Module statements

The small step reduction (as defined in the file smallstep) traverses through the program in small steps by moving the focus on the substatement that is being executed. Uses of non-local control (goto and return) are performed in small steps rather than in big steps as well.
In order to model the concept of focusing on the substatement that is being executed, this file defines program contexts as an extension of Huet's zipper data structure. Program contexts extend the zipper data structure by annotating each block scope variable with its associated memory index, and they furthermore contain the full call stack of the program. Program contexts can also be seen as a generalization of continuations (as for example being used in CompCert). However, there are some notable differences. The fact that program contexts do not throw away the parts of the statement that have been executed is essential for our treatment of goto. Upon an invocation of a goto, the semantics traverses through the program context until the corresponding label has been found. During this traversal it passes all block scope variables that went out of scope, allowing it to perform required allocations and deallocations in a natural way. Hence, the point of this traversal is not so much to search for the label, but much more to incrementally calculate the required allocations and deallocations.
In a continuation semantics, upon the use of a goto, one typically computes, or looks up, the statement and continuation corresponding to the target label. However, it is not very natural to reconstruct the required allocations and deallocations from the current and target continuations.
Require Import String stringmap mapset optionmap zmap.
Require Export expressions.

Labels and gotos

We use the type N of binary natural numbers for labels, and the implementation Nmap for efficient finite sets, and finite maps indexed by labels. We define type classes Gotos and Labels to collect the labels of gotos respectively the labels of labeled statements.
Definition labelname := string.
Definition labelmap := stringmap.
Notation labelset := (mapset (labelmap unit)).

Instance labelname_dec: ∀ i1 i2 : labelname, Decision (i1 = i2) := decide_rel (=).
Instance labelname_inhabited: Inhabited labelname := populate ""%string.
Instance labelmap_dec {A} `{∀ a1 a2 : A, Decision (a1 = a2)} :
  ∀ m1 m2 : labelmap A, Decision (m1 = m2) := decide_rel (=).
Instance labelmap_empty {A} : Empty (labelmap A) := @empty (stringmap A) _.
Instance labelmap_lookup {A} : Lookup labelname A (labelmap A) :=
  @lookup _ _ (stringmap A) _.
Instance labelmap_partial_alter {A} : PartialAlter labelname A (labelmap A) :=
  @partial_alter _ _ (stringmap A) _.
Instance labelmap_to_list {A} : FinMapToList labelname A (labelmap A) :=
  @map_to_list _ _ (stringmap A) _.
Instance labelmap_omap: OMap labelmap := @omap stringmap _.
Instance labelmap_merge: Merge labelmap := @merge stringmap _.
Instance labelmap_fmap: FMap labelmap := @fmap stringmap _.
Instance: FinMap labelname labelmap := _.
Instance labelmap_dom {A} : Dom (labelmap A) labelset := mapset_dom.
Instance: FinMapDom labelname labelmap labelset := mapset_dom_spec.

Typeclasses Opaque labelname labelmap.

Class Gotos A := gotos: Alabelset.
Arguments gotos {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch.
Class Labels A := labels: Alabelset.
Arguments labels {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch.
Notation caseset := (optionset Zmap).
Class Cases A := cases: Acaseset.
Arguments cases {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch.


The construct SDo e executes the expression e and ignores the result. The construct SLocal τ s opens a new scope with one variable of type τ. Since we use De Bruijn indexes for variables, it does not contain the name of the variable.
Inductive stmt (K : Set) : Set :=
  | SDo : expr Kstmt K
  | SSkip : stmt K
  | SGoto : labelnamestmt K
  | SThrow : natstmt K
  | SReturn : expr Kstmt K
  | SCase : option Zstmt K
  | SLabel : labelnamestmt K
  | SLocal : type Kstmt Kstmt K
  | SCatch : stmt Kstmt K
  | SComp : stmt Kstmt Kstmt K
  | SLoop : stmt Kstmt K
  | SIf : expr Kstmt Kstmt Kstmt K
  | SSwitch : expr Kstmt Kstmt K.
Notation funenv K := (funmap (stmt K)).

Instance stmt_eq_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)}
  (s1 s2 : stmt K) : Decision (s1 = s2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

We use the scope stmt_scope for notations of statements.
Delimit Scope stmt_scope with S.
Bind Scope stmt_scope with stmt.
Open Scope stmt_scope.

Arguments SDo {_} _.
Arguments SSkip {_}.
Arguments SGoto {_} _%string.
Arguments SThrow {_} _.
Arguments SReturn {_} _.
Arguments SCase {_} _%Z.
Arguments SLabel {_} _%string.
Arguments SLocal {_} _%T _%S.
Arguments SCatch {_} _.
Arguments SComp {_}_%S _%S.
Arguments SLoop {_} _%S.
Arguments SIf {_} _%E _%S _%S.
Arguments SSwitch {_} _%E _%S.

Notation "! e" := (SDo e) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'skip'" := SSkip : stmt_scope.
Notation "'goto' l" := (SGoto l) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'throw' n" := (SThrow n) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'ret' e" := (SReturn e) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'scase' mx" := (SCase mx) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'label' l" := (SLabel l) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'local{' τ } s" := (SLocal τ s)
  (at level 10, format "'local{' τ } s") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'catch' s" := (SCatch s) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.
Notation "s1 ;; s2" := (SComp s1 s2)
  (at level 80, right associativity,
   format "'[' s1 ;; '/' s2 ']'") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'loop' s" := (SLoop s)
  (at level 10, format "'loop' s") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'if{' e } s1 'else' s2" := (SIf e s1 s2)
  (at level 56, format "if{ e } s1 'else' s2") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'switch{' e } s" := (SSwitch e s)
  (at level 56, format "switch{ e } s") : stmt_scope.
Notation "l :; s" := (label l ;; s)
  (at level 80, format "l :; s") : stmt_scope.
Notation "e1 ::={ ass } e2" := (!(e1 ::={ass} e2))
  (at level 54, format "e1 ::={ ass } e2", right associativity) : stmt_scope.
Notation "e1 ::= e2" := (!(e1 ::= e2))
  (at level 54, right associativity) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'call' f @ es" := (!(call f @ es))
  (at level 10, es at level 66) : stmt_scope.
Notation "'free' e" := (!(free e)) (at level 10) : stmt_scope.

Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@SDo K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@SGoto K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective (=) (=) (@SReturn K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Instance: Injective2 (=) (=) (=) (@SLocal K).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.

Instance stmt_gotos {K} : Gotos (stmt K) :=
  fix go s := let _ : Gotos _ := @go in
  match s with
  | ! _ | skip | throw _ | ret _ | label _ | scase _ => ∅
  | goto l => {[ l ]}
  | local{_} s | catch s | loop s | switch{_} s => gotos s
  | s1 ;; s2 | if{_} s1 else s2 => gotos s1gotos s2
Instance stmt_labels {K} : Labels (stmt K) :=
  fix go s := let _ : Labels _ := @go in
  match s with
  | ! _ | skip | goto _ | throw _ | ret _ | scase _ => ∅
  | label l => {[ l ]}
  | catch s | local{_} s | loop s | switch{_} s => labels s
  | s1 ;; s2 | if{_} s1 else s2 => labels s1labels s2
Instance stmt_cases {K} : Cases (stmt K) :=
  fix go s := let _ : Cases _ := @go in
  match s with
  | ! _ | skip | goto _ | throw _ | ret _ | label _ => ∅
  | scase mz => {[ mz ]}
  | catch s | local{_} s | loop s => cases s
  | s1 ;; s2 | if{_} s1 else s2 => cases s1cases s2
  | switch{_} _ => ∅
Fixpoint throws_valid {K} (n : nat) (s : stmt K) : Prop :=
  match s with
  | !_ | ret _ | skip | goto _ | label _ | scase _ => True
  | throw i => i < n
  | local{_} s | loop s | switch{_} s => throws_valid n s
  | catch s => throws_valid (S n) s
  | s1 ;; s2 | if{_} s1 else s2 => throws_valid n s1throws_valid n s2
Instance throws_valid_dec {K} : ∀ n (s : stmt K), Decision (throws_valid n s).
 refine (
  fix go n s :=
  match s return Decision (throws_valid n s) with
  | !_ | ret _ | skip | goto _ | label _ | scase _ => left _
  | throw i => cast_if (decide (i < n))
  | local{_} s | loop s | switch{_} s => go n s
  | catch s => go (S n) s
  | s1 ;; s2 | if{_} s1 else s2 => cast_if_and (go n s1) (go n s2)
  end); clear go; abstract naive_solver.

Lemma throws_valid_weaken {K} n n' (s : stmt K) :
  throws_valid n snn' → throws_valid n' s.
Proof. revert n n'; induction s; simpl; intuition eauto with lia. Qed.

Program contexts

We first define the data type sctx_item of singular statement contexts. A pair (E, s) consisting of a list of singular statement contexts E and a statement s forms a zipper for statements without block scope variables.
Inductive sctx_item (K : Set) : Set :=
  | CCatch : sctx_item K
  | CCompL : stmt Ksctx_item K
  | CCompR : stmt Ksctx_item K
  | CLoop : sctx_item K
  | CIfL : expr Kstmt Ksctx_item K
  | CIfR : expr Kstmt Ksctx_item K
  | CSwitch : expr Ksctx_item K.

Instance sctx_item_eq_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)}
  (E1 E2 : sctx_item K) : Decision (E1 = E2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

Arguments CCatch {_}.
Arguments CCompL {_} _.
Arguments CCompR {_} _.
Arguments CLoop {_}.
Arguments CIfL {_} _ _.
Arguments CIfR {_} _ _.
Arguments CSwitch {_} _.

Bind Scope stmt_scope with sctx_item.
Notation "'catch' □" := CCatch (at level 10, format "catch □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "□ ;; s" := (CCompL s) (at level 80, format "□ ;; s") : stmt_scope.
Notation "s ;; □" := (CCompR s) (at level 80, format "s ;; □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'loop' □" := CLoop (at level 10, format "'loop' □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'if{' e } □ 'else' s2" := (CIfL e s2)
  (at level 56, format "if{ e } □ 'else' s2") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'if{' e } s1 'else' □" := (CIfR e s1)
  (at level 56, format "if{ e } s1 'else' □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'switch{' e } □" := (CSwitch e)
  (at level 56, format "switch{ e } □") : stmt_scope.

Instance sctx_item_subst {K} :
    Subst (sctx_item K) (stmt K) (stmt K) := λ Es s,
  match Es with
  | catch □ => catch s
  | □ ;; s2 => s ;; s2
  | s1 ;; □ => s1 ;; s
  | loop □ => loop s
  | if{e} □ else s2 => if{e} s else s2
  | if{e} s1 else □ => if{e} s1 else s
  | switch{e} □ => switch{e} s
Instance: DestructSubst (@sctx_item_subst K).
Instance: ∀ Es : sctx_item K, Injective (=) (=) (subst Es).
Proof. destruct Es; repeat intro; simpl in *; by simplify_equality. Qed.

Instance maybe_CSwitch {K} : Maybe (@CSwitch K) := λ Es,
  match Es with switch{e} □ => Some e | _ => None end.
Instance sctx_item_gotos {K} : Gotos (sctx_item K) := λ Es,
  match Es with
  | catch □ | loop □ | switch{_} □ => ∅
  | s ;; □ | □ ;; s | if{_} □ else s | if{_} s else □ => gotos s
Instance sctx_item_labels {K} : Labels (sctx_item K) := λ Es,
  match Es with
  | catch □ | loop □ | switch{_} □ => ∅
  | s ;; □ | □ ;; s | if{_} □ else s | if{_} s else □ => labels s

Lemma sctx_item_subst_gotos {K} (Es : sctx_item K) (s : stmt K) :
  gotos (subst Es s) = gotos Esgotos s.
Proof. apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros. destruct Es; solve_elem_of. Qed.
Lemma sctx_item_subst_labels {K} (Es : sctx_item K) (s : stmt K) :
  labels (subst Es s) = labels Eslabels s.
Proof. apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros. destruct Es; solve_elem_of. Qed.

Next, we define the data type esctx_item of expression in statement contexts. These contexts are used to store the statement to which an expression that is being executed belongs to.
Inductive esctx_item (K : Set) : Set :=
  | CDoE : esctx_item K
  | CReturnE : esctx_item K
  | CIfE : stmt Kstmt Kesctx_item K
  | CSwitchE : stmt Kesctx_item K.

Instance esctx_item_eq_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)}
  (Ee1 Ee2 : esctx_item K) : Decision (Ee1 = Ee2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

Arguments CDoE {_}.
Arguments CReturnE {_}.
Arguments CIfE {_} _ _.
Arguments CSwitchE {_} _.
Notation "! □" := CDoE (at level 10, format "! □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'ret' □" := CReturnE (at level 10, format "'ret' □") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'if{' □ } s1 'else' s2" := (CIfE s1 s2)
  (at level 56, format "if{ □ } s1 'else' s2") : stmt_scope.
Notation "'switch{' □ } s" := (CSwitchE s)
  (at level 56, format "switch{ □ } s") : stmt_scope.

Instance esctx_item_subst {K} :
    Subst (esctx_item K) (expr K) (stmt K) := λ Ee e,
  match Ee with
  | ! □ => ! e
  | ret □ => ret e
  | if{□} s1 else s2 => if{e} s1 else s2
  | switch{□} s => switch{e} s
Instance: DestructSubst (@esctx_item_subst K).

Instance: ∀ Ee : esctx_item K, Injective (=) (=) (subst Ee).
Proof. destruct Ee; intros ???; simpl in *; by simplify_equality. Qed.

Instance esctx_item_gotos {K} : Gotos (esctx_item K) := λ Ee,
  match Ee with
  | ! □ | ret □ => ∅
  | if{□} s1 else s2 => gotos s1gotos s2
  | switch{□} s => gotos s
Instance esctx_item_labels {K} : Labels (esctx_item K) := λ Ee,
  match Ee with
  | ! □ | ret □ => ∅
  | if{□} s1 else s2 => labels s1labels s2
  | switch{□} s => labels s

Lemma esctx_item_subst_gotos {K} (Ee : esctx_item K) (e : expr K) :
  gotos (subst Ee e) = gotos Ee.
Proof. apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros. destruct Ee; solve_elem_of. Qed.
Lemma esctx_item_subst_labels {K} (Ee : esctx_item K) (e : expr K) :
  labels (subst Ee e) = labels Ee.
Proof. apply elem_of_equiv_L. intros. destruct Ee; solve_elem_of. Qed.

Finally, we define the type ctx_item to extends sctx_item with some additional singular contexts. These contexts will be used as follows. Program contexts ctx are then defined as lists of singular contexts.
Inductive ctx_item (K : Set) : Set :=
  | CStmt : sctx_item Kctx_item K
  | CLocal : indextype Kctx_item K
  | CExpr : expr Kesctx_item Kctx_item K
  | CFun : ectx Kctx_item K
  | CParams : funnamelist (index * type K) → ctx_item K.
Notation ctx K := (list (ctx_item K)).

Arguments CStmt {_} _.
Arguments CLocal {_} _ _.
Arguments CExpr {_} _ _.
Arguments CFun {_} _.
Arguments CParams {_} _ _.

Instance ctx_item_eq_dec {K : Set} `{∀ k1 k2 : K, Decision (k1 = k2)}
  (Ek1 Ek2 : ctx_item K) : Decision (Ek1 = Ek2).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.

Given a context, we can construct a stack using the following erasure function. We define locals (CFun _ :: k) as [] instead of locals k, as otherwise it would be possible to refer to the local variables of the caller.
Fixpoint locals {K} (k : ctx K) : stack K :=
  match k with
  | [] => []
  | CStmt _ :: k | CExpr _ _ :: k => locals k
  | CLocal o τ :: k => (o,τ) :: locals k
  | CFun _ :: _ => []
  | CParams _ oτs :: _ => oτs
Instance ctx_free_gotos {K} : Gotos (ctx K) :=
  fix go k := let _ : Gotos _ := @go in
  match k with
  | CStmt Es :: k => gotos Esgotos k
  | CLocal _ _ :: k => gotos k
  | CExpr _ E :: k => gotos Egotos k
  | _ => ∅
Instance ctx_free_labels {K} : Labels (ctx K) :=
  fix go k := let _ : Labels _ := @go in
  match k with
  | CStmt Es :: k => labels Eslabels k
  | CLocal _ _ :: k => labels k
  | CExpr _ E :: k => labels Elabels k
  | _ => ∅
Fixpoint ctx_catches {K} (k : ctx K) : nat :=
  match k with
  | CStmt (catch □) :: k => S (ctx_catches k)
  | (CStmt _ | CLocal _ _) :: k => ctx_catches k
  | _ => 0