Module values_separation
Require Export values memory_trees_separation.
Section values.
Context `{
EnvSpec K}.
Implicit Types Γ :
env K.
Implicit Types Δ :
memenv K.
Implicit Types τ :
type K.
Implicit Types γ :
Implicit Types γ
s :
list perm.
Implicit Types w :
mtree K.
Implicit Types v :
val K.
Implicit Types vs :
list (
val K).
Hint Resolve Forall2_take Forall2_drop Forall_take Forall_drop Forall_app_2
Forall_replicate Forall_resize.
Hint Immediate env_valid_lookup env_valid_lookup_lookup.
Local Arguments union _ _ !
_ !
_ /.
Ltac solve_length :=
repeat first
rewrite take_length |
rewrite drop_length |
rewrite app_length
rewrite resize_length |
rewrite fmap_length |
rewrite replicate_length
erewrite ctree_flatten_length by eauto|
erewrite val_flatten_length by eauto
rewrite zip_with_length |
erewrite base_val_flatten_length by eauto
match goal with
H :
Forall2 _ _ _ |-
_ =>
apply Forall2_length in H
| |-
context [
bit_size_of ?Γ ?τ ] =>
match goal with
H : Γ !! ?
t =
Some ?τ
H2 : ?τ
s !!
_ =
Some τ |-
_ =>
unless (
bit_size_of Γ τ ≤
bit_size_of Γ (
unionT t))
by done;
assert (
bit_size_of Γ τ ≤
bit_size_of Γ (
unionT t))
by eauto using bit_size_of_union_lookup
H : Γ !! ?
t =
Some [?τ] |-
_ =>
unless (
bit_size_of Γ τ ≤
bit_size_of Γ (
unionT t))
by done;
assert (
bit_size_of Γ τ ≤
bit_size_of Γ (
unionT t))
by eauto using bit_size_of_union_singleton
Hint Extern 0 (
length _ =
_) =>
Hint Extern 0 (
length _ ≠
_) =>
Lemma to_val_subseteq Γ Δ
w1 w2 τ :
✓ Γ → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
w1 : τ →
w1 ⊆
w2 →
ctree_Forall (
not ∘
w1 →
to_val Γ
w1 =
to_val Γ
intros ? Hw1 Hw. revert w1 w2 Hw τ Hw1.
refine (ctree_subseteq_ind_alt _ _ _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
* intros; by erewrite pbits_tag_subseteq by eauto.
* intros τ ws1 ws2 _ IH τ' Hw1; apply (ctree_typed_inv_l _ _ _ _ _ Hw1);
clear τ' Hw1; intros Hws1 _ ?; f_equal.
induction IH; decompose_Forall_hyps; f_equal; eauto.
* intros t wγbs1 wγbs2 _ IH _ τ' Hw1; apply (ctree_typed_inv_l _ _ _ _ _ Hw1);
clear τ' Hw1; intros τs _ Hws1 _ _ _ ?; f_equal.
revert τs Hws1; induction IH; intros; decompose_Forall_hyps; f_equal; eauto.
* intros t i w1 w2 γbs1 γbs2 _ ? _ _ τ' Hw1;
apply (ctree_typed_inv_l _ _ _ _ _ Hw1); clear τ' Hw1.
intros; decompose_Forall_hyps; f_equal'; eauto.
* intros; by erewrite pbits_tag_subseteq by eauto.
* intros t i γs1 w2 γs2 _ Hγs _ _ τ' Hw1;
apply (ctree_typed_inv_l _ _ _ _ _ Hw1); clear τ' Hw1.
intros. assert (bit_size_of Γ (unionT t) ≠ 0)
by eauto using bit_size_of_ne_0, TCompound_valid.
destruct Hγs; decompose_Forall_hyps.
Lemma of_val_disjoint Γ Δ γ
s1 γ
s2 v τ :
✓ Γ → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
v : τ →
length γ
s1 =
bit_size_of Γ τ → γ
s1 ⊥* γ
s2 →
Forall (
not ∘
sep_unmapped) γ
s1 →
Forall (
not ∘
sep_unmapped) γ
s2 →
of_val Γ γ
s1 v ⊥
of_val Γ γ
s2 v.
intros HΓ Hv. revert v τ Hv γs1 γs2.
assert (∀ γs (bs : list (bit K)),
Forall sep_unmapped (zip_with PBit γs bs) →
length γs ≠ 0 → length bs = length γs → Forall (not ∘ sep_unmapped) γs →
{ unfold sep_unmapped at 1; simpl.
intros ????; rewrite <-Forall2_same_length;
destruct 1; intros; decompose_Forall_hyps; naive_solver. }
refine (val_typed_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
* constructor; auto using PBits_disjoint.
* intros vs τ Hvs IH _ γs1 γs2 Hlen Hγs Hγs1 Hγs2; constructor.
rewrite bit_size_of_array in Hlen. revert γs1 γs2 Hlen Hγs Hγs1 Hγs2.
induction IH; decompose_Forall_hyps; simplify_type_equality';
constructor; rewrite ?zip_with_take,?zip_with_drop; auto.
* intros t vs τs Ht Hvs IH γs1 γs2 Hlen Hγs Hγs1 Hγs2.
erewrite bit_size_of_struct in Hlen by eauto; clear Ht.
erewrite fmap_type_of by eauto; unfold field_bit_padding.
constructor; revert vs γs1 γs2 Hvs IH Hlen Hγs Hγs1 Hγs2;
induction (bit_size_of_fields _ τs HΓ); intros; decompose_Forall_hyps;
simplify_type_equality; constructor; simpl;
rewrite ?zip_with_drop, ?zip_with_take; auto using PBits_BIndet_disjoint.
* intros; simplify_type_equality.
assert (bit_size_of Γ τ ≠ 0) by eauto using bit_size_of_ne_0.
erewrite ?zip_with_take, ?zip_with_drop, ?ctree_flatten_of_val by eauto;
auto using PBits_BIndet_disjoint; intros [??]; eauto.
* constructor; auto using PBits_disjoint.
Lemma of_val_union Γ γ
s1 γ
s2 v :
of_val Γ (γ
s1 ∪* γ
v =
of_val Γ γ
s1 v ∪
of_val Γ γ
s2 v.
revert v γs1 γs2. refine (val_ind_alt _ _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
* intros; f_equal; auto using PBits_union.
* intros τ vs IH γs1 γs2; f_equal. revert γs1 γs2.
induction IH; intros; f_equal'; rewrite ?zip_with_take,?zip_with_drop; auto.
* intros s vs IH γs1 γs2; f_equal. revert γs1 γs2.
generalize (field_bit_padding Γ (type_of <$> vs)).
induction IH; intros [|??] ??; repeat f_equal';
rewrite ?zip_with_drop, ?zip_with_take; auto using PBits_BIndet_union.
* intros; f_equal;
rewrite ?zip_with_take, ?zip_with_drop; auto using PBits_BIndet_union.
* intros; f_equal; auto using PBits_union.
Lemma of_val_flatten_disjoint Γ Δ
w1 w2 v τ :
✓ Γ → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
w1 : τ →
ctree_unshared w1 →
ctree_Forall (
not ∘
w1 → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
v : τ →
w1 ⊥
w2 →
of_val Γ (
tagged_perm <$>
ctree_flatten w1)
v ⊥
intros. assert (ctree_unmapped w2) by eauto using @ctree_unshared_unmapped.
assert ((Γ,Δ) ⊢ w2 : τ) by eauto using ctree_disjoint_typed.
assert (union_free w2)
by eauto using union_free_unmapped, ctree_typed_sep_valid.
erewrite <-(union_free_reset w2), <-ctree_unflatten_flatten by eauto.
assert (Forall (not ∘ sep_unmapped) (tagged_perm <$> ctree_flatten w1)).
{ apply pbits_perm_mapped; eauto using
Forall_impl, ctree_flatten_valid, pbit_valid_sep_valid. }
symmetry; eapply ctree_flatten_unflatten_disjoint; eauto using
of_val_typed, pbits_valid_perm_valid, ctree_flatten_valid.
symmetry; erewrite ctree_flatten_of_val by eauto.
eauto using PBits_perm_disjoint, @ctree_flatten_disjoint.
Lemma ctree_merge_union_of_val Γ Δ γ
s1 γ
s2 v τ :
✓ Γ → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
v : τ →
Forall sep_valid γ
s1 →
Forall (
not ∘
sep_unmapped) γ
s1 →
length γ
s1 =
bit_size_of Γ τ →
of_val Γ (γ
s1 ∪* γ
ctree_merge (∪) (
of_val Γ γ
s1 v) (
flip PBit BIndet <$> γ
intros HΓ Hv. revert v τ Hv γs1 γs2.
refine (val_typed_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
* intros; f_equal; auto using PBits_BIndet_union_r.
* intros vs τ Hvs IH _ γs1 γs2 Hγs1 Hγs1'. rewrite bit_size_of_array.
intros Hlen; f_equal. revert γs1 γs2 Hγs1 Hγs1' Hlen.
induction IH; intros; decompose_Forall_hyps; simplify_type_equality; auto.
erewrite zip_with_take, zip_with_drop, <-fmap_take, <-fmap_drop,
ctree_flatten_length by eauto using of_val_typed. f_equal; auto.
* intros t vs τs Ht Hvs IH γs1 γs2 Hγs1 Hγs1'.
erewrite bit_size_of_struct by eauto; intros Hlen; f_equal.
unfold field_bit_padding; erewrite fmap_type_of by eauto.
clear Ht. revert vs γs1 γs2 Hvs IH Hγs1 Hγs1' Hlen.
induction (bit_size_of_fields _ τs HΓ); intros;
decompose_Forall_hyps; simplify_type_equality; auto.
erewrite !zip_with_drop, !zip_with_take, <-!fmap_drop, <-!fmap_take,
ctree_flatten_length, fmap_length, take_length, drop_length,
Min.min_l, PBits_BIndet_union by (eauto using of_val_typed; lia);
repeat f_equal; eauto 6.
* intros t i τs v τ ??? IH γs1 γs2 ???; simplify_type_equality'.
by erewrite zip_with_take, zip_with_drop, <-fmap_take, <-fmap_drop, IH,
ctree_flatten_length, PBits_BIndet_union by eauto using of_val_typed.
* intros; f_equal; auto using PBits_BIndet_union_r.
Lemma of_val_flatten_union Γ Δ
w1 w2 v τ :
✓ Γ → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
w1 : τ →
ctree_unshared w1 →
ctree_Forall (
not ∘
w1 → (Γ,Δ) ⊢
v : τ →
w1 ⊥
w2 →
of_val Γ (
tagged_perm <$>
ctree_flatten (
w1 ∪
of_val Γ (
tagged_perm <$>
ctree_flatten w1)
v ∪
intros. assert (ctree_unmapped w2).
{ eapply seps_disjoint_unshared_unmapped; eauto using @ctree_flatten_disjoint. }
assert (Forall (not ∘ sep_unmapped) (tagged_perm <$> ctree_flatten w1)).
{ apply pbits_perm_mapped; eauto using
Forall_impl, ctree_flatten_valid, pbit_valid_sep_valid. }
rewrite ctree_flatten_union, pbits_perm_union by done.
by erewrite ctree_merge_union_of_val, PBits_BIndet_tag, ctree_merge_flatten
by eauto using of_val_flatten_disjoint,
pbits_valid_perm_valid, ctree_flatten_valid.
End values.