Module assertions

We define assertions of Hoare logic using a shallow embedding. That is, assertions are predicates over the contents of the stack and memory.
This file defines the data type of assertions, the usual connectives of Hoare logic (, ¬, , and ), the connectives of separation logic (emp, , ), and other connectives that are more specific to our development. We overload the usual notations in assert_scope to obtain nicely looking assertions.
Require Export expression_eval_separation type_system memory_singleton.
Require Import type_system_decidable.
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.

Local Hint Extern 1 (__) => etransitivity; [eassumption|].
Local Hint Extern 1 (__) => etransitivity; [|eassumption].
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ ⊆{_} _) => etransitivity; [eassumption|].
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ ⊆{_} _) => etransitivity; [|eassumption].

Definition of assertions

Record assert (K : Set) `{Env K} := Assert {
  assert_holds : env Kmemenv Kfunenv Kstack Knatmem KProp;
  assert_weaken Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n n' m :
    ✓ Γ1 → ✓{Γ1,Δ1} m → ✓{Δ1}* ρ →
    assert_holds Γ1 Δ1 δ1 ρ n m
    Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 → Δ1 ⇒ₘ Δ2 → δ1 ⊆ δ2 → n' ≤ n
    assert_holds Γ2 Δ2 δ2 ρ n' m
Add Printing Constructor assert.

Delimit Scope assert_scope with A.
Bind Scope assert_scope with assert.
Arguments Assert {_ _} _ _.
Arguments assert_holds {_ _} _%A _ _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments assert_weaken {_ _} _%A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

The relation P ⊆@{Γ} Q states that the assertion Q is a logical consequence of P in Γ and P ≡@{Γ} Q states that P and Q are logically equivalent in Γ.
Instance assert_entails `{Env K} :
    SubsetEqE (env K * funenv K) (assert K) := λ Γδ P Q,
  ∀ Γ Δ δ ρ n m,
    Γδ.1 ⊆ Γ → ✓ Γ → Γδ.2 ⊆ δ → ✓{Γ,Δ} δ → ✓{Γ,Δ} m → ✓{Δ}* ρ →
    assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n massert_holds Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m.
Instance assert_equiv `{Env K} :
    EquivE (env K * funenv K) (assert K) := λ Γδ P Q, P ⊆{Γδ} QQ ⊆{Γδ} P.

Hoare logic connectives

Definitions and notations of the usual connectives of Hoare logic.
Program Definition assert_False `{Env K} : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := False
Next Obligation. naive_solver. Qed.
Notation "'False'" := assert_False : assert_scope.
Program Definition assert_True `{Env K} : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := True
Next Obligation. naive_solver. Qed.
Notation "'True'" := assert_True : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_impl `{Env K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := ∀ Γ' Δ' δ' n',
    Γ ⊆ Γ' → ✓ Γ' → Δ ⇒ₘ Δ' → δ ⊆ δ' → ✓{Γ',Δ'} δ' → ✓{Γ',Δ'} mn' ≤ n
    assert_holds P Γ' Δ' δ' ρ n' massert_holds Q Γ' Δ' δ' ρ n' m
Next Obligation.
  intros ?? P Q Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n1 n2 m ??? HPQ ???? Γ3 Δ3 δ3 n3 ????????.
  apply HPQ; eauto; lia.

Infix "→" := assert_impl : assert_scope.
Notation "(→)" := assert_impl (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P →)" := (assert_impl P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(→ Q )" := (λ P, assert_impl P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_and `{Env K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m :=
    assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n massert_holds Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken. Qed.
Infix "∧" := assert_and : assert_scope.
Notation "(∧)" := assert_and (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P ∧)" := (assert_and P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(∧ Q )" := (λ P, assert_and P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_or `{Env K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m :=
    assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n massert_holds Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken. Qed.
Infix "∨" := assert_or : assert_scope.
Notation "(∨)" := assert_or (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P ∨)" := (assert_or P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(∨ Q )" := (λ P, assert_or P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

Definition assert_not `{Env K} (P : assert K) : assert K := (PFalse)%A.
NotationP" := (assert_not P) : assert_scope.
Definition assert_iff `{Env K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K :=
  ((PQ) ∧ (QP))%A.
Infix "↔" := assert_iff : assert_scope.
Notation "(↔)" := assert_iff (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P ↔)" := (assert_iff P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(↔ Q )" := (λ P, assert_iff P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_forall `{Env K} `(P: Aassert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds := λ Γ Δ δ ρ n m, ∀ x, assert_holds (P x) Γ Δ δ ρ n m
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken. Qed.
Notation "∀ x .. y , P" :=
  (assert_forallx, .. (assert_forally, P)) ..)) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_exist `{Env K} `(P : Aassert K): assert K := {|
  assert_holds := λ Γ Δ δ ρ n m, ∃ x, assert_holds (P x) Γ Δ δ ρ n m
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken. Qed.
Notation "∃ x .. y , P" :=
  (assert_existx, .. (assert_existy, P)) ..)) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_later `{Env K} (P : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := ∀ n', n' < nassert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n' m
Next Obligation.
  intros ?? P Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n1 n2 m ???????? n3 ?.
  eapply assert_weaken with _ _ _ n3; eauto with lia.

Notation "▷ P" := (assert_later P) (at level 20) : assert_scope.

Separation logic connectives

The assertion emp asserts that the memory is empty. The assertion PQ (called separating conjunction) asserts that the memory can be split into two disjoint parts such that P holds in the one part, and Q in the other.
Program Definition assert_eq_mem `{Env K} (m : mem K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m' := m' = m
Next Obligation. naive_solver. Qed.
Program Definition assert_Prop `{Env K} (P : Prop) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := Pm = ∅
Next Obligation. naive_solver. Qed.
Notation "⌜ P ⌝" := (assert_Prop P) (format "⌜ P ⌝") : assert_scope.
Notation "'emp'" := (assert_Prop True) : assert_scope.

Program Definition assert_sep `{EnvSpec K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := ∃ m1 m2,
    m = m1m2 ∧ ⊥[m1; m2] ∧
    assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n m1assert_holds Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m2
Next Obligation.
  intros ??? P Q Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n m ???? (m1&m2&->&?&?&?) ????.
  eauto 15 using assert_weaken, cmap_valid_subseteq,
    @sep_union_subseteq_l, @sep_union_subseteq_r.

Infix "★" := assert_sep (at level 80, right associativity) : assert_scope.
Notation "(★)" := assert_sep (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P ★)" := (assert_sep P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(★ Q )" := (λ P, assert_sep P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

Class MemExt `{EnvSpec K} (P : assert K) : Prop :=
  mem_ext Γ δ : (PTrue)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
Hint Extern 10 (MemExt _) => apply _.

Program Definition assert_wand `{Env K} (P Q : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m2 := ∀ Γ' Δ' δ' n' m1,
    Γ ⊆ Γ' → ✓ Γ' → Δ ⇒ₘ Δ' → δ ⊆ δ' → ✓{Γ',Δ'} δ' → n' ≤ n
    ✓{Γ',Δ'} m1 → ✓{Γ',Δ'} m2 → ⊥[m1; m2] →
    assert_holds P Γ' Δ' δ' ρ n' m1assert_holds Q Γ' Δ' δ' ρ n' (m1m2)
Next Obligation.
  intros ?? P Q Γ Γ2 Δ Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n n2 m ??? HPQ ???? Γ3 Δ3 δ3 n3 ???????????.
  apply HPQ; eauto; lia.

Infix "-★" := assert_wand (at level 90) : assert_scope.
Notation "(-★)" := assert_wand (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "( P -★)" := (assert_wand P) (only parsing) : assert_scope.
Notation "(-★ Q )" := (λ P, assert_wand P Q) (only parsing) : assert_scope.

The assertion Π Ps states that the memory can be split into disjoint parts such that for each part the corresponding assertion in Ps holds.
Definition assert_sep_list `{EnvSpec K} :
  list (assert K) → assert K := foldr (★)%A emp%A.
Notation "'Π' Ps" := (assert_sep_list Ps)
  (at level 20, formatPs") : assert_scope.

The assertion ev : τlr asserts that the expression e evaluates to v and e ⇓ - : τlr asserts that the expression e evaluates to an arbitrary value (in other words, e does not impose undefined behavior).
Notation vassert K := (lrval Kassert K).
Program Definition assert_expr `{EnvSpec K} (e : expr K) : vassert K := λ ν, {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := ∃ τlr, (Γ,Δ,ρ.*2) ⊢ e : τlr ∧ ⟦ e ⟧ Γ ρ m = Some ν
Next Obligation.
  intros ??? e ν Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n1 n2 m ??? (τlr&?&?) ??;
    exists τlr; split; eauto using expr_typed_weaken, expr_eval_weaken,
    mem_lookup_weaken, mem_forced_weaken.

Notation "e ⇓ ν" := (assert_expr e ν)%A
  (at level 60, ν at next level, format "e '⇓' ν") : assert_scope.
Notation "e ⇓ -" := (∃ ν, e ⇓ ν)%A
  (at level 60, format "e '⇓' '-'") : assert_scope.

The assertion e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 asserts that the memory consists of exactly one object at address e1 with permission x and contents e2. The assertion e1 ↦{μ,γ} - asserts that the memory consists of exactly one object at address e1 with permission x and arbitrary contents. The Boolean μ denotes whether the object has been obtained via malloc.
Program Definition assert_singleton `{EnvSpec K}
    (e1 : expr K) (μ : bool) (γ : perm)
    (e2 : expr K) (τ : type K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := ∃ a v,
    (Γ,Δ,ρ.*2) ⊢ e1 : inl (TType τ) ∧ ⟦ e1 ⟧ Γ ρ ∅ = Some (inl (Ptr a)) ∧
    (Γ,Δ,ρ.*2) ⊢ e2 : inr τ ∧ ⟦ e2 ⟧ Γ ρ ∅ = Some (inr v) ∧
    mem_singleton Γ Δ a μ γ v τ m
Next Obligation.
  intros ??? e1 e2 ml γ τ Γ1 Γ2 Δ1 Δ2 δ1 δ2 ρ n1 n2 m ??? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?) ??.
  exists a v; split_ands; eauto using expr_typed_weaken,
    expr_eval_weaken_empty, mem_singleton_weaken, cmap_valid_memenv_valid.

Notation "e1 ↦{ μ , γ } e2 : τ" := (assert_singleton e1 μ γ e2 τ)%A
  (at level 20, μ at next level, γ at next level, e2 at next level,
   τ at next level, format "e1 ↦{ μ , γ } e2 : τ") : assert_scope.
Notation "e1 ↦{ μ , γ } - : τ" :=
  (∃ v, e1 ↦{μ,γ} (# v) : τ)%A
  (at level 20, μ at next level, γ at next level,
   τ at next level, format "e1 ↦{ μ , γ } - : τ") : assert_scope.

The assertion P asserts that P holds if all sequenced locations are unlocked.
Program Definition assert_unlock `{EnvSpec K} (P : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n (mem_unlock_all m)
Next Obligation.
  naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken, mem_unlock_all_valid.

Notation "P ◊" := (assert_unlock P) (at level 20) : assert_scope.
Class UnlockIndep `{EnvSpec K} (P : assert K) : Prop :=
  unlock_indep Γ δ : P ⊆{Γ,δ} (P ◊)%A.
Hint Extern 10 (UnlockIndep _) => apply _.

To deal with block scope variables we need to lift an assertion such that the De Bruijn indexes of its variables are increased. We define the lifting P of an assertion P semantically, and prove that it indeed behaves as expected.
Program Definition assert_lift `{Env K} (P : assert K) : assert K := {|
  assert_holds Γ Δ δ ρ n m := assert_holds P Γ Δ δ (tail ρ) n m
Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using assert_weaken, Forall_tail. Qed.
Notation "P ↑" := (assert_lift P) (at level 20) : assert_scope.
Class StackIndep `{Env K} (P : assert K) : Prop :=
  stack_indep Γ δ : (P ↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} P.
Hint Extern 10 (StackIndep _) => apply _.

Section assertions.
Context `{EnvSpec K}.
Implicit Types Γ : env K.

Hint Unfold Proper respectful pointwise_relation : assert.
Hint Unfold subseteqE assert_entails equivE assert_equiv : assert.
Hint Unfold StackIndep UnlockIndep : assert.
Hint Extern 100 (⊥ _) => solve_sep_disjoint.
Hint Extern 100 (__) => solve_sep_disjoint.
Hint Extern 100 (sep_valid _) => solve_sep_disjoint.
Hint Immediate cmap_valid_sep_valid.
Hint Extern 0 (__ : __) => typed_constructor; try omega.
Hint Extern 0 (__ : _) => typed_constructor.

Ltac solve t :=
  repeat first
  [ progress simplify_equality'
  | progress autounfold with assert in *];
  naive_solver t.

Lemma assert_entails_spec P Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m :
  ✓ Γ → ✓{Γ,Δ} δ → ✓{Γ,Δ} m → ✓{Δ}* ρ →
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} Qassert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n massert_holds Q Γ Δ δ ρ n m.
Proof. intros ???? HPQ; apply HPQ; auto. Qed.

Ordinary logic connections
Global Instance: PreOrder (⊆{Γ,δ}).
Proof. split; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Equivalence (≡{Γ,δ}).
Proof. split; red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> iff) (⊆{Γ,δ}).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper (flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (→)%A.
  intros Γ1 δ1 P1 P2 HP Q1 Q2 HQ Γ2 Δ1 δ2 ρ n m ?????? HPQ Γ3 Δ2 δ3 n2 ????????.
  eapply HQ; eauto 8 using indexes_valid_weaken.

Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (→)%A.
Proof. by intros ???? [??] ?? [??]; split; f_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (∧)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (∧)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (∨)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (∨)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (↔)%A.
Proof. by intros ????????; unfold assert_iff; do 2 f_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) assert_not.
Proof. by intros ?????; unfold assert_not; f_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper (flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) assert_not.
Proof. by intros ?????; unfold assert_not; f_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance:
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (@assert_forall _ _ A).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance:
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (@assert_forall _ _ A).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance:
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (@assert_exist _ _ A).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance:
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (@assert_exist _ _ A).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance:
  Proper (pointwise_relation _ (flip (⊆{Γ,δ})) ==> (flip (⊆{Γ,δ})))
  (@assert_exist _ _ A).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.

Global Instance: Commutative (≡{Γ,δ}) (↔)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Commutative (≡{Γ,δ}) (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Associative (≡{Γ,δ}) (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Idempotent (≡{Γ,δ}) (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: LeftId (≡{Γ,δ}) True%A (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: RightId (≡{Γ,δ}) True%A (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: LeftAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: RightAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (∧)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Commutative (≡{Γ,δ}) (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Associative (≡{Γ,δ}) (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Idempotent (≡{Γ,δ}) (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: LeftId (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: RightId (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: LeftAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) True%A (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: RightAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) True%A (∨)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_False_elim Γ δ P : False%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_True_intro Γ δ P : P ⊆{Γ,δ} True%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_l Γ δ P Q : (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_r Γ δ P Q : (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_impl_and Γ δ P Q : P ⊆{Γ,δ} QP ≡{Γ,δ} (PQ)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_intro Γ δ P Q1 Q2 :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} Q1P ⊆{Γ,δ} Q2P ⊆{Γ,δ} (Q1Q2)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_elim_l Γ δ P1 P2 Q : P1 ⊆{Γ,δ} Q → (P1P2)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_elim_r Γ δ P1 P2 Q : P2 ⊆{Γ,δ} Q → (P1P2)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_or_l Γ δ P Q : P ⊆{Γ,δ} (PQ)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_or_r Γ δ P Q : Q ⊆{Γ,δ} (PQ)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_forall_intro {A} Γ δ P (Q : Aassert K) :
  (∀ x, P ⊆{Γ,δ} Q x) → P ⊆{Γ,δ} (∀ x, Q x)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_forall_elim {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) Q x :
  (P x ⊆{Γ,δ} Q) → (∀ x, P x)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_exist_intro {A} Γ δ P (Q : Aassert K) x :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} Q xP ⊆{Γ,δ} (∃ x, Q x)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_exist_elim {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) Q :
  (∀ x, P x ⊆{Γ,δ} Q) → (∃ x, P x)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_and_exist {A} Γ δ P (Q : Aassert K) :
  (P ∧ ∃ x, Q x)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, PQ x)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_exist_and {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) Q :
  ((∃ x, P x) ∧ Q)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, P xQ)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_exist_exist {A B} Γ δ (P : ABassert K) :
  (∃ x y, P x y)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ y x, P x y)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.

Lemma assert_later_lob Γ δ P : (▷PP)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
  intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? HP; induction n as [|n IH].
  { apply HP; eauto. intros n'; lia. }
  eapply HP; eauto. intros n' ?.
  eapply assert_weaken with _ _ δ1 n; eauto with lia.
  eapply IH, assert_weaken with _ _ _ (S n); eauto with lia.

Lemma assert_later_weaken Γ δ P : P ⊆{Γ,δ} (▷P)%A.
  intros Γ1 Δ ρ δ1 n m ??????? n' ?.
  eapply assert_weaken with _ _ _ n; eauto with lia.

Lemma assert_later_impl Γ δ P Q : (▷(PQ))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (▷P → ▷Q)%A.
  intros Γ1 Δ1 δ1 ρ n1 m ?????? HPQ Γ2 Δ2 δ2 n2 ???????? n3 ?.
  eapply HPQ; eauto; lia.

Lemma assert_later_and Γ δ P Q : (▷(PQ))%A ≡{Γ,δ} (▷P ∧ ▷Q)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_later_or Γ δ P Q : (▷P ∨ ▷Q)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (▷(PQ))%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_later_forall {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) :
  (▷(∀ x, P x))%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∀ x, ▷(P x))%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_later_exists {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) :
  (∃ x, ▷(P x))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (▷(∃ x, P x))%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.

Separation logic connectives
Global Instance: Proper (impl ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) assert_Prop.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper (iff ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) assert_Prop.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (★)%A.
  solve ltac:(eauto 15 using cmap_valid_subseteq,
    @sep_union_subseteq_l, @sep_union_subseteq_r).

Global Instance:
  Proper (flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> flip (⊆{Γ,δ})) (★)%A.
  solve ltac:(eauto 15 using cmap_valid_subseteq,
    @sep_union_subseteq_l, @sep_union_subseteq_r).

Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (★)%A.
  by intros ???? [??] ?? [??]; split;
    apply (_ : Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (★)%A).

Global Instance: Proper (Forall2 (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) assert_sep_list.
  induction 1; simpl; [done|];
    by apply (_ : Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (★)%A).

Global Instance: Proper (flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (-★)%A.
  intros Γ1 δ1 P1 P2 HP Q1 Q2 HQ Γ2 Δ1 δ2 ρ n1 m
    ?????? HPQ Γ3 Δ2 δ3 n2 ???????????.
  apply HQ; eauto 10 using indexes_valid_weaken, cmap_union_valid_2.

Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) (-★)%A.
  by intros ???? [??] ?? [??]; split;
    apply (_ : Proper (flip (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) (-★)%A).

Global Instance: Commutative (⊆{Γ,δ}) (★)%A.
  intros Γ δ P Q Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? (m1&m2&->&?&?&?).
  exists m2 m1. rewrite sep_commutative by auto; auto.

Global Instance: Commutative (≡{Γ,δ}) (★)%A.
Proof. split; by rewrite (commutative (★)%A). Qed.
Global Instance: LeftId (≡{Γ,δ}) emp%A (★)%A.
  intros δ Γ; intros P; split.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? (m1&m2&->&?&[_ ->]&?).
    rewrite sep_left_id by auto; auto.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ???????. eexists ∅, m.
    rewrite sep_left_id, sep_disjoint_equiv_empty,
      sep_disjoint_list_singleton by eauto; solve eauto.

Global Instance: RightId (≡{Γ,δ}) emp%A (★)%A.
Proof. intros ???. by rewrite (commutative _), (left_id _ _). Qed.
Global Instance: LeftAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (★)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: RightAbsorb (≡{Γ,δ}) False%A (★)%A.
Proof. red; solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance: Associative (≡{Γ,δ}) (★)%A.
  intros Γ δ. assert (∀ P Q R, ((PQ) ★ R)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (P ★ (QR))%A).
  { intros P Q R Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ ? n ?????? (?&m3&->&?&(m1&m2&->&?&?&?)&?).
    exists m1 (m2m3); rewrite sep_associative by auto; split_ands; auto.
    exists m2 m3; auto. }
  assert (∀ P Q R, (P ★ (QR))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((PQ) ★ R)%A).
  { intros P Q R Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ ? n ?????? (m1&?&->&?&?&(m2&m3&->&?&?&?)).
    exists (m1m2) m3; rewrite sep_associative by auto; split_ands; auto.
    exists m1 m2; auto. }
  split; auto.

Lemma assert_Prop_impl Γ δ (P Q : Prop) : ⌜ PQ ⌝%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜P⌝ → ⌜Q⌝)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_not Γ δ (P : Prop) : ⌜ ¬P ⌝%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (¬⌜P⌝)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_and Γ δ (P Q : Prop) : ⌜ PQ ⌝%A ≡{Γ,δ} (⌜P⌝ ∧ ⌜Q⌝)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_or Γ δ (P Q : Prop) : ⌜ PQ ⌝%A ≡{Γ,δ} (⌜P⌝ ∨ ⌜Q⌝)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_l Γ δ (P : Prop) Q : P → (⌜ P ⌝ ★ Q)%A ≡{Γ,δ} Q.
  intros. assert (PTrue) as -> by (by split; intros _).
  by rewrite (left_id emp%A _).

Lemma assert_Prop_r Γ δ (P : Prop) Q : P → (Q ★ ⌜ P ⌝)%A ≡{Γ,δ} Q.
Proof. intros. by rewrite (commutative (★))%A, assert_Prop_l. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_intro_l Γ δ (P : Prop) Q R :
  (PQ ⊆{Γ,δ} R) → (⌜ P ⌝ ★ Q)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} R.
  intros HQR Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n ????? Hm ? (m1&m2&->&?&[? ->]&?).
  rewrite sep_left_id in Hm |- * by auto; by apply HQR.

Lemma assert_Prop_intro_r Γ δ (P : Prop) Q R :
  (PQ ⊆{Γ,δ} R) → (Q ★ ⌜ P ⌝)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} R.
Proof. rewrite (commutative (★)%A). by apply assert_Prop_intro_l. Qed.
Lemma assert_Prop_True Γ δ P (Q : Prop) :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ Q ⌝ ★ True)%AP ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ Q ⌝ ★ P)%A.
  intros HPQ Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? HP.
  destruct (HPQ Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m) as (m1&m2&->&?&[? ->]&?); auto.
  rewrite sep_left_id in HP by auto; solve eauto.

Lemma assert_sep_preserving Γ δ P P' Q Q' :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} P' → Q ⊆{Γ,δ} Q' → (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (P' ★ Q')%A.
Proof. intros HP HQ. by rewrite HP, HQ. Qed.
Lemma assert_sep_exist {A} Γ δ P (Q : Aassert K) :
  (P ★ ∃ x, Q x)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, PQ x)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_exist_sep {A} Γ δ (P : Aassert K) Q :
  ((∃ x, P x) ★ Q)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, P xQ)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_wand_intro Γ δ P Q R : (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} RP ⊆{Γ,δ} (Q -★ R)%A.
  intros HPQR Γ1 Δ1 ρ δ1 n1 m1 ?????? HP Γ2 Δ2 δ2 n2 m2 ????????? HQ.
  apply HPQR; eauto using indexes_valid_weaken, cmap_union_valid_2.
  exists m1 m2; split_ands; eauto using assert_weaken, @sep_commutative.

Lemma assert_wand_elim Γ δ P Q : ((P -★ Q) ★ P)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} Q.
  intros Γ1 Δ1 ρ δ1 n ??????? (m1&m2&->&?&HQ&?).
  rewrite sep_commutative by auto; eapply HQ; eauto using
    cmap_valid_subseteq, @sep_union_subseteq_l, @sep_union_subseteq_r.

Global Instance: LeftId (≡{Γ,δ}) emp%A (-★)%A.
  intros Γ P; split.
  * rewrite <-(right_id _ (★)%A); apply assert_wand_elim.
  * apply assert_wand_intro. by rewrite (right_id _ (★)%A).

Lemma assert_Forall_holds_2 (Ps : list (assert K)) Γ Δ δ ρ ms n :
  ⊥ msForall2 (λ (P : assert K) m, assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n m) Ps ms
  assert_holdsPs)%A Γ Δ δ ρ n (⋃ ms).
Proof. intros Hms HPs. revert Hms. induction HPs; solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_Forall_holds (Ps : list (assert K)) Γ Δ δ ρ n m :
  assert_holdsPs)%A Γ Δ δ ρ n m ↔ ∃ ms, m = ⋃ ms ∧ ⊥ ms
    Forall2 (λ (P : assert K) m, assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n m) Ps ms.
  split; [|naive_solver eauto using assert_Forall_holds_2].
  revert m. induction Ps as [|P Ps IH].
  { intros m [? ->]. eexists []. by repeat constructor. }
  intros ? (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); destruct (IH m2) as (ms&->&?&?); trivial.
  exists (m1 :: ms); auto.

Lemma assert_Forall_holds_vec {vn} (Ps : vec (assert K) vn) Γ Δ δ ρ n m :
  assert_holdsPs)%A Γ Δ δ ρ n m ↔ ∃ ms : vec _ vn, m = ⋃ ms ∧ ⊥ ms
    ∀ i, assert_holds (Ps !!! i) Γ Δ δ ρ n (ms !!! i).
  rewrite assert_Forall_holds; split.
  * intros (ms&->&?&Hms). assert (vn = length ms); [|subst vn].
    { by erewrite <-Forall2_length, vec_to_list_length by eauto. }
    exists (list_to_vec ms); rewrite ?vec_to_list_of_list.
    by rewrite <-(vec_to_list_of_list ms), Forall2_vlookup in Hms.
  * intros [ms ?]; exists ms; by rewrite Forall2_vlookup.

Lemma assert_memext_l Γ δ P Q : MemExt P → (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
  intros; transitivity (PTrue)%A;
    auto using assert_sep_preserving, assert_True_intro.

Lemma assert_memext_r Γ δ P Q : MemExt P → (QP)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} P.
Proof. rewrite (commutative (★)%A). apply assert_memext_l. Qed.
Lemma assert_memext_l' Γ δ P Q R : MemExt RP ⊆{Γ,δ} R → (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} R.
  intros. rewrite <-(assert_memext_l _ _ R) by done.
  eauto using assert_sep_preserving.

Lemma assert_memext_r' Γ δ P Q R : MemExt RQ ⊆{Γ,δ} R → (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} R.
Proof. rewrite (commutative (★)%A). apply assert_memext_l'. Qed.

Global Instance assert_eval_memext e ν : MemExt (e ⇓ ν)%A.
  intros Γ δ Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ???? Hm ? (m1&m2&->&?&(τlr&?&?)&?).
  exists τlr; split; auto.
  rewrite cmap_union_valid in Hm by auto; destruct Hm.
  eapply expr_eval_subseteq with _ m1 _; eauto using @sep_union_subseteq_l'.

Lemma assert_int_typed_eval Γ δ P x τi :
  int_typed x τiP ⊆{Γ,δ} (#intVi} xinr (intVi} x))%A.
  intros ? Γ' Δ ρ δ' n m ??????.
  eexists (inr (intT τi)%T); split; auto using lockset_empty_valid.

Lemma assert_eval_int_typed Γ δ e x τi :
  (einr (intVi} x))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ int_typed x τi ⌝ ★ True)%A.
  intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?).
  assert ((Γ',Δ) ⊢ inr (intVi} x) : τlr) by eauto using expr_eval_typed.
  assert (sep_valid m) by eauto.
  typed_inversion_all; exists (∅ : mem K) m; eauto 9 using @sep_left_id, eq_sym.

Lemma assert_eval_int_typed' Γ δ e x τi :
  (einr (intVi} x))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ int_typed x τi ⌝ ★ einr (intVi} x))%A.
Proof. eauto using assert_Prop_True, assert_eval_int_typed. Qed.
Hint Extern 1 (unop_typed _ _ _) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (base_unop_typed _ _ _) => constructor.
Lemma assert_eval_int_unop Γ δ op e x τi :
  int_unop_ok op x τi
  (einr (intVi} x))%A
  ⊆{Γ,δ} (@{op} einr (intV{int_unop_type_of op τi} (int_unop op x τi)))%A.
  intros ? Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?).
  assert ((Γ',Δ) ⊢ inr (intVi} x) : τlr) by eauto using expr_eval_typed.
    simplify_option_equality; eauto 20 using lockset_empty_valid.

Lemma assert_eval_int_unop' Γ δ P op e x y τi σi :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (einr (intVi} x))%A
  int_unop_type_of op τi = σiint_unop_ok op x τiint_unop op x τi = y
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (@{op} einr (intVi} y))%A.
Proof. intros; subst; rewrite <-assert_eval_int_unop by eauto; eauto. Qed.
Hint Extern 1 (binop_typed _ _ _ _) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (base_binop_typed _ _ _ _) => constructor.
Lemma assert_eval_int_binop Γ δ op e1 e2 x1 x2 τi1 τi2 :
  (int_binop_ok op x1 τi1 x2 τi2) →
  (e1inr (intVi1} x1) ∧ e2inr (intVi2} x2))%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1 @{op} e2
       inr (intV{int_binop_type_of op τi1 τi2} (int_binop op x1 τi1 x2 τi2)))%A.
  intros Hok Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? [(τlr1&?&?) (τlr2&?&?)].
  assert ((Γ',Δ) ⊢ inr (intVi1} x1) : τlr1) by eauto using expr_eval_typed.
  assert ((Γ',Δ) ⊢ inr (intVi2} x2) : τlr2) by eauto using expr_eval_typed.
  simplify_option_equality; eauto 20 using lockset_empty_valid.

Lemma assert_eval_int_binop' Γ δ P op e1 e2 x1 x2 y τi1 τi2 σi :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1inr (intVi1} x1))%AP ⊆{Γ,δ} (e2inr (intVi2} x2))%A
  σi = int_binop_type_of op τi1 τi2
  int_binop_ok op x1 τi1 x2 τi2int_binop op x1 τi1 x2 τi2 = y
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1 @{op} e2inr (intVi} y))%A.
  intros; subst;
    rewrite <-assert_eval_int_binop by eauto; eauto using assert_and_intro.

Lemma assert_eval_int_arithop' Γ δ P op e1 e2 x1 x2 y τi1 τi2 σi :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1inr (intVi1} x1))%AP ⊆{Γ,δ} (e2inr (intVi2} x2))%A
  σi = int_promote τi1int_promote τi2
  int_pre_arithop_ok op (int_pre_cast σi x1) (int_pre_cast σi x2) σi
  int_pre_arithop op (int_pre_cast σi x1) (int_pre_cast σi x2) σi = y
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1 @{ArithOp op} e2inr (intVi} y))%A.
  intros ?? -> ??.
  rewrite assert_Prop_True by (rewrite <-(assert_eval_int_typed _ _ e1); auto).
  apply assert_Prop_intro_l; intros.
  rewrite assert_Prop_True by (rewrite <-(assert_eval_int_typed _ _ e2); auto).
  apply assert_Prop_intro_l; intros; eapply assert_eval_int_binop'; eauto.
  * by apply int_arithop_ok_more.
  * unfold int_binop. by rewrite int_arithop_spec by auto.

Hint Extern 1 (cast_typed _ _) => constructor.
Hint Extern 1 (base_cast_typed _ _) => constructor.
Lemma assert_eval_int_cast Γ δ e x τi σi :
  int_cast_ok σi x
  (einr (intVi} x))%A
  ⊆{Γ,δ} (cast{(intT σi)%T} einr (intVi} (int_cast σi x)))%A.
  intros ? Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?).
  assert ((Γ',Δ) ⊢ inr (intVi} x) : τlr) by eauto using expr_eval_typed.
  typed_inversion_all; simplify_option_equality.
  eauto 20 using lockset_empty_valid, TBase_valid, TInt_valid.

Lemma assert_eval_int_cast' Γ δ P e x τi σi y :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (einr (intVi} x))%A
  int_cast_ok σi xint_cast σi x = y
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (cast{(intT σi)%T} einr (intVi} y))%A.
Proof. intros; subst; rewrite <-assert_eval_int_cast by eauto; eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_eval_int_cast_self' Γ δ P e x τi :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (einr (intVi} x))%A
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (cast{(intT τi)%T} einr (intVi} x))%A.
  intros HP. rewrite HP, assert_eval_int_typed'.
  eauto using assert_Prop_intro_l,
    assert_eval_int_cast', int_cast_ok_self, int_cast_self.

Lemma assert_eval_singleton_l Γ δ a e μ γ τ :
  (%a ↦{μ,γ} e : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (%ainl a)%A.
  intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a'&v&?&?&?&?&?);
    eexists (inl (TType τ)); simplify_option_equality; eauto.

Lemma assert_eval_singleton_r Γ δ e v μ γ τ :
  (e ↦{μ,γ} #v : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (#vinr v)%A.
  intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a&v'&?&?&?&?&?);
    eexists (inr τ); simplify_option_equality; eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_l Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ a, (e1inl aemp) ★ %a ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A.
  * intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?); exists (Ptr a).
    assert (sep_valid m) by eauto using cmap_valid_sep_valid.
    eexists ∅, m; split_ands; simplify_option_equality; eauto 20 using
      @sep_left_id, eq_sym, lockset_empty_valid, mem_singleton_typed_addr_typed.
  * intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m_ ???? Hm ?
      (?&?&m&->&?&((τlr&?&?)&_&->)&(a&v&?&?&?&?&?)); simplify_option_equality.
    exists a v; rewrite sep_left_id in Hm |- * by auto; split_ands; auto.
    cutlr = inl (TType τ)); [intros ->; auto|typed_inversion_all].
    apply (typed_unique (Γ',Δ) (inl (Ptr a)));
      eauto using expr_eval_typed, cmap_empty_valid, cmap_valid_memenv_valid.

Lemma assert_singleton_l_2 Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ a τ :
  ((e1inl aemp) ★ %a ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A.
Proof. rewrite (assert_singleton_l _ _ e1); solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_singleton_l_ Γ δ e μ γ τ :
  (e ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ a, (einl aemp) ★ %a ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A.
  setoid_rewrite (assert_singleton_l Γ δ e).
  by setoid_rewrite (assert_sep_exist Γ δ); rewrite assert_exist_exist.

Lemma assert_singleton_l_2_ Γ δ e μ γ a τ :
  ((einl aemp) ★ %a ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (e ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A.
Proof. rewrite (assert_singleton_l_ _ _ e); solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_singleton_int_typed Γ δ e μ γ z τi :
  (e ↦{μ,γ} #intVi} z : intT τi)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ int_typed z τi ⌝ ★ True)%A.
Proof. rewrite assert_eval_singleton_r; apply assert_eval_int_typed. Qed.
Lemma assert_singleton_int_typed' Γ δ e μ γ z τi :
  (e ↦{μ,γ} #intVi} z : intT τi)%A
  ⊆{Γ,δ} (⌜ int_typed z τi ⌝ ★ (e ↦{μ,γ} #intVi} z : intT τi))%A.
Proof. by apply assert_Prop_True, assert_singleton_int_typed. Qed.
Lemma assert_expr_lift Γ δ e ν : vars e = ∅ → (e↑ ⇓ ν)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e ⇓ ν)%A.
  split; intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?); exists τlr; split.
  * by apply expr_typed_var_free with (tail (ρ.*2)), expr_typed_lift.
  * erewrite expr_eval_var_free, <-expr_eval_lift; eauto.
  * eapply expr_typed_lift, expr_typed_var_free; eauto.
  * erewrite expr_eval_lift, <-expr_eval_var_free by done; eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_lift_l Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  vars e1 = ∅ → (e1↑ ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A.
  split; intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?);
    exists a v; split_ands; auto.
  * by apply expr_typed_var_free with (tail (ρ.*2)), expr_typed_lift.
  * erewrite expr_eval_var_free, <-expr_eval_lift; eauto.
  * eapply expr_typed_lift, expr_typed_var_free; eauto.
  * erewrite expr_eval_lift, <-expr_eval_var_free by done; eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_lift_r Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  vars e2 = ∅ → (e1 ↦{μ,γ} (e2↑) : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A.
  split; intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?);
    exists a v; split_ands; auto.
  * by apply expr_typed_var_free with (tail (ρ.*2)), expr_typed_lift.
  * erewrite expr_eval_var_free, <-expr_eval_lift; eauto.
  * eapply expr_typed_lift, expr_typed_var_free; eauto.
  * erewrite expr_eval_lift, <-expr_eval_var_free by done; eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_eval Γ δ e v μ γ τ :
  Some Readableperm_kind γ → (e ↦{μ,γ} #v : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} (load einr v)%A.
  intros ? Γ1 Δ δ' ρ n ??????? (a&v'&?&?&?&?&?); simplify_option_equality.
  assert (✓{Γ1} Δ) by eauto using cmap_valid_memenv_valid.
  eexists (inr τ); split_ands; eauto using mem_singleton_typed_addr_typed,
    addr_typed_type_valid, type_valid_complete.
  erewrite (expr_eval_weaken _ _ _ _ _ ∅) by eauto using cmap_empty_valid,
    cmap_subseteq_index_alive, mem_lookup_subseteq, mem_forced_subseteq,
    @sep_subseteq_empty; simpl.
  by erewrite option_guard_True, mem_lookup_singleton
    by eauto using mem_singleton_forced.

Lemma assert_singleton_union_lr Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ1 γ2 τ :
  ⊥[γ1;γ2] → ¬sep_unmapped γ1 → ¬sep_unmapped γ2 →
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ1 ∪ γ2} e2 : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ1} e2 : τ ★ e1 ↦{μ,γ2} e2 : τ)%A.
  intros; split.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ' ρ n ??????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?).
    destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev Γ1 Δ m a μ γ1 γ2 v τ)
      as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); auto.
    exists m1 m2; split_ands; solve ltac:eauto.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ' ρ n ??????? (?&?&->&?&(a1&v1&?&?&?&?&?)&(a2&v2&?&?&?&?&?));
      simplify_equality'; exists a1 v1; eauto 10 using mem_singleton_union.

Lemma assert_singleton_union_l Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ1 γ2 τ :
  ⊥[γ1;γ2] → ¬sep_unmapped γ1 → γ2 ≠ ∅ →
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ1 ∪ γ2} e2 : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ1} e2 : τ ★ e1 ↦{μ,γ2} - : τ)%A.
  intros; split.
  * intros Γ1 Δ1 δ1 ρ n ??????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?).
    destruct (decide (sep_unmapped γ2)).
    + destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev_unmapped Γ1 Δ1 m a μ γ1 γ2 v τ)
        as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); auto using @sep_unmapped_empty_alt.
      assert ((Γ1,Δ1) ⊢ val_new Γ1 τ : τ).
      { eauto using val_new_typed,
          mem_singleton_typed_addr_typed, addr_typed_type_valid. }
      exists m1 m2; simplify_option_equality;
        eauto 20 using lockset_empty_valid.
    + destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev Γ1 Δ1 m a μ γ1 γ2 v τ)
        as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); auto.
      exists m1 m2; solve ltac:(eauto using expr_eval_typed,
        lockset_empty_valid, cmap_empty_valid, cmap_valid_memenv_valid).
  * intros Γ1 Δ1 δ1 ρ n ???????
      simplify_option_equality; exists a1 v1; split_ands; auto.
    by eapply (mem_singleton_union _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v1 v2); eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_union_r Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ1 γ2 τ :
  ⊥[γ1;γ2] → γ1 ≠ ∅ → ¬sep_unmapped γ2 →
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ1 ∪ γ2} e2 : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ1} - : τ ★ e1 ↦{μ,γ2} e2 : τ)%A.
  intros. rewrite (commutative (★)%A), sep_commutative by auto.
  by rewrite assert_singleton_union_l by auto.

Lemma assert_singleton_union Γ δ e1 μ γ1 γ2 τ :
  ⊥[γ1;γ2] → γ1 ≠ ∅ → γ2 ≠ ∅ →
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ1 ∪ γ2} - : τ)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e1 ↦{μ,γ1} - : τ ★ e1 ↦{μ,γ2} - : τ)%A.
  intros; split.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n ??????? (?&a&v&?&?&?&?&?); simplify_option_equality;
      typed_inversion_all; destruct (decide (sep_unmapped γ2)).
    { destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev_unmapped Γ1 Δ m a μ γ1 γ2 v τ)
        as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); auto using @sep_unmapped_empty_alt.
      assert ((Γ1,Δ) ⊢ val_new Γ1 τ : τ).
      { eauto using val_new_typed,
          mem_singleton_typed_addr_typed, addr_typed_type_valid. }
      exists m1 m2; split_ands; eauto 10 using lockset_empty_valid. }
    destruct (decide (sep_unmapped γ1)).
    { destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev_unmapped Γ1 Δ m a μ γ2 γ1 v τ)
        as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); auto using @sep_unmapped_empty_alt.
      { by rewrite sep_commutative by auto. }
      assert ((Γ1,Δ) ⊢ val_new Γ1 τ : τ).
      { eauto using val_new_typed,
          mem_singleton_typed_addr_typed, addr_typed_type_valid. }
      exists m2 m1; eauto 30 using @sep_commutative. }
    destruct (mem_singleton_union_rev Γ1 Δ m a μ γ1 γ2 v τ)
      as (m1&m2&->&?&?&?); eauto 40.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n ???????
      simplify_option_equality; destruct (decide (sep_unmapped γ1)).
    + eexists v2, a1, v2; split_ands; eauto.
      by eapply (mem_singleton_union _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v1 v2); eauto.
    + eexists v1, a1, v1; split_ands; eauto.
      by eapply (mem_singleton_union _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v1 v2); eauto.

Lemma assert_singleton_array Γ δ e μ γ vs τ n :
  length vs = nn ≠ 0 →
  (e ↦{μ,γ} #(VArray τ vs) : (τ.[n]))%A
  ≡{Γ,δ} (Π imapi v, (e %> RArray i τ n) ↦{μ,γ} #v : τ) vs)%A.
  intros Hn Hn'. split.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n' ????? Hm ? (a&v&?&?&_&Hvs&w&->&->&Hw&Hw'&Ha&_&?&?).
    apply cmap_valid_memenv_valid in Hm; clear Hn Hn'.
    assert (∃ ws, w = MArray τ wslength ws = n
      vs = to_val Γ1 <$> ws ∧ (Γ1,Δ) ⊢* ws : τ) as (ws&->&Hn&->&Hws).
    { destruct w; simplify_option_equality; typed_inversion_all; eauto. }
    assert (Forall (notForall (∅ =) ∘ ctree_flatten) ws) as Hemp.
    { clear Hn Hw Hvs.
      induction Hws as [|w ws]; constructor; decompose_Forall_hyps; eauto.
      eapply ctree_Forall_not, Forall_impl; naive_solver. }
    erewrite cmap_singleton_array_union by eauto.
    apply assert_Forall_holds_2; eauto using cmap_singleton_array_disjoint.
    cut (0 + length wsn); [|lia]; unfold imap; generalize 0 as j.
    clear Hemp Hn Hvs Hw; induction Hws as [|w ws]; intros j ?;
      decompose_Forall_hyps; constructor; eauto with lia.
    exists (addr_elt Γ1 (RArray j τ n) a) (to_val Γ1 w); split_ands; eauto.
    + by simplify_option_equality.
    + typed_constructor; eauto using to_val_typed, lockset_empty_valid.
    + exists w; eauto 12 using addr_elt_is_obj, addr_elt_strict, addr_elt_typed.
  * intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n' m _ ??? Hm ?.
    rewrite assert_Forall_holds; intros (ms&->&_&Hms).
    apply cmap_valid_memenv_valid in Hm.
    assert (∃ a, (Γ1,Δ,ρ.*2) ⊢ e : inl (TType (τ.[n]))%T
      ⟦ e ⟧ Γ1 ρ ∅ = Some (inl (Ptr a)) ∧ addr_strict Γ1 a
      γ ≠ ∅) as (a&He&?&?&?).
    { unfold imap in *; destruct vs; decompose_Forall_hyps.
      match goal with
      | H : ∃ a, _ |- _ => destruct H as (?&?&?&?&_&_&?&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&?)
      end; simplify_option_equality; typed_inversion_all; eauto. }
    assert (∃ ws,
      ms = imapi, cmap_singleton Γ1 (addr_elt Γ1 (RArray i τ n) a) μ) ws
      vs = to_val Γ1 <$> ws ∧ (Γ1,Δ) ⊢* ws : τ ∧
      Forall (λ γb, tagged_perm γb = γ) (ws ≫= ctree_flatten))
      as (ws&->&->&Hws&Hws').
    { cut (0 + length vsn); [|lia]; unfold imap in *.
      clear Hn Hn' He; revert Hms; generalize 0 as j; revert vs.
      induction ms as [|m ms IH]; intros [|v vs] j ??; decompose_Forall_hyps.
      { eexists []; simpl; eauto. }
      match goal with
      | H : ∃ a, _ |- _ => destruct H as (?&?&_&?&_&?&w&->&->&Hw&?&_)
      end; simplify_option_equality.
      destruct (IH vs (S j)) as (ws&->&->&?&?); clear IH; auto with lia.
      exists (w :: ws); split_ands; csimpl; eauto using Forall_app_2. }
    assert (Forall (notForall (∅ =) ∘ ctree_flatten) ws) as Hemp.
    { clear Hn Hms.
      induction Hws as [|w ws]; constructor; decompose_Forall_hyps; eauto.
      eapply ctree_Forall_not, Forall_impl; naive_solver. }
    assert ((Γ1,Δ) ⊢* to_val Γ1 <$> ws : τ).
    { eapply Forall_fmap; eauto using Forall_impl, to_val_typed. }
    assert ((Γ1,Δ) ⊢ a : TType (τ.[n])) by eauto 10
      using lval_typed_inv, Ptr_typed_inv, expr_eval_typed, cmap_empty_valid.
    exists a (VArray τ (to_val Γ1 <$> ws));
      split_ands; eauto using lockset_empty_valid.
    rewrite fmap_length in Hn.
    erewrite <-cmap_singleton_array_union by eauto.
    exists (MArray τ ws); eauto 10 using lval_typed_inv, expr_eval_typed,
      cmap_empty_valid, (addr_ref_byte_is_obj_parent _ _ (RArray 0 τ n)).

Global Instance: Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) assert_lift.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using Forall_tail). Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) assert_lift.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using Forall_tail). Qed.

Lemma assert_lift_impl Γ δ P Q : ((PQ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P↑ → Q↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_and Γ δ P Q : ((PQ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P↑ ∧ Q↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_or Γ δ P Q : ((PQ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P↑ ∨ Q↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_not Γ δ P : ((¬P)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (¬P↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_forall Γ δ {A} (P : Aassert K) :
  ((∀ x, P x)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∀ x, P x↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_exists Γ δ {A} (P : Aassert K) :
  ((∃ x, P x)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, P x↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_sep Γ δ P Q : ((PQ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P↑ ★ Q↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_wand Γ δ P Q : ((P -★ Q)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P↑ -★ Q↑)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_lift_expr Γ δ e v : ((ev)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e↑ ⇓ v)%A.
  * intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?); exists τlr.
    by rewrite expr_eval_lift, expr_typed_lift, <-fmap_tail.
  * intros Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (τlr&?&?); exists τlr.
    by rewrite fmap_tail, <-expr_eval_lift, <-expr_typed_lift.

Lemma assert_lift_expr_ Γ δ e : ((e ⇓ -)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (e↑ ⇓ -)%A.
  by rewrite assert_lift_exists; setoid_rewrite (assert_lift_expr Γ δ).

Lemma assert_lift_singleton Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  ((e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} ((e1↑) ↦{μ,γ} (e2↑) : τ)%A.
  split; repeat intro.
  * do 2 red. by setoid_rewrite expr_eval_lift;
      setoid_rewrite expr_typed_lift; rewrite <-fmap_tail.
  * do 4 red. by rewrite fmap_tail; setoid_rewrite <-expr_eval_lift;
      setoid_rewrite <-expr_typed_lift.

Lemma assert_lift_singleton_ Γ δ e1 μ γ τ :
  ((e1 ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)↑)%A ≡{Γ,δ} ((e1↑) ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A.
  by rewrite assert_lift_exists; setoid_rewrite (assert_lift_singleton Γ δ).

Global Instance assert_lift_stack_indep: StackIndep PStackIndep (P↑).
Proof. intros P ? Γ δ; by rewrite !stack_indep. Qed.
Global Instance assert_True_stack_indep : StackIndep True.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_False_stack_indep : StackIndep False.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_Prop_stack_indep P : StackIndep (⌜ P ⌝).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_impl_stack_indep :
  StackIndep PStackIndep QStackIndep (PQ).
Proof. by intros P Q ?? Γ δ; rewrite assert_lift_impl, !stack_indep. Qed.
Global Instance assert_and_stack_indep :
  StackIndep PStackIndep QStackIndep (PQ).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_or_stack_indep :
  StackIndep PStackIndep QStackIndep (PQ).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_forall_stack_indep A :
  (∀ x : A, StackIndep (P x)) → StackIndep (assert_forall P).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_exist_stack_indep A :
  (∀ x : A, StackIndep (P x)) → StackIndep (assert_exist P).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_sep_stack_indep :
  StackIndep PStackIndep QStackIndep (PQ).
Proof. by intros P Q HP HQ Γ δ; rewrite assert_lift_sep, !stack_indep. Qed.
Global Instance assert_wand_stack_indep :
  StackIndep PStackIndep QStackIndep (P -★ Q).
Proof. by intros P Q ?? Γ δ; rewrite assert_lift_wand, !stack_indep. Qed.
Global Instance assert_expr_stack_indep e v : vars e = ∅ → StackIndep (ev).
Proof. intros ? Γ δ. by rewrite assert_lift_expr, assert_expr_lift. Qed.
Global Instance assert_singleton_stack_indep e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  vars e1 = ∅ → vars e2 = ∅ → StackIndep (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ).
  by intros ?? Γ δ; rewrite assert_lift_singleton,
    assert_singleton_lift_l, assert_singleton_lift_r by done.

Lemma stack_indep_spec P Γ Δ δ ρ1 ρ2 n m :
  StackIndep P → ✓ Γ → ✓{Γ,Δ} δ → ✓{Γ,Δ} m → ✓{Δ}* ρ1 → ✓{Δ}* ρ2 →
  assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ1 n massert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ2 n m.
  intros HP ??? Hρ1 Hρ2 ?; assert (assert_holds P Γ Δ δ [] n m).
  * induction Hρ1 as [|[o τ] ρ ?? IH]; auto.
    eapply IH, (proj2 (HP _ _) Γ Δ δ (_ :: _)); simpl; eauto.
  * induction Hρ2 as [|[o τ] ρ ?? IH]; auto.
    eapply (proj1 (HP _ _)), IH; simpl; eauto.

Lemma assert_unlock_spec P Γ Δ δ ρ n m :
  assert_holds (P ◊) Γ Δ δ ρ n m = assert_holds P Γ Δ δ ρ n (mem_unlock_all m).
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((⊆{Γ,δ}) ==> (⊆{Γ,δ})) assert_unlock.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_valid). Qed.
Global Instance: Proper ((≡{Γ,δ}) ==> (≡{Γ,δ})) assert_unlock.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_valid). Qed.

Lemma assert_unlock_unlock Γ δ P : (P ◊ ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P ◊)%A.
  split; intros Γ' Δ ρ m ????; simpl;
    by rewrite (mem_unlock_all_spec (mem_unlock_all _)),
    !mem_locks_unlock_all, mem_unlock_empty.

Lemma assert_unlock_impl Γ δ P Q : ((PQ) ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P ◊ → Q ◊)%A.
  split; [solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_valid)|].
  solve ltac:(eauto using cmap_valid_weaken_squeeze, mem_unlock_memenv_of).

Lemma assert_unlock_and Γ δ P Q : ((PQ) ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P ◊ ∧ Q ◊)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_unlock_or Γ δ P Q : ((PQ) ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (P ◊ ∨ Q ◊)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_unlock_forall Γ δ {A} (P : Aassert K) :
  ((∀ x, P x) ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∀ x, (P x) ◊)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_unlock_exists Γ δ {A} (P : Aassert K) :
  ((∃ x, P x) ◊)%A ≡{Γ,δ} (∃ x, (P x) ◊)%A.
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Lemma assert_unlock_sep Γ δ P Q : (P ◊ ★ Q ◊)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((PQ) ◊)%A.
  intros Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? (m1&m2&->&?&?&?).
  exists (mem_unlock_all m1) (mem_unlock_all m2); split_ands; auto.
  * by rewrite mem_unlock_all_union by solve_sep_disjoint.
  * by rewrite <-!mem_unlock_all_disjoint_le.

Lemma assert_unlock_sep_alt Γ δ P P' Q Q' :
  P ⊆{Γ,δ} (P' ◊)%AQ ⊆{Γ,δ} (Q' ◊)%A → (PQ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((P' ★ Q') ◊)%A.
Proof. intros HP HQ. by rewrite HP, HQ, assert_unlock_sep. Qed.
Lemma assert_unlock_singleton Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  perm_locked γ = true
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((e1 ↦{μ,perm_unlock γ} e2 : τ) ◊)%A.
  intros ? Γ1 Δ δ1 ρ n m ?????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?).
  exists a v; split_ands; eauto using mem_unlock_all_singleton.

Lemma assert_unlock_singleton_ Γ δ e1 μ γ τ :
  perm_locked γ = true
  (e1 ↦{μ,γ} - : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((e1 ↦{μ,perm_unlock γ} - : τ) ◊)%A.
  intros Hγ. rewrite assert_unlock_exists.
  by setoid_rewritee2, assert_unlock_singleton Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ Hγ).

Lemma assert_lock_singleton Γ δ e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  sep_valid γ → Some Writableperm_kind γ →
  (e1 ↦{μ,perm_lock γ} e2 : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ) ◊)%A.
  intros. by rewrite assert_unlock_singleton,
    perm_unlock_lock by auto using perm_locked_lock.

Lemma assert_lock_singleton_ Γ δ e1 μ γ τ :
  sep_valid γ → Some Writableperm_kind γ →
  (e1 ↦{μ,perm_lock γ} - : τ)%A ⊆{Γ,δ} ((e1 ↦{μ,γ} - : τ) ◊)%A.
  intros. by rewrite assert_unlock_singleton_,
    perm_unlock_lock by auto using perm_locked_lock.

Global Instance assert_unlock_unlock_indep P : UnlockIndep (P ◊).
Proof. intros Γ δ. by rewrite assert_unlock_unlock. Qed.
Global Instance assert_True_unlock_indep : UnlockIndep True.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_empty). Qed.
Global Instance assert_False_unlock_indep : UnlockIndep False.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_empty). Qed.
Global Instance assert_Prop_unlock_indep : UnlockIndepP ⌝.
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using mem_unlock_all_empty). Qed.
Global Instance assert_and_unlock_indep :
  UnlockIndep PUnlockIndep QUnlockIndep (PQ).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_or_unlock_indep :
  UnlockIndep PUnlockIndep QUnlockIndep (PQ).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_forall_unlock_indep A :
  (∀ x : A, UnlockIndep (P x)) → UnlockIndep (assert_forall P).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_exist_unlock_indep A :
  (∀ x : A, UnlockIndep (P x)) → UnlockIndep (assert_exist P).
Proof. solve eauto. Qed.
Global Instance assert_lift_unlock_indep : UnlockIndep PUnlockIndep (P↑).
Proof. solve ltac:(eauto using Forall_tail). Qed.
Global Instance assert_sep_unlock_indep P Q :
  UnlockIndep PUnlockIndep QUnlockIndep (PQ).
Proof. intros ?? [Γ δ]; auto using assert_unlock_sep_alt. Qed.
Global Instance assert_singleton_unlock_indep e1 e2 μ γ τ :
  perm_locked γ = falseUnlockIndep (e1 ↦{μ,γ} e2 : τ).
  intros ? Γ δ Γ' Δ δ' ρ n m ?????? (a&v&?&?&?&?&?).
  exists a v; split_ands; eauto using mem_unlock_all_singleton_unlocked.

End assertions.