Module axiomatic

This file defines an axiomatic semantics using separation logic. Judgments of our axiomatic semantics are sextuples of the shape Δ ; J ; R ⊢ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} where: The axiomatic semantics is defined as a semantic definition with respect to our operational semantics. We prove that the rules of separation logic and novel rules for our specific features can be derived.
Require Export assertions smallstep.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Section axiomatic.
Context (δ : funenv).

The Hoare judgment

The standard semantic definition of a Hoare triple {{ P }} s {{ Q }} is: if P holds for the state before execution of s, and execution of s terminates, then Q will hold afterwards. For our language we have to deal with non local control flow, mutual recursive function calls, undefined behavior, and the framing rule, making such a definition more complicated.
Since the conditions P, Q, J and R of the Hoare judgment Δ ; J ; R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} correspond to the four directions , , and in which execution of statements can be performed, we reformulate the sextuple as a triple ax_stmt Δ s Pd where Pd is a function from directions to assertions such that Pd ↘ = P, Pd ↗ = Q, Pd (↷ l) = J l and Pd (⇈ mv) = R mv.
Intuitively, the triple ax_stmt Δ s Pd should imply something along the lines of: if Pd d (get_stack k) m and State k (Stmt s d) ms* State k (Stmt s d') m', then Pd d' (get_stack k) m'. However, a reduction path State k (Stmt s d) ms* State k (Stmt s d') m' may very well pop items of the program context k and restore them later on. Since Pd only gives guarantees about get_stack k, this property is too strong. Therefore, we restrict to reduction paths State k (Stmt s d) ms{k}* State k (Stmt s d') m' that remain below the context k.
Apart from safety, we also want the Hoare judgment to guarantee that the program cannot go wrong. Therefore, we further specialize the above property to: if Pd d (get_stack k) m and State k (Stmt s d) ms{k}* S, then S is either reducible (i.e. not stuck) or it is of the shape State k (Stmt s d') m' with Pd d' (get_stack k) m' (i.e., execution is finished).
In order to derive the frame rule of separation logic, we require the program to satisfy thread safety. That means, if before execution of s the memory can be divided into two disjoint parts m and mf such before precondition holds for m, then execution of s will not modify the memory mf at point during its execution.
To prove that the rules for function calls and various other constructs are derivable we have to perform inductions on the reduction paths. Since our paths are not informative (i.e. in Prop) we use paths of bounded length so we can perform induction on that bound.

General definitions

In order to make our definitions reusable for function calls, we generalize direction indexed assertions to a predicate stackmemfocusProp.
Section general.
Context (P : stackmemfocusProp).

The predicate ax n φ k m mf S' states that for each reduction State k φ (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S' the state S' is either reducible or satisfies P. We use an inductive predicate instead of logical quantifiers so as to obtain more convenient case analyses.
Inductive ax_valid (k : ctx) (mf : mem) : stateProp :=
  | ax_further m' φ' k' :
     m' ⊥ mf
     red (δ⇒s{k}) (State k' φ' (m' ∪ mf)) →
     ax_valid k mf (State k' φ' (m' ∪ mf))
  | ax_done m' φ' :
     P (get_stack k) m' φ' →
     m' ⊥ mf
     ax_valid k mf (State k φ' (m' ∪ mf)).

Definition ax (n : nat) (φ : focus)
    (k : ctx) (m mf : mem) (S' : state) : Prop :=
  δ ⊢ State k φ (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S' →
  ax_valid k mf S'.

Lemma ax_weaken n1 n2 φ k m mf S :
  n1n2ax n2 φ k m mf Sax n1 φ k m mf S.
Proof. unfold ax. eauto using bsteps_weaken. Qed.

The main tool to prove the structural Hoare rules for constructs like blocks, the conditional and the while loop, is to cut reduction paths in two. In these proofs we have reductions State (l ++ k) φ (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S'' that should be split into the maximal prefix that is below l ++ k and the remainder.
Inductive ax_splitting (n : nat) (φ : focus)
      (l k : ctx) (m mf : mem) : stateProp :=
  | ax_splitting_further k'' φ'' m'' :
     m'' ⊥ mf
     red (δ⇒s{l ++ k}) (State k'' φ'' (m'' ∪ mf)) →
     ax_splitting n φ l k m mf (State k'' φ'' (m'' ∪ mf))
  | ax_splitting_done m' φ' S'' :
     P (get_stack (l ++ k)) m' φ' →
     m' ⊥ mf
     δ ⊢ State (l ++ k) φ (mmf) ⇒s{l ++ k}^n
         State (l ++ k) φ' (m' ∪ mf) →
     δ ⊢ State (l ++ k) φ' (m' ∪ mf) ⇒s{k}^n S'' →
     ax_splitting n φ l k m mf S''.

Lemma ax_split n φ l k m mf S'' :
  (∀ S, ax n φ (l ++ k) m mf S) →
  δ ⊢ State (l ++ k) φ (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S'' →
  ax_splitting n φ l k m mf S''.
  intros Hax ? p1.
  destruct (cstep_subctx_cut δ n l k _ _ p1) as [p | [S' [p2 [p3 ?]]]].
  * solve_suffix_of.
  * feed destruct (Hax S'') as [m'' | m'' φ'' HP]; auto.
    + by left.
    + right with m'' φ''; auto. by constructor.
  * feed destruct (Hax S') as [m' | m' φ' HP]; auto.
    + contradiction.
    + by right with m' φ'.

End general.

Instance: Proper (((=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) ==>
    (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) ax_valid.
  intros ?? E; repeat intro. subst. repeat red in E.
  split; destruct 1; econstructor (solve [naive_solver]).

Instance: Proper (((=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) ==>
    (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) ax.
Proof. intros ?? E; repeat intro. subst. unfold ax. by rewrite E. Qed.

Function calls

We define assertions of functions as a dependently typed record fassert consisting of the function's pre and postcondition. The pre and postcondition should be stack independent because local variables may have a different meaning at the caller than within the called function's body. Furthermore, to relate the postcondition to the precondition, we extend this record with a field fcommon that is used in both. This approach is similar to (Appel/Blazy, 2007), but we also allow the postcondition to refer to the function's arguments.
Record fassert := FAssert {
  fcommon : Type;
  fpre : fcommonlist valueassert;
  fpost : fcommonlist valueoption valueassert;
  fpre_stack_indep c vs : StackIndep (fpre c vs);
  fpost_stack_indep c vs mv : StackIndep (fpost c vs mv)
Add Printing Constructor fassert.
Existing Instance fpre_stack_indep.
Existing Instance fpost_stack_indep.
Notation fassert_env := (funmap fassert).

The predicate ax_funs n Δ states that function calls to functions in Δ behave accordingly. Less informally, for a given reduction State k (Call f vs) (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S whose starting state satisfies the function's precondiction, we have that S is either reducible, or is of the shape State k (Return mv) (m' ∪ mf) satisfying the function's postcondition.
Inductive ax_fun_P (Pf : fassert) (c : fcommon Pf) (vs : list value)
    (ρ : stack) (m : mem) : focusProp :=
  | make_ax_fun_P v :
     fpost Pf c vs v ρ m
     ax_fun_P Pf c vs ρ m (Return v).
Definition ax_funs (n : nat) (Δ : fassert_env) : Prop :=
  ∀ f Pf c vs m mf k S',
    Δ !! f = Some Pf
    fpre Pf c vs (get_stack k) m
    ax (ax_fun_P Pf c vs) n (Call f vs) k m mf S'.

Lemma ax_funs_weaken n1 n2 Δ :
  n1n2ax_funs n2 Δ → ax_funs n1 Δ.
Proof. unfold ax_funs. eauto using ax_weaken. Qed.

Lemma ax_funs_empty n : ax_funs n ∅.
Proof. repeat intro. simplify_map_equality. Qed.
Lemma ax_funs_S n Δ : ax_funs (S n) Δ → ax_funs n Δ.
Proof. apply ax_funs_weaken. auto with arith. Qed.
Hint Resolve ax_funs_empty ax_funs_S : ax.

Directed assertions

We generalize the notion of direction indexed assertions to arbitrary types. This generalization allows us to define some operations in a more generic way.
Definition directed A := directionA.
Definition directed_pack {A} (P : A) (Q : A) (R : option valueA)
  (J : labelA) : directed A := direction_rect_, A) P Q R J.
Instance directed_pack_proper `{!@Equivalence A R} : Proper
  (R ==> R ==> pointwise_relation _ R ==> pointwise_relation _ R
     ==> pointwise_relation _ R) (@directed_pack A).
Proof. intros ???????????? []; subst; firstorder. Qed.

This hideous of definition of fmap makes f <$> directed_pack P Q R J convertible with directed_pack (f P) (f Q) (fR) (fJ). This is used to derive the rules ax_stmt_frame and ax_block from a more general one.
Instance directed_fmap : FMap directed := λ _ _ f Pd d,
  match d with
  | ↘ => f (Pd ↘)
  | ↗ => f (Pd ↗)
  | ⇈ mv => f (Pd (⇈ mv))
  | ↷ l => f (Pd (↷ l))
Lemma directed_fmap_spec {A B} (f : AB) (P : directed A) d :
  (f <$> P) d = f (P d).
Proof. by destruct d. Qed.

Notation dassert := (directed assert).
Notation dassert_pack P Q R J := (@directed_pack assert P%A Q%A R%A J%A).
Definition dassert_pack_top (P : assert) (R : option valueassert) :
  dassert := dassert_pack P (R None) R_, False%A).

The Hoare judgment for statements

Now the definition of the Hoare judgment for statements is just packing all of the above definitions together.
Inductive ax_stmt_P (Pd : dassert)
    (ρ : stack) (m : mem) : focusProp :=
  | make_ax_stmt_P d s :
     up d s
     Pd d ρ m
     ax_stmt_P Pd ρ m (Stmt d s).
Definition ax_stmt_packed (Δ : fassert_env) s (Pd : dassert) : Prop :=
  ∀ n k d m mf S',
    ax_funs n Δ →
    down d s
    Pd d (get_stack k) m
    ax (ax_stmt_P Pd) n (Stmt d s) k m mf S'.

Instance ax_stmt_P_proper: Proper
  (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff)
  intros ?? E. repeat intro; subst.
  split; destruct 1; by constructor; [|eapply E; eauto].

Global Instance ax_stmt_packed_proper: Proper
  ((=) ==> pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> iff) (ax_stmt_packed Δ).
  intros Δ ??? Pd Qd E1; subst. unfold ax_stmt_packed.
  by setoid_rewrite E1.

Definition ax_stmt Δ J R P s Q := ax_stmt_packed Δ s (dassert_pack P Q R J).
Definition ax_stmt_top Δ P s R := ax_stmt_packed Δ s (dassert_pack_top P R).

Notation "Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}" :=
  (ax_stmt Δ J%A R%A P%A s%S Q%A)
  (at level 74, J at next level, R at next level,
   format "Δ \ J \ R ⊨ '[' {{ P }} '/' s '/' {{ Q }} ']'").
Notation "Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ R }}" :=
  (ax_stmt_top Δ P%A s%S R%A)
  (at level 74,
   format "Δ ⊨ₜ '[' {{ P }} '/' s '/' {{ R }} ']'").

Lemma ax_stmt_top_unfold Δ P s Q :
  Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} ↔ Δ \ (λ _, False) \ Q ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q None }}.
Proof. done. Qed.

Global Instance ax_stmt_proper: Proper
  (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==>
    (≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> iff) (ax_stmt Δ).
  intros ??? E1 ?? E2 ?? E3 ??? ?? E4; subst.
  unfold ax_stmt. by rewrite E1, E2, E3, E4.

Global Instance ax_stmt_top_proper: Proper
  ((≡) ==> (=) ==> pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> iff) (ax_stmt_top Δ).
  intros ??? E1 ??? ?? E2; subst.
  unfold ax_stmt_top, dassert_pack_top. by rewrite E1, E2.

Soundness of the axiomatic semantics

We prove some consequences the Hoare judgment that do not involve the auxiliary notions we defined above. This shows that the Hoare judgment is sound with respect to the intended meaning.
Lemma ax_stmt_sound_sep P R s m mf S' :
  ∅ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ R }} →
  P [] m
  δ ⊢ State [] (Stmts) (mmf) ⇒s* S' →
    (∃ m', S' = State [] (Stmts) (m' ∪ mf) ∧ R None [] m')
  ∨ (∃ m' mv, S' = State [] (Stmt (⇈ mv) s) (m' ∪ mf) ∧ R mv [] m')
  ∨ red (δ⇒s) S'.
  intros Hax ? ? p.
  apply rtc_bsteps in p. destruct p as [n p].
  apply (bsteps_subrel (δ⇒s) (δ⇒s{ [] }) _) in p.
  feed destruct (Hax n [] ↘ m mf S')
    as [|m' ? [d ???]]; auto with mem ax.
  * right. right. by apply (red_subrel (δ⇒s{ [] }) (δ⇒s) _).
  * efeed pose proof cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt; eauto.
    subst. destruct d; try contradiction; intuition eauto.

Lemma ax_stmt_sound P R s m S' :
  ∅ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ R }} →
  P [] m
  δ ⊢ State [] (Stmts) ms* S' →
    (∃ m', S' = State [] (Stmts) m' ∧ R None [] m')
  ∨ (∃ m' mv, S' = State [] (Stmt (⇈ mv) s) m' ∧ R mv [] m')
  ∨ red (δ⇒s) S'.
  intros ?? p. rewrite <-(right_id_eq ∅ (∪) m) in p.
  destruct (ax_stmt_sound_sep P R s mS') as [[?[E ?]]|[[?[?[E ?]]]|]];
    try rewrite (right_id_eq ∅ (∪)) in E; intuition eauto with mem.

Lemma ax_stmt_looping_sep P s m mf :
  ∅ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ λ _, False }} →
  P [] m
  looping (δ⇒s) (State [] (Stmts) (mmf)).
  intros Hax ??. apply looping_alt. intros S' p.
  by destruct (ax_stmt_sound_sep P_, False)%A s m mf S')
    as [[??]|[[?[??]]|?]]; intuition.

Lemma ax_stmt_looping P s m :
  ∅ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ λ _, False }} →
  P [] m
  looping (δ⇒s) (State [] (Stmts) m).
  intros. rewrite <-(right_id_eq ∅ (∪) m).
  eapply ax_stmt_looping_sep; eauto with mem.

The Hoare rules

We prove that the Hoare rules can be derived from the semantic definition of the Hoare judgment.

Logical rules

Lemma ax_stmt_weak_packed Δ Pd Pd' s :
  (∀ d, down d sPd' dPd d) →
  (∀ d, up d sPd dPd' d) →
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s Pd
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s Pd'.
  intros Hdown Hup Hax n k d m mf S' ???? p.
  feed destruct (Hax n k d m mf S') as [|m' ? [????]]; auto.
  * by apply Hdown.
  * by left.
  * apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p; subst.
    right. constructor. done. by apply Hup. done.

Lemma ax_stmt_weak Δ J J' R R' P P' Q Q' s :
  (∀ l, llabels sJ' lJ l) →
  (∀ l, llabels sJ lJ' l) →
  (∀ v, R vR' v) →
  P' ⊆ P
  QQ' →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J' \ R' ⊨ {{ P' }} s {{ Q' }}.
  intros ?????.
  apply ax_stmt_weak_packed; intros []; solve_assert.

Lemma ax_stmt_weak_jmp Δ J J' R P Q s :
  (∀ l, llabels sJ' lJ l) →
  (∀ l, llabels sJ lJ' l) →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J' \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}.
Proof. intros ??. apply ax_stmt_weak; solve_assert. Qed.

Lemma ax_stmt_weak_ret Δ J R R' P Q s :
  (∀ v, R vR' v) →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R' ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}.
Proof. intro. apply ax_stmt_weak; solve_assert. Qed.
Lemma ax_stmt_weak_pre Δ J R P P' Q s :
  P' ⊆ P
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P' }} s {{ Q }}.
Proof. intro. apply ax_stmt_weak; solve_assert. Qed.
Lemma ax_stmt_weak_post Δ J R P Q Q' s :
  QQ' →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q' }}.
Proof. intro. apply ax_stmt_weak; solve_assert. Qed.

Lemma ax_stmt_frame_packed Δ A Pd s :
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s Pd
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s ((λ P, AP)%A <$> Pd).
  intros Hax n k d m mf S' ?? Hpre ? p.
  rewrite directed_fmap_spec in Hpre.
  destruct Hpre as [m2 [m3 [? [? [??]]]]]; simplify_equality.
  feed destruct (Hax n k d m3 (m2mf) S') as [|m2' ? []]; auto.
  * solve_mem_disjoint.
  * by rewrite (associative_eq _), (finmap_union_comm m3)
      by solve_mem_disjoint.
  * rewrite (associative_eq _). left.
    + solve_mem_disjoint.
    + by rewrite <-(associative_eq _).
  * rewrite (associative_eq _). right.
    + constructor; auto.
      rewrite directed_fmap_spec.
      exists m2 m2'.
      intuition; [apply finmap_union_comm |]; solve_mem_disjoint.
    + solve_mem_disjoint.

Lemma ax_stmt_frame_l Δ J R A P Q s :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ (λ l, AJ l) \ (λ v, AR v) ⊨ {{ AP }} s {{ AQ }}.
Proof. apply ax_stmt_frame_packed. Qed.
Lemma ax_stmt_frame_r Δ J R A P Q s :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ (λ l, J lA) \ (λ v, R vA) ⊨ {{ PA }} s {{ QA }}.
  setoid_rewrite (commutative assert_sep _ A).
  apply ax_stmt_frame_packed.

Lemma ax_stmt_frame_simple_l Δ A P Q s :
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ (λ _, False) ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ (λ _, False) ⊨ {{ AP }} s {{ AQ }}.
  intros. setoid_rewrite <-(right_absorb False%A assert_sep A).
  by apply ax_stmt_frame_l.

Lemma ax_stmt_frame_simple_r Δ A P Q s :
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ (λ _, False) ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ (λ _, False) ⊨ {{ PA }} s {{ QA }}.
  intros. setoid_rewrite <-(left_absorb False%A assert_sep A).
  by apply ax_stmt_frame_r.

Lemma ax_stmt_and_post Δ J R P Q Q' s :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q' }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ QQ' }}.
  intros Hax1 Hax2 n k d m mf S' ???? p.
  feed destruct (Hax1 n k d m mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    by destruct d; intuition.
   by left.
  feed inversion (Hax2 n k d m mf (State k (Stmt d' s') (m' ∪ mf)))
      as [|m'' ? [d'' s'' ??]]; auto.
    by destruct d; intuition.
   by left.
  simplify_equality. right.
  * constructor; auto.
    destruct d'; intuition auto. by split.
  * done.

Lemma ax_stmt_or_pre Δ J R P P' Q s :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P' }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ PP' }} s {{ Q }}.
  intros Hax1 Hax2 n k [] m mf S' ?? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
  * destruct Hpre.
    + feed destruct (Hax1 n km mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
      { by left. }
      right. constructor. done. by destruct d'; try left. done.
    + feed destruct (Hax2 n km mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
      { by left. }
      right. constructor. done. by destruct d'; try right. done.
  * feed destruct (Hax1 n k (↷l) m mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    { by left. }
    right. constructor. done. by destruct d'; try right. done.

Lemma ax_stmt_ex_pre `{Inhabited A} Δ J R (P : Aassert) Q s :
  (∀ x, Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P x }} s {{ Q }}) →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ ∃ x, P x }} s {{ Q }}.
  intros Hax n k [] m mf S' HΔ ? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
  * destruct Hpre as [x Hpre].
    feed destruct (Hax x n km mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    { by left. }
    right. constructor. done. by destruct d'. done.
  * destruct (_ : Inhabited A) as [x].
    feed destruct (Hax x n k (↷l) m mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    { by left. }
    right. constructor. done. by destruct d'. done.

Lemma ax_stmt_ex_post {A} Δ J R P (Q : Aassert) s x :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q x }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ ∃ x, Q x }}.
  intros Hax n k [] m mf S' HΔ ? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
  * feed destruct (Hax n km mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    { by left. }
    right. constructor. done. by destruct d'; try exists x. done.
  * feed destruct (Hax n k (↷l) m mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
    { by left. }
    right. constructor. done. by destruct d'; try exists x. done.

Lemma ax_stmt_ex_pre_alt {A} Δ R (P : Aassert) Q s :
  (∀ x, Δ \ (λ _, False) \ R ⊨ {{ P x }} s {{ Q }}) →
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ R ⊨ {{ ∃ x, P x }} s {{ Q }}.
  intros Hax n k [] m mf S' HΔ ? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
  destruct Hpre as [x Hpre].
  feed destruct (Hax x n km mf S') as [|m' ? [d' s' ??]]; auto.
  { by left. }
  right. constructor. done. by destruct d'. done.

Lemma ax_stmt_and_Prop_pre Δ R (A : Prop) P Q s :
  (A → Δ \ (λ _, False) \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}) →
  Δ \ (λ _, False) \ R ⊨ {{ P ∧ ⌜A⌝ }} s {{ Q }}.
  assert ((P ∧ ⌜ A ⌝)%A ≡ (∃ _ : A, P)%A) as HA by solve_assert.
  rewrite HA. apply ax_stmt_ex_pre_alt.

Lemma ax_stmt_top_weak Δ P P' R R' s :
  (∀ v, R vR' v) →
  P' ⊆ P
  Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ R }} →
  Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P' }} s {{ R' }}.
Proof. intros ??. rewrite !ax_stmt_top_unfold. apply ax_stmt_weak; auto. Qed.
Lemma ax_stmt_top_false_pre Δ R s :
  Δ ⊨ₜ {{ False }} s {{ R }}.
Proof. by intros ?? []. Qed.
Lemma ax_stmt_top_and_Prop_pre Δ (A : Prop) P Q s :
  (A → Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}) →
  Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P ∧ ⌜A⌝ }} s {{ Q }}.
Proof. apply ax_stmt_and_Prop_pre. Qed.

Rules for function calls

Lemma ax_call J R Δ f es Pf A (c : fcommon Pf) vs :
  MemIndep A
  Δ !! f = Some Pf
  (assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsfpre Pf c vs)%AA
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsfpre Pf c vs }}
                call f @ es
              {{ ∃ mv, Afpost Pf c vs mv }}.
  intros ? Hf HA n k [] m mf S' HΔ ? Hpre ? p; discriminate_down_up.

  specialize (HA _ _ Hpre).
  destruct Hpre as [Hvs Hpre].
  apply assert_forall2_correct in Hvs.

  inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. unfold_assert in Hvs.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_fun_P Pf c vs)
    (S n') (Call f vs) [CCall None f es] k
    m mf S') as [m' | m' ?? [? Hpost] ? _ p3].

  * intros. apply HΔ. done. by apply (stack_indep (get_stack k)).
  * done.
  * by apply bsteps_S.

  * left. done. by apply (red_subrel (δ⇒s{CCall None f es :: k}) _ _).
  * inv_csteps p3 as [| n'' ??? p3 p4 ].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p3. last_cstep p4.
    + constructor; auto. eexists _.
      split. by apply (mem_indep _ m). apply (stack_indep []), Hpost.
    + done.

Lemma ax_call_alt J R Δ f es Pf P (c : fcommon Pf) :
  (∀ vs, MemIndep (P vs)) →
  Δ !! f = Some Pf
  (∀ vs, (assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsfpre Pf c vs)%AP vs) →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ ∃ vs, assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsfpre Pf c vs }}
                call f @ es
              {{ ∃ vs mv, P vsfpost Pf c vs mv }}.
  intros. apply ax_stmt_ex_pre. intros vs. apply ax_stmt_ex_post with vs.
  auto using ax_call.

Lemma ax_call_Some J R Δ A B f e es Pf (c : fcommon Pf) vs a v Q :
  MemIndep B
  Δ !! f = Some Pf
  (assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsAfpre Pf c vs)%AB
  (∀ mv, (BAfpost Pf c vs mv)%A
    (eptr a ∧ ⌜ mv = Some v ⌝ ∧ ptr a↪- ∧ <[a:=v]>Q)%A) →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ assert_forall2 (⇓) es vsAfpre Pf c vs }}
                e ::= call f @ es
              {{ Q }}.
  setoid_rewrite (commutative (★) A)%A.
  intros ? Hf HB HQ n k [] m mf S' HΔ ? Hpre ? p; discriminate_down_up.

  specialize (HB _ _ Hpre).
  destruct Hpre as (Hvs & m1 & m2 & ?&?&Hpre&HA); subst.
  apply assert_forall2_correct in Hvs.

  inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
  { left. solve_mem_disjoint. solve_cred. }

  inv_cstep p1. unfold_assert in Hvs.
  decompose_map_disjoint. simplify_expr_eval.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_fun_P Pf c vs)
    (S n') (Call f vs) [CCall (Some e) f es] k
    m1 (m2mf) S') as [m' ??? Hred | m' ?? [? Hpost] ? _ p3].

  * intros. apply HΔ. done. by apply (stack_indep (get_stack k)).
  * solve_mem_disjoint.
  * rewrite (associative_eq _). by apply bsteps_S.

  * rewrite !(associative_eq (∪)) in Hred |- *. left.
    + solve_mem_disjoint.
    + by apply (red_subrel (δ⇒s{CCall (Some e) f es :: k}) _ _).
  * decompose_map_disjoint.
    edestruct HQ as (?&?& (a'& v'' &?&?)&?).
    { split; [eapply mem_indep; eauto |].
      exists m' m2. repeat split.
      + solve_mem_disjoint.
      + eapply (stack_indep _). eauto.
      + eassumption. }
    unfold_assert in *; simplify_option_equality.
    rewrite (associative_eq _) in p3.
    inv_csteps p3 as [| n'' ??? p3 p4 ].
    { left. solve_mem_disjoint. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p3. last_cstep p4.

    simplify_expr_eval. rewrite insert_union_l.
    + constructor. done. simpl. done.
    + eapply finmap_disjoint_insert_l. split; [| solve_mem_disjoint].
      eapply finmap_disjoint_Some_l; [| eassumption].

Lemma ax_stmt_packed_add_funs Δ Δ' s Pd :
  (∀ f Pf, Δ' !! f = Some Pfis_Some (δ !! f)) →
  (∀ f Pf sf c vs,
    Δ' !! f = Some Pf
    δ !! f = Some sf
    Δ' ∪ Δ ⊨ₜ {{ Π imapi v, var ival v) vsfpre Pf c vs }}
    {{ λ mv, Π imapi _, var i ↦ -) vsfpost Pf c vs mv }}) →
  ax_stmt_packed (Δ' ∪ Δ) s Pd
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s Pd.
  intros HΔ' HaxΔ'. revert s.
  cut (∀ f Pf sf n c vs m mf m' k bs S',
   Δ' !! f = Some Pf
   δ !! f = Some sf
   ax_funs n (Δ' ∪ Δ) →
   alloc_params (mmf) bs vs m' →
   (fpre Pf c vs) (get_stack k) m
   δ ⊢ State (CParams bs :: k) (Stmtsf) m' ⇒s{k}^n S' →
   ax_valid (ax_fun_P Pf c vs) k mf S').

  { intros help s Hax n k d m mf S' HΔ.
    eapply Hax. clear d s Pd k m mf S' Hax.
   induction n as [n IH] using lt_wf_ind.
   intros f' Pf' c vs m mf k S' Hf' ?? p.
   rewrite lookup_union_Some_raw in Hf'.
   destruct Hf' as [? | [_ ?]]; [| eapply HΔ; eauto ].

   feed inversion (HΔ' f' Pf'); subst; trivial.
   inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
   { left. done. solve_cred. }

   inv_cstep p1.
   apply (ax_funs_weaken n') in HΔ; [| omega].
   eapply help; eauto. }

  intros f Pf sf n c vs m mf m' k bs S3 ???? Hparams Hpre p1.

  apply alloc_params_insert_list in Hparams.
  destruct Hparams as [? [??]]; subst.
  rewrite insert_list_union, (associative_eq (∪)) in p1.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack_top
      (Π imapi v, var ival v) vsfpre Pf c vs)
      (λ mv, Π imapi _, var i ↦ -) vsfpost Pf c vs mv)))%A
    n (Stmtsf) [CParams bs] k
    (finmap_of_list (zip bs vs) ∪ m)
    mf S3) as [m' | m' ? S2 [??? Hpost] ? _ p2].

  * intros. eapply HaxΔ'; eauto.
    simpl. rewrite <-insert_list_union.
    apply assert_alloc_params_alt; auto.
  * solve_mem_disjoint.
  * done.

  * left. done. by apply (red_subrel (δ⇒s{CParams bs :: k}) _ _).
  * inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3 ].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p2.
    + last_cstep p3.
      rewrite finmap_union_delete_list, (delete_list_notin mf)
       by by apply is_free_list_free.
      - constructor. apply assert_free_params with vs; eauto with mem.
      - by auto with mem.
    + last_cstep p3.
      rewrite finmap_union_delete_list, (delete_list_notin mf)
       by by apply is_free_list_free.
      - constructor. apply assert_free_params with vs; eauto with mem.
      - by auto with mem.

Lemma ax_stmt_add_funs Δ Δ' J R P Q s :
  (∀ f Pf, Δ' !! f = Some Pfis_Some (δ !! f)) →
  (∀ f Pf sf c vs,
    Δ' !! f = Some Pf
    δ !! f = Some sf
    Δ' ∪ Δ ⊨ₜ {{ Π imapi v, var ival v) vsfpre Pf c vs }}
    {{ λ mv, Π imapi _, var i ↦ -) vsfpost Pf c vs mv }}) →
  Δ' ∪ Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}.
Proof. apply ax_stmt_packed_add_funs. Qed.

Structural rules

Lemma ax_skip Δ J R P : Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} skip {{ P }}.
  intros n k d m mf S' ???? p.
  inv_csteps p as [| ???? p1 p2].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. last_cstep p2.
  right. by constructor. done.

Lemma ax_goto Δ J R Q l : Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ J l }} goto l {{ Q }}.
  intros n k d m mf S' ???? p.
  inv_csteps p as [| ???? p1 p2].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. last_cstep p2.
  right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

Lemma ax_return_None Δ J R Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ R None }} ret None {{ Q }}.
  intros n k d m mf S' ???? p.
  inv_csteps p as [| ???? p1 p2 ].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. last_cstep p2.
  right. by constructor. done.

Lemma ax_return_Some Δ J R e v Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ evR (Some v) }} ret (Some e) {{ Q }}.
  intros n k [] m mf S' ?? Hpre ? p; discriminate_down_up.
  destruct Hpre as [??]. unfold_assert in *.
  inv_csteps p as [| ???? p1 p2 ].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. last_cstep p2.
  right. by constructor. done.

Lemma ax_return_Some_alt Δ J R e Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ ∃ v, evR (Some v) }} ret (Some e) {{ Q }}.
Proof. apply ax_stmt_ex_pre. intro v. auto using ax_return_Some. Qed.

Lemma ax_assign Δ J R e1 e2 a v Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ e1ptr ae2vptr a ↪ - ∧ <[a:=v]>Q }}
               e1 ::= e2
              {{ Q }}.
  intros n k [] m mf S' ?? Hpre ? p; discriminate_down_up.
  destruct Hpre as (? & ? & (a'&v'&?&?) & ?).
  unfold_assert in *. simplify_option_equality.
  inv_csteps p as [| ???? p1 p2 ].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }
  inv_cstep p1. last_cstep p2.
  simplify_expr_eval. rewrite insert_union_l.
  * by constructor.
  * apply finmap_disjoint_insert_l. split; [|solve_mem_disjoint].
    eauto using finmap_disjoint_Some_l.

Lemma ax_assign_alt Δ J R e1 e2 Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ ∃ a v, e1ptr ae2vptr a ↪ - ∧ <[a:=v]>Q }}
               e1 ::= e2
              {{ Q }}.
  apply ax_stmt_ex_pre. intro a. apply ax_stmt_ex_pre. intro v.
  auto using ax_assign.

Lemma ax_assign_sep Δ J R e1 e2 P w :
  expr_load_free e1
  P ⊆ (e2w)%A
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ e1 ↦ - ★ P }} e1 ::= e2 {{ e1val wP }}.
  intros ? HP. eapply ax_stmt_weak_pre, ax_assign_alt.
  intros ρ ? (?&m2&?&?& (a1&v1&?&?) & ?); subst.
  exists a1 w. repeat split.
  * unfold_assert. eapply expr_eval_weaken_mem with {[(a1, v1)]};
      eauto using finmap_subseteq_union_l.
  * do 2 red in HP. unfold_assert in *.
    apply expr_eval_weaken_mem with m2;
      eauto using finmap_subseteq_union_r.
  * exists a1 v1. unfold_assert. by simpl_map.
  * eexists {[(a1, w)]}, m2. repeat split; auto.
    + by rewrite insert_union_l, insert_singleton.
    + solve_mem_disjoint.
    + exists a1 w. simpl. repeat split.
      erewrite expr_load_free_mem_indep; eauto.

Lemma ax_assign_load_sep Δ J R e1 e2 P p w :
  expr_load_free e1
  expr_load_free p
  P ⊆ (e2w)%A
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ e1pp ↦ - ★ P }}
                load e1 ::= e2
              {{ e1ppval wP }}.
  intros ?? HP. eapply ax_stmt_weak_pre, ax_assign_alt.
  intros ρ ? (?&?&?&?& (a1&v1&He1&Hp&?) & ?&m2&?&?&(a2&v2&Hp'&?)&?).
  rewrite (expr_load_free_mem_indep _ _ ∅) in He1 by done.
  rewrite (expr_load_free_mem_indep _ _ ∅) in Hp by done.
  rewrite (expr_load_free_mem_indep _ _ ∅) in Hp' by done.
  simplify_option_equality. exists a2 w. repeat split.
  * unfold_assert.
    rewrite (expr_load_free_mem_indep _ _ ∅) by done.
    simplify_option_equality. by simplify_mem_equality.
  * unfold_assert. rewrite (associative (∪)).
    apply expr_eval_weaken_mem with m2.
    apply finmap_subseteq_union_r. solve_mem_disjoint. by apply HP.
  * exists a2 v2. unfold_assert. by simplify_map_equality.
  * decompose_map_disjoint.
    eexists {[(a1, ptr a2)]}%V, ({[(a2, w)]} ∪ m2). repeat split; auto.
    + simplify_map_equality.
      rewrite insert_union_r, insert_union_l, insert_singleton; [done |].
      rewrite lookup_singleton_None. auto.
    + simplify_mem_equality.
      rewrite finmap_disjoint_union_r. split; [| solve_mem_disjoint].
      apply finmap_disjoint_singleton_l, lookup_singleton_None; auto.
    + exists a1 (ptr a2)%V. simpl.
      repeat split; erewrite expr_load_free_mem_indep; eauto.
    + eexists {[(a2, w)]}, m2. repeat split; auto.
      solve_mem_disjoint. exists a2 w. simpl. repeat split.
      erewrite expr_load_free_mem_indep; eauto.

Lemma ax_block_packed Δ Pd s :
  ax_stmt_packed Δ s ((λ P, var O ↦ - ★ P↑)%A <$> Pd) →
  ax_stmt_packed Δ (block s) Pd.
  intros Hax n k d m mf S5. revert n d m.
  cut (∀ n d m b v,
   ax_funs n Δ →
   is_free (mmf) b
   δ ⊢ State (CBlock b :: k) (Stmt d s) (<[b:=v]>(mmf)) ⇒s{k}^n S5
   down d s
   Pd d (get_stack k) m
   ax_valid (ax_stmt_P Pd) k mf S5).

  { intros help n d m ???? p.
    inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p1; eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. }

  intros n1 d1 m1 b v ??? p1 ? Hpre.
  decompose_is_free. rewrite insert_union_l in p1.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_stmt_P ((λ P, var O ↦ - ★ P↑)%A <$> Pd))
    n1 (Stmt d1 s) [CBlock b] k
    (<[b:=v]>m1) mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ? Hpost] ? p p2]; auto.

  * intros. apply Hax; auto.
    rewrite directed_fmap_spec. by apply assert_alloc.
  * solve_mem_disjoint.

  * left. done. solve_cred.
  * apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
    rewrite directed_fmap_spec in Hpost. simpl in Hpost.
    apply assert_free in Hpost. destruct Hpost.
    inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
    + last_cstep p3. rewrite finmap_union_delete, (delete_notin mf).
      right. by constructor. solve_mem_disjoint. done.
    + last_cstep p3. rewrite finmap_union_delete, (delete_notin mf).
      right. by constructor. solve_mem_disjoint. done.
    + last_cstep p3. rewrite finmap_union_delete, (delete_notin mf).
      right. by constructor. solve_mem_disjoint. done.

Lemma ax_block Δ J R P Q s :
  Δ \ (λ l, var O ↦ - ★ J l↑) \ (λ v, var O ↦ - ★ R v↑) ⊨
    {{ var O ↦ - ★ P↑ }} s {{ var O ↦ - ★ Q↑ }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} block s {{ Q }}.
Proof. intros. by apply ax_block_packed. Qed.

Lemma ax_label Δ J R l s Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ J l }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ J l }} l :; s {{ Q }}.
  intros Hax n k d m mf S5. revert n d m.
  cut (∀ n d m,
   ax_funs n Δ →
   δ ⊢ State (CItem (l :; □) :: k) (Stmt d s) (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S5
   down d s
   dassert_pack (J l) Q R J d (get_stack k) m
   ax_valid (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (J l) Q R J)) k mf S5).

  { intros help n d m ???? p.
    inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p1; eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. }

  induction n as [n1 IH] using lt_wf_ind.
  intros d1 m1 ?? p1 ??.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (J l) Q R J))
    n1 (Stmt d1 s) [CItem (l :;□)] k
    m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ??] ? p p2]; auto.
  { left. done. solve_cred. }

  apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
  inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }

  inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
  * last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
  * last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
  * match goal with
    | _ : ?l' ∉ labels s |- _ => destruct (decide (l' = l))
    end; subst.
    + inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
      { left. done. solve_cred. }
      inv_cstep p3. eapply (IH n4); eauto with ax.
    + last_cstep p3. right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

Lemma ax_label_alt Δ J Jl R l s Q :
  JlJ l
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ J l }} s {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ Jl }} l :; s {{ Q }}.
Proof. eauto using ax_stmt_weak_pre, ax_label. Qed.

Lemma ax_while Δ J R P e s :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ etrueP }} s {{ e⇓- ∧ P }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ e⇓- ∧ P }} while (e) s {{ efalseP }}.
  intros Hax n k d m mf S5. revert n d m.
  cut (∀ n d m,
   ax_funs n Δ →
   δ ⊢ State (CItem (while (e) □) :: k) (Stmt d s) (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S5
   down d s
   dassert_pack (etrueP) (e⇓- ∧ P) R J d (get_stack k) m
   ax_valid (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (e⇓- ∧ P) (efalseP) R J)) k mf S5).

  { intros help n [] m ?? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
    * destruct Hpre as [[v Hv] ?]. unfold_assert in Hv.
      inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
      { left. done. destruct (value_true_false_dec v); solve_cred. }
      inv_cstep p1; simplify_expr_eval.
      + eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. solve_assert.
      + last_cstep p2.
        right. constructor; solve_assert. done.
    * inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
      { left. done. solve_cred. }
      inv_cstep. eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. }

  induction n as [n1 IH] using lt_wf_ind.
  intros d1 m1 ?? p1 ??.

  feed destruct (ax_split
    (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (etrueP) (e⇓- ∧ P) R J))
    n1 (Stmt d1 s) [CItem (while (e) □)] k
    m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ? Hpost] ? p p2]; auto.
  { left. done. solve_cred. }

  apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
  inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
  { left. done. solve_cred. }

  inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
  * destruct Hpost as [[v Hv] ?]. unfold_assert in Hv.
    inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
    { left. done. destruct (value_true_false_dec v); solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p3; simplify_expr_eval.
    + eapply (IH n4); eauto with ax. solve_assert.
    + last_cstep p4.
      right. constructor; solve_assert. done.
  * last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
  * last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.

Lemma ax_comp Δ J R sl sr P P' Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} sl {{ P' }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P' }} sr {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} sl ;; sr {{ Q }}.
  intros Haxl Haxr n k d m mf S5. revert n d m.
  cut (∀ n d m,
   ax_funs n Δ →
   (δ ⊢ State (CItem (□ ;; sr) :: k) (Stmt d sl) (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S5
     ∧ down d sl
     ∧ dassert_pack P P' R J d (get_stack k) m)
   ∨ (δ ⊢ State (CItem (sl ;; □) :: k) (Stmt d sr) (mmf) ⇒s{k}^n S5
     ∧ down d sr
     ∧ dassert_pack P' Q R J d (get_stack k) m) →
   ax_valid (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack P Q R J)) k mf S5).

  { intros help n d m ???? p.
    inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }
    inv_cstep p1; eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. }

  induction n as [n1 IH] using lt_wf_ind.
  intros d1 m1 ?? [[p1 [??]] | [p1 [??]]].

  * feed destruct (ax_split
      (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack P P' R J))
      n1 (Stmt d1 sl) [CItem (□;;sr)] k
      m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ??] ? p p2]; auto.
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
    inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
    + eapply (IH n3); intuition eauto with ax.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + match goal with
      | _ : ?llabels sl |- _ => destruct (decide (llabels sr))
      end; subst.
      - inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
        { left. done. solve_cred. }
        inv_cstep p3. eapply (IH n4); intuition eauto with ax.
      - last_cstep p3. right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

  * feed destruct (ax_split
      (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack P' Q R J))
      n1 (Stmt d1 sr) [CItem (sl;;□)] k
      m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ??] ? p p2]; auto.
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
    inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + match goal with
      | _ : ?llabels sr |- _ => destruct (decide (llabels sl))
      end; subst.
      - inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
        { left. done. solve_cred. }
        inv_cstep p3. eapply (IH n4); intuition eauto with ax.
      - last_cstep p3. right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

Lemma ax_if Δ J R e sl sr P Q :
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ etrueP }} sl {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ efalseP }} sr {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ e⇓- ∧ P }} IF e then sl else sr {{ Q }}.
  intros Haxl Haxr n k d m mf S5. revert n d m.
  cut (∀ n d m,
   ax_funs n Δ →
   (δ ⊢ State (CItem (IF e thenelse sr) :: k) (Stmt d sl) (mmf)
         ⇒s{k}^n S5
     ∧ down d sl
     ∧ dassert_pack (etrueP)%A Q R J d (get_stack k) m)
   ∨ (δ ⊢ State (CItem (IF e then sl else □) :: k) (Stmt d sr) (mmf)
           ⇒s{k}^n S5
     ∧ down d sr
     ∧ dassert_pack (efalseP)%A Q R J d (get_stack k) m) →
   ax_valid (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (e⇓- ∧ P)%A Q R J)) k mf S5).

  { intros help n [] m ?? Hpre ? p; try contradiction.
    * destruct Hpre as [[v Hv] ?]. unfold_assert in Hv.
      inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
      { left. done. destruct (value_true_false_dec v); solve_cred. }
      inv_cstep p1; simplify_expr_eval; eapply (help n');
        eauto with ax; [left|right]; repeat split; solve_assert.
    * inv_csteps p as [| n' ??? p1 p2].
      { left. done. solve_cred. }
      inv_cstep p1; eapply (help n'); eauto with ax. }

  induction n as [n1 IH] using lt_wf_ind.
  intros d1 m1 ?? [[p1 [??]] | [p1 [??]]].

  * feed destruct (ax_split
      (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (etrueP)%A Q R J))
      n1 (Stmt d1 sl) [CItem (IF e thenelse sr)] k
      m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ??] ? p p2]; auto.
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
    inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + match goal with
      | _ : ?llabels sl |- _ => destruct (decide (llabels sr))
      end; subst.
      - inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
        { left. done. solve_cred. }
        inv_cstep p3. eapply (IH n4); intuition eauto with ax.
      - last_cstep p3. right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

  * feed destruct (ax_split
      (ax_stmt_P (dassert_pack (efalseP)%A Q R J))
      n1 (Stmt d1 sr) [CItem (IF e then sl else □)] k
      m1 mf S5) as [m2 | m2 ? S5 [d2 s2 ??] ? p p2]; auto.
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    apply cstep_bsteps_preserves_stmt in p. subst s2.
    inv_csteps p2 as [| n3 ? S3 ? p2 p3].
    { left. done. solve_cred. }

    inv_cstep p2; try solve_stmt_elem_of.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + last_cstep p3. right. by constructor. done.
    + match goal with
      | _ : ?llabels sr |- _ => destruct (decide (llabels sl))
      end; subst.
      - inv_csteps p3 as [| n4 ? S4 ? p3 p4].
        { left. done. solve_cred. }
        inv_cstep p3. eapply (IH n4); intuition eauto with ax.
      - last_cstep p3. right. constructor; solve_elem_of. done.

Lemma ax_if_alt Δ J R e sl sr P Q :
  P ⊆ (e⇓-)%A
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ etrueP }} sl {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ efalseP }} sr {{ Q }} →
  Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} IF e then sl else sr {{ Q }}.
  intros. assert (P ≡ (e⇓- ∧ P))%A as HP by solve_assert.
  rewrite HP. by apply ax_if.

End axiomatic.

Instance: Params (@ax_stmt_packed) 2.
Instance: Params (@ax_stmt) 2.
Instance: Params (@ax_stmt_top) 2.

Notation fassert_env := (funmap fassert).
Notation dassert := (directed assert).
Notation dassert_pack P Q R J := (@directed_pack assert P%A Q%A R%A J%A).

Notation "δ \ Δ \ J \ R ⊨ {{ P }} s {{ Q }}" :=
  (ax_stmt δ Δ J%A R%A P%A s%S Q%A)
  (at level 74, Δ at next level, J at next level, R at next level,
   format "δ \ Δ \ J \ R ⊨ '[' {{ P }} '/' s '/' {{ Q }} ']'").
Notation "δ \ Δ ⊨ₜ {{ P }} s {{ R }}" :=
  (ax_stmt_top δ Δ P%A s%S R%A)
  (at level 74, Δ at next level,
   format "δ \ Δ ⊨ₜ '[' {{ P }} '/' s '/' {{ R }} ']'").