Module restricted_smallstep

To give a model of our axiomatic semantics, among other things, we consider the traversal through the program with a restriction of the program context. The local variable part of the part we cut off is still relevant, and is thus added as an additional parameter.
Require Export smallstep.

Fixpoint rlocals {K} (ρ : stack K) (k : ctx K) : stack K :=
  match k with
  | [] => ρ
  | CStmt _ :: k | CExpr _ _ :: k => rlocals ρ k
  | CLocal o τ :: k => (o,τ) :: rlocals ρ k
  | CFun _ :: _ => []
  | CParams _ oτs :: _ => oτs

Reserved Notation "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ S1S2"
  (at level 74, δ at next level, ρ at next level,
   format "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ '[' S1 ⇒ '/' S2 ']'").
Inductive rcstep `{Env K} (Γ : env K)
    (δ : funenv K) (ρ : stack K) : relation (state K) :=
  (* For simple statements: *)
  | rcstep_skip m k :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmtskip) m
                State k (Stmtskip) m
  | rcstep_goto m k l :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (goto l)) m
                State k (Stmt (↷ l) (goto l)) m
  | rcstep_throw m k n :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (throw n)) m
                State k (Stmt (↑ n) (throw n)) m
  | cstep_case m k mx :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (scase mx)) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (scase mx)) m
  | rcstep_in_label m k l :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (label l)) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (label l)) m
  | rcstep_expr m k E e :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (subst E e)) m
                State (CExpr e E :: k) (Expr e) m

  (* For expressions: *)
  | rcstep_expr_head m1 m2 k (E : ectx K) e1 e2 :
     Γ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₕ e1, m1e2, m2
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Expr (subst E e1)) m1
                State k (Expr (subst E e2)) m2
  | rcstep_expr_call m k Ω f τs τ E Ωs vs :
     length Ωs = length vs
     let e := (call %{Ω} (FunPtr f τs τ) @ #{Ωs}* vs)%E in
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Expr (subst E e)) m
                State (CFun E :: k) (Call f vs) (mem_unlock (Ω ∪ ⋃ Ωs) m)
  | rcstep_expr_undef m k (E : ectx K) e :
     is_redex e → ¬Γ \ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₕ safe e, m
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Expr (subst E e)) m
                State k (Undef (UndefExpr E e)) m

  (* For finished expressions: *)
  | rcstep_expr_do m k e Ω v :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (! □) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} v)) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (! e)) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_expr_ret m k e Ω v :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (ret □) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} v)) m
                State k (Stmt (⇈ v) (ret e)) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_expr_if_true m k e Ω vb s1 s2 :
     base_val_branchable m vb → ¬base_val_is_0 vb
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} VBase vb)) m
                State (CStmt (if{e} □ else s2) :: k)
                  (Stmts1) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_expr_if_false m k e Ω vb s1 s2 :
     base_val_branchable m vbbase_val_is_0 vb
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} VBase vb)) m
                State (CStmt (if{e} s1 else □) :: k) (Stmts2) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_expr_if_indet m k e Ω vb s1 s2 :
     ¬base_val_branchable m vb
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} VBase vb)) m
                State k (Undef (UndefBranch (if{□} s1 else s2) Ω (VBase vb))) m
  | rcstep_switch_case m k e Ω τi x s :
     Some xcases s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (switch{□} s) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} (intVi} x))) m
                State (CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k)
                      (Stmt (↓ (Some x)) s) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_switch_default m k e Ω τi x s :
     Some xcases sNonecases s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (switch{□} s) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} (intVi} x))) m
                State (CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k)
                      (Stmt (↓ None) s) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_switch_out m k e Ω τi x s :
     Some xcases sNonecases s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (switch{□} s) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} (intVi} x))) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (switch{e} s)) (mem_unlock Ω m)
  | rcstep_switch_indet m k e Ω vb s :
     ¬base_val_branchable m vb
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CExpr e (switch{□} s) :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} VBase vb)) m
                State k (Undef (UndefBranch (switch{□} s) Ω (VBase vb))) m

  (* For compound statements: *)
  | rcstep_in_comp m k s1 s2 :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (s1 ;; s2)) m
                State (CStmt (□ ;; s2) :: k) (Stmts1) m
  | rcstep_out_comp1 m k s1 s2 :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (□ ;; s2) :: k) (Stmts1) m
                State (CStmt (s1 ;; □) :: k) (Stmts2) m
  | rcstep_out_comp2 m k s1 s2 :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (s1 ;; □) :: k) (Stmts2) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (s1 ;; s2)) m
  | rcstep_in_catch m k s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (catch s)) m
                State (CStmt (catch □) :: k) (Stmts) m
  | rcstep_out_catch m k s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (catch □) :: k) (Stmts) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (catch s)) m
  | rcstep_in_loop m k s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt ↘ (loop s)) m
                State (CStmt (loop □) :: k) (Stmts) m
  | rcstep_out_loop m k s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (loop □) :: k) (Stmts) m
                State k (Stmt ↘ (loop s)) m
  | rcstep_out_if1 m k e s1 s2 :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (if{e} □ else s2) :: k) (Stmts1) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s1 else s2)) m
  | rcstep_out_if2 m k e s1 s2 :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (if{e} s1 else □) :: k) (Stmts2) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s1 else s2)) m
  | rcstep_out_switch m k e s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k) (Stmts) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (switch{e} s)) m

  (* For function calls *)
  | rcstep_call m k f s os vs :
     δ !! f = Some sForall_fresh (dom indexset m) os
     length os = length vs
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Call f vs) m
                State (CParams f (zip os (type_of <$> vs)) :: k)
                  (Stmts) (mem_alloc_list Γ os vs m)
  | rcstep_free_params m k f oτs s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CParams f oτs :: k) (Stmts) m
                State k (Return f voidV) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1))
  | rcstep_free_params_top m k f oτs v s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CParams f oτs :: k) (Stmt (⇈ v) s) m
                State k (Return f v) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1))
  | rcstep_return m k f E v :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CFun E :: k) (Return f v) m
                State k (Expr (subst E (#v)%E)) m

  (* For non-local control flow: *)
  | rcstep_label_here m k l :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt (↷ l) (label l)) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (label l)) m
  | rcstep_throw_here m k s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (catch □) :: k) (Stmt (↑ 0) s) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (catch s)) m
  | rcstep_throw_further m k s n :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt (catch □) :: k) (Stmt (↑ (S n)) s) m
                State k (Stmt (↑ n) (catch s)) m
  | cstep_case_here m k mx :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt (↓ mx) (scase mx)) m
                State k (Stmt ↗ (scase mx)) m
  | rcstep_goto_in m k Es l s :
     llabels s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt (↷ l) (subst Es s)) m
                State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↷ l) s) m
  | rcstep_switch_in m k Es mx s :
     maybe CSwitch Es = Nonemxcases s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt (↓ mx) (subst Es s)) m
                State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↓ mx) s) m
  | rcstep_top_out m k Es v s :
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (⇈ v) s) m
                State k (Stmt (⇈ v) (subst Es s)) m
  | rcstep_goto_out m k Es l s :
     llabels s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↷ l) s) m
                State k (Stmt (↷ l) (subst Es s)) m
  | rcstep_throw_out m k Es n s :
     Escatch □ →
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↑ n) s) m
                State k (Stmt (↑ n) (subst Es s)) m

  (* For block scopes: *)
  | rcstep_in_block m k d o τ s :
     direction_in d sodom indexset m
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt d (local{τ} s)) m
                State (CLocal o τ :: k) (Stmt d s)
                  (mem_alloc Γ o false perm_full (val_new Γ τ) m)
  | rcstep_out_block m k d o τ s :
     direction_out d s
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (CLocal o τ :: k) (Stmt d s) m
                State k (Stmt d (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m)
where "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ S1S2" := (@rcstep _ _ Γ δ ρ S1%S S2%S) : C_scope.

The reflexive transitive closure.
Notation "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒* S2" := (rtc (rcstep Γ δ ρ) S1 S2)
  (at level 74, δ at next level, ρ at next level,
   format "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ '[' S1 '⇒*' '/' S2 ']'") : C_scope.
Notation "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒^ n S2" := (bsteps (rcstep Γ δ ρ) n S1 S2)
  (at level 74, δ at next level, ρ at next level, n at level 1,
   format "Γ \ δ \ ρ ⊢ₛ '[' S1 '⇒^' n '/' S2 ']'") : C_scope.


Coq's inversion tactic is rather slow for large inductive types (as our cstep). We therefore define some special purpose inversion schemes. The way of defining these schemes is based on small inversions (Monin, 2010).
Section inversion.
  Context `{Env K} (Γ : env K) (δ : funenv K) (ρ : stack K).

  Lemma rcstep_focus_inv (P : state KProp) S1 S2 :
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ S1S2
    let 'State k φ m := S1 in
    match φ with
    | Stmtskip => P (State k (Stmtskip) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (goto l) => P (State k (Stmt (↷ l) (goto l)) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (throw n) => P (State k (Stmt (↑ n) (throw n)) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (label l) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (label l)) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (scase mx) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (scase mx)) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (! e) => P (State (CExpr e (! □) :: k) (Expr e) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (ret e) => P (State (CExpr e (ret □) :: k) (Expr e) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (loop s) => P (State (CStmt (loop □) :: k) (Stmts) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (if{e} s1 else s2) =>
       P (State (CExpr e (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k) (Expr e) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (switch{e} s) =>
       P (State (CExpr e (switch{□} s) :: k) (Expr e) m) → P S2
    | Expr e =>
       (∀ Ω v k' e',
         e = (#{Ω} v)%Ek = CExpr e' (! □) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (! e')) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω v k' e',
         e = (#{Ω} v)%Ek = CExpr e' (ret □) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt (⇈ v) (ret e')) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω vb k' e' s1 s2,
         e = (#{Ω} VBase vb)%Ebase_val_branchable m vb → ¬base_val_is_0 vb
         k = CExpr e' (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k' →
         P (State (CStmt (if{e'} □ else s2) :: k')
           (Stmts1) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω vb k' e' s1 s2,
         e = (#{Ω} VBase vb)%Ebase_val_branchable m vbbase_val_is_0 vb
         k = CExpr e' (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k' →
         P (State (CStmt (if{e'} s1 else □) :: k')
           (Stmts2) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω vb k' e' s1 s2,
         e = (#{Ω} VBase vb)%E → ¬base_val_branchable m vb
         k = CExpr e' (if{□} s1 else s2) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Undef (UndefBranch (if{□} s1 else s2) Ω (VBase vb))) m)) →
       (∀ Ω τi x k' e' s,
         e = (#{Ω} (intVi} x))%ESome xcases s
         k = CExpr e' (switch{□} s) :: k' →
         P (State (CStmt (switch{e'} □) :: k')
                  (Stmt (↓ (Some x)) s) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω τi x k' e' s,
         e = (#{Ω} (intVi} x))%ESome xcases sNonecases s
         k = CExpr e' (switch{□} s) :: k' →
         P (State (CStmt (switch{e'} □) :: k')
                  (Stmt (↓ None) s) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω τi x k' e' s,
         e = (#{Ω} (intVi} x))%ESome xcases sNonecases s
         k = CExpr e' (switch{□} s) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (switch{e'} s)) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
       (∀ Ω vb k' e' s,
         e = (#{Ω} VBase vb)%E → ¬base_val_branchable m vb
         k = CExpr e' (switch{□} s) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Undef (UndefBranch (switch{□} s) Ω (VBase vb))) m)) →
       (∀ (E : ectx K) e1 e2 m2,
         e = subst E e1 → Γ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₕ e1, me2, m2
         P (State k (Expr (subst E e2)) m2)) →
       (∀ (E : ectx K) Ω f τs τ Ωs vs,
         e = subst E (call %{Ω} FunPtr f τs τ @ #{Ωs}* vs)%E
         length Ωs = length vs
         P (State (CFun E :: k) (Call f vs) (mem_unlock (Ω ∪ ⋃ Ωs) m))) →
       (∀ (E : ectx K) e1,
         e = subst E e1is_redex e1 → ¬Γ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₕ safe e1, m
         P (State k (Undef (UndefExpr E e1)) m)) →
       P S2
    | Return f v =>
       (∀ k' E,
         k = CFun E :: k' → P (State k' (Expr (subst E (#v)%E)) m)) →
       P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (local{τ} s) =>
       (∀ o,
         odom indexset m
         P (State (CLocal o τ :: k) (Stmts)
           (mem_alloc Γ o false perm_full (val_new Γ τ) m))) →
       P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (s1 ;; s2) => P (State (CStmt (□ ;; s2) :: k) (Stmts1) m) → P S2
    | Stmt ↘ (catch s) =>
       P (State (CStmt (catch □) :: k) (Stmts) m) → P S2
    | Stmts =>
       (∀ k' o τ,
         k = CLocal o τ :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m))) →
       (∀ k' s2,
         k = CStmt (□ ;; s2) :: k' →
         P (State (CStmt (s ;; □) :: k') (Stmts2) m)) →
       (∀ k' s1,
         k = CStmt (s1 ;; □) :: k' → P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (s1 ;; s)) m)) →
       (∀ k',
         k = CStmt (catch □) :: k' → P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (catch s)) m)) →
       (∀ k',
         k = CStmt (loop □) :: k' → P (State k' (Stmt ↘ (loop s)) m)) →
       (∀ k' e s2,
         k = CStmt (if{e} □ else s2) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s else s2)) m)) →
       (∀ k' e s1,
         k = CStmt (if{e} s1 else □) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s1 else s)) m)) →
       (∀ k' e,
         k = CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (switch{e} s)) m)) →
       (∀ k' f oτs,
         k = CParams f oτs :: k' →
         P (State k' (Return f voidV) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1)))) →
       P S2
    | Call f vs =>
       (∀ s os,
         δ !! f = Some sForall_fresh (dom indexset m) os
         length os = length vs
         P (State (CParams f (zip os (type_of <$> vs)) :: k)
           (Stmts) (mem_alloc_list Γ os vs m))) →
       P S2
    | Stmt (⇈ v) s =>
       (∀ k' f oτs,
         k = CParams f oτs :: k' →
         P (State k' (Return f v) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1)))) →
       (∀ k' o τ,
         k = CLocal o τ :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt (⇈ v) (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m))) →
       (∀ k' Es,
         k = CStmt Es :: k' → P (State k' (Stmt (⇈ v) (subst Es s)) m)) →
       P S2
    | Stmt (↑ n) s =>
       (∀ k',
         k = CStmt (catch □) :: k' → n = 0 →
         P (State k' (Stmt ↗ (catch s)) m)) →
       (∀ k' n',
         k = CStmt (catch □) :: k' → n = S n' →
         P (State k' (Stmt (↑ n') (catch s)) m)) →
       (∀ k' o τ,
         k = CLocal o τ :: k' →
         P (State k' (Stmt (↑ n) (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m))) →
       (∀ k' Es,
         k = CStmt Es :: k' → Escatch □ →
         P (State k' (Stmt (↑ n) (subst Es s)) m)) →
       P S2
    | Stmt (↷ l) s =>
       (s = label lP (State k (Stmts) m)) →
       (∀ s' o τ,
         s = local{τ} s' → llabels sodom indexset m
         P (State (CLocal o τ :: k) (Stmt (↷ l) s')
           (mem_alloc Γ o false perm_full (val_new Γ τ) m))) →
       (∀ k' o τ,
         k = CLocal o τ :: k' → llabels s
         P (State k' (Stmt (↷ l) (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m))) →
       (∀ s' Es,
         s = subst Es s' → llabels s' →
         P (State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↷ l) s') m)) →
       (∀ k' Es,
         k = CStmt Es :: k' → llabels s
         P (State k' (Stmt (↷ l) (subst Es s)) m)) →
       P S2
    | Stmt (↓ mx) s =>
       (s = scase mxP (State k (Stmts) m)) →
       (∀ s' o τ,
         s = local{τ} s' → mxcases sodom indexset m
         P (State (CLocal o τ :: k) (Stmt (↓ mx) s')
           (mem_alloc Γ o false perm_full (val_new Γ τ) m))) →
       (∀ s' Es,
         s = subst Es s' → maybe CSwitch Es = Nonemxcases s' →
         P (State (CStmt Es :: k) (Stmt (↓ mx) s') m)) →
       P S2
    | Undef _ => P S2
    intros p; case p; simpl; eauto 2.
    * by intros ?? [] ?; simpl; eauto.
    * by intros ?? []; simpl; eauto.
    * by intros ?? []; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma rcstep_expr_inv (P : state KProp) m k Ek Ω v S2 :
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (Ek :: k) (Expr (#{Ω} v)) mS2
    match Ek with
    | CExpr e (! □) =>
       P (State k (Stmt ↗ (! e)) (mem_unlock Ω m)) → P S2
    | CExpr e (ret □) =>
       P (State k (Stmt (⇈ v) (ret e)) (mem_unlock Ω m)) → P S2
    | CExpr e (if{□} s1 else s2) =>
      (∀ vb,
        v = VBase vbbase_val_branchable m vb → ¬base_val_is_0 vb
        P (State (CStmt (if{e} □ else s2) :: k) (Stmts1) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
      (∀ vb,
        v = VBase vbbase_val_branchable m vbbase_val_is_0 vb
        P (State (CStmt (if{e} s1 else □) :: k) (Stmts2) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
      (∀ vb,
        v = VBase vb → ¬base_val_branchable m vb
        P (State k (Undef (UndefBranch (if{□} s1 else s2) Ω v)) m)) → P S2
    | CExpr e (switch{□} s) =>
      (∀ τi x,
        v = intVi} xSome xcases s
        P (State (CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k)
                 (Stmt (↓ (Some x)) s) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
      (∀ τi x,
        v = intVi} xSome xcases sNonecases s
        P (State (CStmt (switch{e} □) :: k)
                        (Stmt (↓ None) s) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
      (∀ τi x,
        v = intVi} xSome xcases sNonecases s
        P (State k (Stmt ↗ (switch{e} s)) (mem_unlock Ω m))) →
      (∀ vb s,
        v = VBase vb → ¬base_val_branchable m vb
        P (State k (Undef (UndefBranch (switch{□} s) Ω (VBase vb))) m)) → P S2
    | _ => P S2
    intros p. pattern S2.
    apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ p);
      try solve [intros; simplify_equality; eauto].
    * intros Ee e1 e2 m2 Hv p'. simplify_list_subst_equality Hv. inversion p'.
    * intros Ee Ω' f τs τ Ωs vs Hv. simplify_list_subst_equality Hv.
    * intros Ee e1 Hv ? _. simplify_list_subst_equality Hv.
      by destruct (EVal_not_redex Ω (inr v)).

  Lemma rcstep_stmt_up_inv (P : state KProp) m k Ek s S2 :
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (Ek :: k) (Stmts) mS2
    match Ek with
    | CStmt (□ ;; s2) => P (State (CStmt (s ;; □) :: k) (Stmts2) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (s1 ;; □) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (s1 ;; s)) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (catch □) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (catch s)) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (loop □) => P (State k (Stmt ↘ (loop s)) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (if{e} □ else s2) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s else s2)) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (if{e} s1 else □) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (if{e} s1 else s)) m) → P S2
    | CStmt (switch{e} □) => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (switch{e} s)) m) → P S2
    | CLocal o τ => P (State k (Stmt ↗ (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m)) → P S2
    | CParams f oτs =>
       P (State k (Return f voidV) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1))) → P S2
    | _ => P S2
    intros p. pattern S2. apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ p);
      intros; simplify_equality; eauto.

  Lemma rcstep_stmt_top_inv (P : state KProp) m k Ek v s S2 :
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (Ek :: k) (Stmt (⇈ v) s) mS2
    match Ek with
    | CStmt Es => P (State k (Stmt (⇈ v) (subst Es s)) m) → P S2
    | CParams f oτs =>
       P (State k (Return f v) (foldr mem_free m (oτs.*1))) → P S2
    | CLocal o τ => P (State k (Stmt (⇈ v) (local{τ} s)) (mem_free o m)) → P S2
    | _ => P S2
    intros p. pattern S2.
    apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ p); intros; simplify_equality; eauto.

End inversion.

The previously defined inversion schemes all work for reductions of a different shape. We therefore define the tactic fast_inv_rcstep to automatically pick the most suitable inversion scheme. It also performs the necessary generalization of assumptions.
Ltac fast_inv_rcstep H :=
  match type of H with
  | _\ _\ _ ⊢ₛ ?S1 ⇒ ?S2 =>
    try match S1 with
    | State _ (Stmt ?d _) _ => is_var d; destruct d; try done
    is_var S2;
    repeat match goal with
    | H' : context [ S2 ] |- _ => var_neq H H'; revert H'
    pattern S2; first
    [ apply (rcstep_expr_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H)
    | apply (rcstep_stmt_up_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H)
    | apply (rcstep_stmt_top_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H)
    | apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ H)];
    clear H; intros; unblock_goal
Some reduction are not of a shape that fits any of the previously defined inversion schemes. The tactic slow_inv_rcstep inverts a reduction using Coq's standard inversion tactic and works for reductions of all shapes.
Ltac slow_inv_rcstep H :=
  match type of H with _\ _\ _ ⊢ₛ ?S1 ⇒ ?S2 => inversion H; clear H end.

The tactic inv_rcstep inverts a reduction step and performs some clean up and discharges impossible cases afterwards.
Tactic Notation "inv_rcstep" hyp(H) :=
  match type of H with
  | _\ _\ _ ⊢ₛ ?S1 ⇒ ?S2 =>
    (* perform the actual inversion, and print a message (for debugging) in
    case slow inversion has been used *)

      [ fast_inv_rcstep H
      | idtac "slow inversion on" S1; slow_inv_rcstep H ];

    (* clean up, and discharge impossible cases *)
    repeat match goal with
    | _ => done
    | H : suffix_of _ _ |- _ => progress (simpl in H; simplify_suffix_of)
    | H : _\ _ ⊢ₕ %#{_} _, __, _ |- _ => by inversion H
    | H : is_redex (%#{_} _) |- _ => inversion H
    | H : direction_in ?d ?s, _ : direction_out ?d ?s |- _ =>
       by destruct (direction_in_out d s)
    | H : _labels (subst _ _) |- _ => rewrite sctx_item_subst_labels in H
    | _ => first [by decompose_elem_of|decompose_elem_of; [idtac]]
Tactic Notation "inv_rcstep" :=
  match goal with
  | H : _\ _\ _ ⊢ₛ __ |- _ => inv_rcstep H

Tactic Notation "inv_rcsteps" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(H2) :=
  let H' := fresh in
  rename H into H';
  inversion H' as H2; clear H'; try subst.
Tactic Notation "inv_rcsteps" hyp(H) := inv_rcsteps H as [].

Tactic Notation "last_rcstep" hyp(H) :=
  let H' := fresh in
  inv_rcsteps H as [| ???? H' ?]; [| solve [inv_rcstep H']].

Step tactics

Ltac do_rcstep :=
  let go := first
    [ econstructor (by (eauto with cstep))
    | by (eauto with cstep)] in
  match goal with
  | |- ?Γ\ ?δ\ ?ρ ⊢ₛ State ?k (Stmt ?d ?s) ?m ⇒ ?S =>
     iter (fun s' => change (Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Stmt d s') mS); go)
          (quote_stmt s)
  | |- ?Γ\ ?δ\ ?ρ ⊢ₛ State ?k (Expr ?e) ?m ⇒ ?S =>
     iter (fun e' => change (Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State k (Expr e') mS); go)
          (quote_expr e)
  | _ => go

Ltac solve_rcred :=
  repeat match goal with
  | |- red (rcstep _ _ _) (State _ (Stmt ?d _) _) =>
    is_var d; destruct d; simplify_equality'; try contradiction
  | H : ?l_ |- red (rcstep _ _ _) (State _ (Stmt (↷ ?l) _) _) =>
    progress decompose_elem_of H
  | H : ?mx_ |- red (rcstep _ _ _) (State _ (Stmt (↓ ?mx) _) _) =>
    progress decompose_elem_of H
  match goal with
  | |- red (rcstep _ _ _) _ => eexists; do_rcstep
  | |- _ => by (eauto with cstep)


Section theorems.
Context `{Env K} (Γ : env K) (δ : funenv K).
Implicit Types k : ctx K.

Lemma rlocals_nil k : rlocals [] k = locals k.
Proof. by induction k as [|[]]; f_equal'. Qed.
Lemma rlocals_app k1 k2 ρ : rlocals ρ (k1 ++ k2) = rlocals (rlocals ρ k2) k1.
Proof. induction k1 as [|[]]; simpl; auto with f_equal. Qed.

Lemma cstep_rcstep S1 S2 : Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1S2 → Γ\ δ\ [] ⊢ₛ S1S2.
Proof. by destruct 1; constructor; rewrite ?rlocals_nil. Qed.
Lemma csteps_rcsteps S1 S2 : Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒* S2 → Γ\ δ\ [] ⊢ₛ S1 ⇒* S2.
Proof. induction 1; econstructor; eauto using cstep_rcstep. Qed.
Lemma rcstep_cstep S1 S2 : Γ\ δ\ [] ⊢ₛ S1S2 → Γ\ δ ⊢ₛ S1S2.
Proof. by destruct 1; constructor; rewrite <-?rlocals_nil. Qed.

Lemma rcred_ectx (E : ectx K) ρ e m :
  red (rcstep Γ δ ρ) (State [] (Expr e) m) →
  red (rcstep Γ δ ρ) (State [] (Expr (subst E e)) m).
Proof. intros [S p]. inv_rcstep p; rewrite <-subst_app; solve_rcred. Qed.

Lemma rcstep_app ρ k k1 k2 φ1 φ2 m1 m2 :
  Γ\ δ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₛ State k1 φ1 m1State k2 φ2 m2
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ k) φ1 m1State (k2 ++ k) φ2 m2.
  cut (∀ S1 S2, Γ\ δ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₛ S1S2
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (SCtx S1 ++ k) (SFoc S1) (SMem S1) ⇒
               State (SCtx S2 ++ k) (SFoc S2) (SMem S2)).
  { intros help; apply help. }
  destruct 1; repeat match goal with
    | H : context [rlocals _ _] |- _ => rewrite <-rlocals_app in H
    end; do_cstep.

Lemma rcred_app ρ k1 k2 φ m :
  red (rcstep Γ δ (rlocals ρ k2)) (State k1 φ m) →
  red (rcstep Γ δ ρ) (State (k1 ++ k2) φ m).
Proof. intros [[???] ?]; eexists; eauto using rcstep_app. Qed.
Lemma rcstep_app_inv ρ k k1 k2 φ1 φ2 m1 m2 :
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ k) φ1 m1State (k2 ++ k) φ2 m2
  Γ\ δ\ rlocals ρ k ⊢ₛ State k1 φ1 m1State k2 φ2 m2.
  intros p; inv_rcstep p;
    repeat match goal with
    | H : context [rlocals _ _] |- _ => rewrite rlocals_app in H
    | H : _ :: _ ++ _ = _ ++ _ |- _ => rewrite app_comm_cons in H
    | H : _ ++ _ = _ ++ _ |- _ => apply (injective (++ _)) in H; subst
    | H : _ :: _ = ?k ++ _ |- _ =>
       destruct k; simplify_equality'; try discriminate_list_equality
    end; do_rcstep.

Lemma cstep_app_suffix_of ρ k1 k2 φ m S' :
  red (rcstep Γ δ (rlocals ρ k2)) (State k1 φ m) →
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ k2) φ mS' → suffix_of k2 (SCtx S').
  cut (∀ S, red (rcstep Γ δ (rlocals ρ k2)) S
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (SCtx S ++ k2) (SFoc S) (SMem S) ⇒ S' →
    suffix_of k2 (SCtx S')); eauto.
  intros S [S'' p1] p2.
  destruct p1; simplify_equality'; inv_rcstep; solve_suffix_of.

Lemma rcstep_expr_depsubst_inv {n} (P : state KProp)
    m ρ (E : ectx_full K n) (es : vec (expr K) n) S' :
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [] (Expr (depsubst E es)) mS' →
  (∀ i e' m',
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [] (Expr (es !!! i)) mState [] (Expr e') m' →
    P (State [] (Expr (depsubst E (vinsert i e' es))) m')) →
  (∀ i E' Ω f τs τ Ωs vs,
    length Ωs = length vs
    es !!! i = subst E' (call %{Ω} FunPtr f τs τ @ #{Ωs}* vs)%E
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [] (Expr (es !!! i)) m
               State [CFun E'] (Call f vs) (mem_unlock (Ω ∪ ⋃ Ωs) m) →
    P (State [CFun (E' ++ [ectx_full_to_item E es i])]
      (Call f vs) (mem_unlock (Ω ∪ ⋃ Ωs) m))) →
  (Forall is_nf esP S') →
  (∀ i E' e, es !!! i = subst E' e
    Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [] (Expr (es !!! i)) m
              State [] (Undef (UndefExpr E' e)) m
    P (State [] (Undef (UndefExpr (E' ++ [ectx_full_to_item E es i]) e)) m)) →
  P S'.
  intros p. pattern S'.
  apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ p); clear p; simpl; try done.
  * intros E' e1 e2 m2 HE p HP1 _ HP3 _.
    destruct E' as [|E'' E' _] using rev_ind; simplify_equality'.
    { eapply HP3, is_redex_ectx_full, ehstep_is_redex; eauto. }
    rewrite !subst_snoc in HE |- *.
    apply ectx_full_item_subst in HE. destruct HE as [i [HE1 ->]].
    rewrite <-ectx_full_to_item_correct_alt; apply HP1.
    rewrite <-HE1; do_cstep.
  * intros E' Ω' f τs τ Ωs vs HE Hvs _ HP2 HP3 _.
    destruct E' as [|E'' E' _] using rev_ind.
    { destruct E; simplify_equality'. apply HP3. clear HP2 HP3.
      inv_vec es; intros e es ??; simplify_equality'; repeat constructor.
      eapply EVals_nf_alt; eauto. }
    rewrite !subst_snoc in HE.
    apply ectx_full_item_subst in HE; destruct HE as [i [HE1 ->]].
    eapply HP2; eauto. rewrite <-?HE1; trivial. do_cstep.
  * intros E' e1 HE Hred Hsafe HP1 HP2 HP3 HP4.
    destruct E' as [|E'' E' _] using rev_ind; simplify_equality'.
    { eapply HP3, is_redex_ectx_full; eauto. }
    rewrite !subst_snoc in HE.
    apply ectx_full_item_subst in HE. destruct HE as [i [HE1 ->]].
    apply HP4; auto. rewrite <-HE1; do_cstep.

Lemma rcstep_expr_call_inv (P : state KProp) ρ Ω f τs τ Ωs vs m S' :
  let e := (call %{Ω} FunPtr f τs τ @ #{Ωs}* vs)%E in
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [] (Expr e) mS' →
  length Ωs = length vs
  P (State [CFun []] (Call f vs) (mem_unlock (Ω ∪ ⋃ Ωs) m)) → P S'.
  simpl; intros p ?. pattern S'.
  apply (rcstep_focus_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ p); simpl; clear p; try done.
  * intros E e1 v2 m2 Hvs ? _.
    simplify_list_subst_equality Hvs; simplify_list_subst_equality; inv_ehstep.
  * intros E Ω' f' τs' τ' Ωs' vs' Hvs ? HP;
      simplify_list_subst_equality Hvs.
    + edestruct (zip_with_inj (λ Ω v, #{Ω} v)%E Ωs Ωs' vs vs');
        eauto with congruence.
    + simplify_list_subst_equality.
    + simplify_list_subst_equality.
  * intros E e1 Hvs Hred Hsafe _; simplify_list_subst_equality Hvs.
    + destruct Hsafe. by constructor.
    + simplify_list_subst_equality; inversion Hred.
    + simplify_list_subst_equality; inversion Hred.

Lemma rcstep_ctx_irrel ρ l l' k1 φ1 m1 k2 φ2 m2 :
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ l) φ1 m1State (k2 ++ l) φ2 m2
  rlocals ρ l = rlocals ρ l' →
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ l') φ1 m1State (k2 ++ l') φ2 m2.
  intros p Hloc. inv_rcstep p;
    rewrite ?app_comm_cons in *; simplify_list_equality;
    repeat match goal with
    | H : context [rlocals _ (_ ++ _)] |- _ =>
       rewrite rlocals_app, Hloc, <-rlocals_app in H
    | _ => do_rcstep
    | H : _ :: _ = ?k ++ _ |- _ =>
       destruct k; simplify_list_equality; try discriminate_list_equality

Lemma rcstep_call_inv (P : state KProp) E E' ρ k1 φ1 m1 S' :
  Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ [CFun E]) φ1 m1S' →
  (∀ k2 φ2 m2,
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State (k1 ++ [CFun E']) φ1 m1
                State (k2 ++ [CFun E']) φ2 m2
     P (State (k2 ++ [CFun E]) φ2 m2)) →
  (∀ f v,
     k1 = [] → φ1 = Return f v
     Γ\ δ\ ρ ⊢ₛ State [CFun E'] (Return f v) m1
                State [] (Expr (subst E' (# v)%E)) m1
     P (State [] (Expr (subst E (# v)%E)) m1)) →
  P S'.
  intros p HP1 HP2. destruct S' as [k2 φ2 m2].
  destruct (decide ([CFun E] `suffix_of` k2)) as [[k2' ->]|?].
  * by apply HP1, rcstep_ctx_irrel with [CFun E].
  * inv_rcstep p; destruct k1; try solve_suffix_of; simplify_list_equality.
    eapply HP2; trivial. do_cstep.

Cutting reduction paths

Given a reduction path, we can cut off the maximal prefix that is restricted by a more restrictive program context.

End theorems.