Robbert Krebbers


Robbert I am looking for strong PhD candidates on my ERC Consolidator project "Developing Correct Concurrent Software Using Types" (vacancies open now) and the NWO-XL consortium project "Cyclic Structures in Programs and Proofs" (vacancies open soon).

I am associate professor (universitair hoofddocent, ius promovendi) and vice department head of the Department of Software Science of Institute for Computing and Information Sciences at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

My research is centered around scaling up program verification techniques to challenging programming paradigms like concurrency, higher-order functions and modules, and applying these techniques to programming languages like C, Rust, and Scala. I like to build solid mathematical foundations and usable tools, preferably using the Rocq proof assistant.

Together with Ralf Jung I am leading the Iris project: a framework for concurrent separation logic in Rocq. Iris has been deployed in a wide variety of verification projects, for many different programming languages, at many different institutes world-wide. Together with my Iris co-authors I received the 2023 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation. Check out the Iris website for more information!

I have received my PhD (cum laude) from Radboud University Nijmegen (2011-2015), have been a postdoc in the logic and semantics group at Aarhus University (2015-2016), and an assistant professor in the programming languages group at Delft University of Technology (2016-2020).

Bachelor and master projects

I am always looking for motivated bachelor and master students. If you are interested in a thesis project related to program languages (in particular, in the field of concurrency, language semantics, separation logic, and Rocq), do not hesitate to contact me.

Professional service

POPL'26 (Associate chair), ESOP'26 (PC chair), PLMW'25 (SC chair), CPP'25 (PC), MFPS'24 (PC), OOPSLA'24 (PC), ICFP'24 (PC), FoSSaCS'24 (PC), RADICAL'23 (PC), APLAS'23 (PC), PLDI'23 (PC), POPL'23 (PC), ESOP'23 (PC), CPP'23 (senior conference co-chair), PLMW'23 (senior co-chair), Iris'22 (lead organizer), ASL'22 (organizing committee), OOPSLA'22 (PC), CPP'22 (junior conference co-chair), PLMW'22 (junior co-chair), ESOP'21 (PC), FSCD'21 (PC), ICFP'20 (PC), PLMW'20 (co-organizer), CoqPL'20 (co-chair), PLNL'19 (PC), Iris'19 (co-organizer), Lorentz workshop "Static Analysis Meets Program Logics" (co-organizer), CoqPL'19 (co-chair), POPL'19 (PC), PLNL'18 (co-chair), HOPE'17 (PC), POPL'17 (ERC + AEC), CPP'17 (PC), Coq Workshop'16 (PC).

PhD students and postdocs

Current PhD students:

Former PhD students:

Former postdocs:


Email: (λ x y . mail @ x y . nl) robbert krebbers

Office: Mercator 1, Office 1.17, Toernooiveld 214, Nijmegen

Send snail mail/packages to:

Dr. Robbert Krebbers
Department of Software Science
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Faculty of Science
Mailbox 47
PO Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands