_to_item E es i) e.
  rewrite (ectx_full_to_item_correct _ _ i).
  by rewrite vlookup_insert, ectx_full_to_item_insert.

Lemma ectx_full_item_subst {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) (es : vec _ n)
    (Ei : ectx_item K) (e : expr K) :
  depsubst E es = subst Ei e
    ∃ i, e = es !!! iEi = ectx_full_to_item E es i.
  intros H. destruct E, Ei; simpl; simplify_equality'; eauto.
  inv_vec es; simpl; intros e' es ?.
  edestruct (vec_to_list_lookup_middle es) as (i&H1&?&H2); eauto.
  exists (FS i); simplify_equality'. by rewrite <-H1, reverse_involutive.

Lemma expr_vec_values {K n} (es : vec (expr K) n) :
  (∃ Ωs νs, es = vzip_with EVal Ωs νs)%E ∨ (∃ i, ¬is_nf (es !!! i)).
  destruct (Forall_Exists_dece, decide (is_nf e)) es) as [Hes|Hes].
  * left; induction es as [|e ? es IH]; simpl in *; [by eexists [#],[#]|].
    inversion Hes as [|?? [Ω ν]]; destruct IH asss&->); auto; subst.
    by exists (Ω ::: Ωs) (ν ::: νs).
  * rewrite Exists_vlookup in Hes; eauto.

Lemma is_redex_ectx_full {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) (es : vec _ n) :
  is_redex (depsubst E es) → Forall is_nf es.
  destruct E; inversion_clear 1; inv_all_vec_fin; repeat constructor; auto.

Lemma ectx_full_to_item_locks {K n} (E : ectx_full K n) (es : vec _ n) i :
  locks (ectx_full_to_item E es i) =
    locks E ∪ ⋃ (locks <$> delete (fin_to_nat i) (vec_to_list es)).
  apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros b.
  destruct E; inv_all_vec_fin; simpl; try esolve_elem_of.
  rewrite fmap_reverse, union_list_reverse.
  rewrite delete_take_drop, fmap_app, union_list_app. esolve_elem_of.

The function expr_redexes e computes the set of redexes contained in an expression e. Here, redexes are pairs (E', e') where E' is an expression evaluation context, and e' an expression with is_redex e'.
Section expr_split.
  Context {K : Set}.

  Definition expr_redexes_go: ectx Kexpr Klistset (ectx K * expr K) :=
    fix go E e {struct e} :=
    if decide (is_redex e) then {[ (E, e) ]} else
    match e with
    | var _ | abort _ => ∅
    | %#{_} _ => ∅
    | .* e => go (.* □ :: E) e
    | & e => go (& □ :: E) e
    | e1 ::={ass} e2 => go (□ ::={ass} e2 :: E) e1go (e1 ::={ass} □ :: E) e2
    | call e @ es =>
       go ((call □ @ es) :: E) e
       ⋃ zipped_mapesl esr, go ((call e @ eslesr) :: E)) [] es
    | load e => go (load □ :: E) e
    | e %> rs => go (□ %> rs :: E) e
    | e #> rs => go (□ #> rs :: E) e
    | alloc{τ} e => go (alloc{τ} □ :: E) e
    | free e => go (free □ :: E) e
    | @{op} e => go (@{op} □ :: E) e
    | e1 @{op} e2 => go (□ @{op} e2 :: E) e1go (e1 @{op} □ :: E) e2
    | if{e1} e2 else e3 => go ((if{□} e2 else e3) :: E) e1
    | e1 ,, e2 => go ((□,, e2) :: E) e1
    | cast{τ} e => go ((cast{τ} □) :: E) e
    | #[r:=e1] e2 => go (#[r:=□] e2 :: E) e1go (#[r:=e1] □ :: E) e2
  Definition expr_redexes : expr Klistset (ectx K * expr K) :=
    expr_redexes_go [].

  Lemma expr_redexes_go_is_redex E e E' e' :
    (E', e') ∈ expr_redexes_go E eis_redex e'.
    assert (∀ (f : list _list _expr Klistset (ectx K * expr K)) es,
      (E', e') ∈ ⋃ zipped_map f [] es
      zipped_Forallesl esr e, (E', e') ∈ f esl esr eis_redex e') [] es
      is_redex e').
    { intros f es Hes Hforall.
      rewrite elem_of_union_list in Hes. destruct Hes as (rs&Hes&?).
      rewrite elem_of_zipped_map in Hes. destruct Hes as (?&?&?&?&?); subst.
      apply zipped_Forall_app in Hforall. inversion Hforall; subst. auto. }
    ectx_expr_ind E e;
     simpl; intros; repeat case_decide; solve_elem_of (eauto; try constructor).

  Lemma expr_redexes_go_sound E e E' e' :
    (E', e') ∈ expr_redexes_go E esubst E e = subst E' e'.
    assert (∀ g (f : list _list _expr Klistset (ectx K * expr K))
        (E : ectx K) es,
      (E', e') ∈ ⋃ zipped_map f [] es
      zipped_Forallesl esr e, (E', e') ∈ f esl esr e
        subst E (g (reverse esl ++ [e] ++ esr)) = subst E' e') [] es
      subst E (g es) = subst E' e').
    { intros ? g f es Hes Hforall.
      rewrite elem_of_union_list in Hes. destruct Hes as (rs&Hes&?).
      rewrite elem_of_zipped_map in Hes. destruct Hes as (esl&?&?&?&?); subst.
      apply zipped_Forall_app in Hforall. inversion Hforall; subst.
      rewrite <-(reverse_involutive esl), <-(right_id_L [] (++) (reverse esl)).
      auto. }
    ectx_expr_ind E e;
     simpl; intros; repeat case_decide; solve_elem_of eauto.

  Lemma expr_redexes_go_complete E' E e :
    is_redex e → (E ++ E', e) ∈ expr_redexes_go E' (subst E e).
    intros. revert E'. induction E as [|Ei E IH] using rev_ind; simpl.
    { intros. unfold expr_redexes_go. destruct e; case_decide; solve_elem_of. }
    intros E'. assertis_redex (subst (E ++ [Ei]) e)) as Hredex.
    { intro. destruct (is_redex_ectx (E ++ [Ei]) e) as [[??]|(?&?&?)]; auto.
      * discriminate_list_equality.
      * eauto using is_redex_nf. }
    rewrite subst_snoc in Hredex |- *. rewrite <-(associative_L (++)).
    destruct Ei; simpl; case_decide; try solve_elem_of.
    rewrite elem_of_union, elem_of_union_list.
    right; eexists (expr_redexes_go _ _).
    rewrite elem_of_zipped_map. split; eauto. eexists (reverse _), _, _.
    split. done. by rewrite reverse_involutive, (right_id_L [] (++)).

  Lemma expr_redexes_is_redex e E' e' : (E', e') ∈ expr_redexes eis_redex e'.
  Proof. apply expr_redexes_go_is_redex. Qed.
  Lemma expr_redexes_sound e E' e' :
    (E', e') ∈ expr_redexes ee = subst E' e'.
  Proof. apply expr_redexes_go_sound. Qed.
  Lemma expr_redexes_complete E e :
    is_redex e → (E, e) ∈ expr_redexes (subst E e).
    generalize (expr_redexes_go_complete [] E e).
    by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++) E).

  Lemma expr_redexes_correct e E' e' :
    (E', e') ∈ expr_redexes ee = subst E' e' ∧ is_redex e'.
    * eauto using expr_redexes_sound, expr_redexes_is_redex.
    * by intros [??]; subst; apply expr_redexes_complete.

  Lemma expr_redexes_go_is_nf E e : expr_redexes_go E e ≡ ∅ → is_nf e.
    assert (∀ (f : list _list _expr K
        listset (ectx K * expr K)) es1 es2,
      ⋃ (zipped_map f es1 es2) ≡ ∅ →
      zipped_Forallesl esr e, f esl esr e ≡ ∅ → is_nf e) es1 es2
      Forall is_nf es2).
    { intros ???. rewrite empty_union_list.
      induction 2; decompose_Forall_hyps; auto. }
    ectx_expr_ind E e;
      simpl; intros; repeat case_decide; decompose_empty;
      match goal with
      | _ => constructor
      | H : ¬is_redex _ |- _ => destruct H; constructor
      end; eauto.

  Lemma expr_redexes_is_nf e : expr_redexes e ≡ ∅ → is_nf e.
  Proof. apply expr_redexes_go_is_nf. Qed.
End expr_split.

Lemma is_nf_or_redex {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)} e :
  is_nf e ∨ ∃ (E' : ectx K) e', is_redex e' ∧ e = subst E' e'.
  destruct (collection_choose_or_empty (expr_redexes e)) as [[[E' e'] ?]|?].
  * right. exists E' e'. split.
    + by apply expr_redexes_is_redex with e E'.
    + by apply expr_redexes_correct.
  * left. by apply expr_redexes_is_nf.

Lemma is_nf_is_redex {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)} e :
  ¬is_nf e → ∃ (E' : ectx K) e', is_redex e' ∧ e = subst E' e'.
Proof. intros. by destruct (is_nf_or_redex e). Qed.