Module executable_sound

Require Export smallstep executable.

Section soundness.
Context `{EnvSpec K}.

Lemma assign_exec_correct Γ m a v ass va' v' :
  assign_exec Γ m a v ass = Some (va',v') ↔ assign_sem Γ m a v ass va' v'.
  split; [|by destruct 1; simplify_option_equality].
  intros. destruct ass; simplify_option_equality; econstructor; eauto.

Lemma ctx_lookup_correct (k : ctx K) i : ctx_lookup i k = locals k !! i.
  revert i.
  induction k as [|[]]; intros [|x]; f_equal'; rewrite ?list_lookup_fmap; auto.

Lemma ehexec_sound Γ k m1 m2 e1 e2 :
  (e2,m2) ∈ ehexec Γ k e1 m1 → Γ\ locals k ⊢ₕ e1, m1e2, m2.
  intros. destruct e1;
    repeat match goal with
    | H : assign_exec _ _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
      apply assign_exec_correct in H
    | _ => progress decompose_elem_of
    | H : ctx_lookup _ _ = _ |- _ => rewrite ctx_lookup_correct in H
    | _ => progress simplify_equality'
    | _ => case_match
    end; do_ehstep.

Lemma ehexec_weak_complete Γ k e1 m1 e2 m2 :
  ehexec Γ k e1 m1 ≡ ∅ → ¬Γ\ locals k ⊢ₕ e1, m1e2, m2.
  destruct 2;
    repeat match goal with
    | H : assign_sem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
      apply assign_exec_correct in H
    | H : is_Some _ |- _ => destruct H as [??]
    | _ => progress decompose_empty
    | H : locals _ !! _ = Some _ |- _ => rewrite <-ctx_lookup_correct in H
    | H : of_option ?o ≫= __, Ho : ?o = Some _ |- _ =>
       rewrite Ho in H; csimpl in H; rewrite collection_bind_singleton in H
    | _ => progress simplify_option_equality
    | _ => case_match
    end; eauto.

Lemma ehstep_dec Γ ρ e1 m1 :
  (∃ e2 m2, Γ\ ρ ⊢ₕ e1, m1e2, m2) ∨ ∀ e2 m2, ¬Γ\ ρ ⊢ₕ e1, m1e2, m2.
  set (k:=(λ oτ, CLocal (oτ.1) (oτ.2)) <$> ρ).
  replace ρ with (locals k) by (induction ρ as [|[]]; f_equal'; auto).
  destruct (collection_choose_or_empty (ehexec Γ k e1 m1)) as [[[e2 m2]?]|];
    eauto using ehexec_sound, ehexec_weak_complete.

Lemma cexec_sound Γ δ S1 S2 : Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒ₑ S2 → Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1S2.
  intros. assert (∀ (k : ctx K) e m,
    ehexec Γ k e m ≡ ∅ → maybe_ECall_redex e = None
    is_redex e → ¬Γ\ locals k ⊢ₕ safe e, m).
  { intros k e m He. rewrite eq_None_not_Some.
    intros Hmaybe Hred Hsafe; apply Hmaybe; destruct Hsafe.
    * eexists; apply maybe_ECall_redex_Some; eauto.
    * edestruct ehexec_weak_complete; eauto. }
  destruct S1;
    repeat match goal with
    | H : _ehexec _ _ _ _ |- _ => apply ehexec_sound in H
    | H : _expr_redexes _ |- _ =>
      apply expr_redexes_correct in H; destruct H
    | H : maybe VBase ?vb = _ |- _ => is_var vb; destruct vb
    | H : maybe_ECall_redex _ = Some _ |- _ =>
      apply maybe_ECall_redex_Some in H; destruct H
    | _ => progress decompose_elem_of
    | _ => case_decide
    | _ => case_match
    | _ => progress simplify_equality'
    | H : maybe2 _ ?e = Some _ |- _ => is_var e; destruct e
    end; do_cstep.

Lemma cexecs_sound Γ δ S1 S2 : Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒ₑ* S2 → Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒* S2.
Proof. induction 1; econstructor; eauto using cexec_sound. Qed.
Lemma cexec_ex_loop Γ δ S :
  ex_loopS1 S2, Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒ₑ S2) Sex_loop (cstep Γ δ) S.
  revert S; cofix COH; intros S; destruct 1 as [S1 S2 p].
  econstructor; eauto using cexec_sound.

End soundness.